Jake Neuman

Angela Merkel, while running for reelection as the German Chancellor in 2013, became the first Chancellor to visit the Dachau Nazi concentration camp. There she warned of the dangers of far-right extremism, pointing to the German lessons as an example for all of Europe.

“How could Germans go so far as to deny people human dignity and the right to live based on their race, religion, their political persuasion or their sexual orientation?” she said in a somber ceremony on the wide plaza where inmates once assembled daily for roll call.

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Totalitarian regimes mask their criminal brutality by surrounding their leaders with happy smiling faces. On May 1st, May Day under Communist dictatorships, block leaders would go through apartment buildings under their control to ensure that all residents were on the streets yelling and cheering to celebrate the Communist paradise.

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President Obama said, ‘The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam’

Well Mr. President, if mankind is to survive with its humanity and dignity, then future must not belong to Muhammad and his Islam.

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Nihad Awad, executive director and founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, declared that the Nairobi Mall Massacre was "An attack on my religion". He also compared the al-Shabaab Muslim Jihadis with Islamophobes by saying:

“The common denominator between the extremists and advocates of Islamophobia (creating fear of Islam) is that both believe that a perverted view of Islam is the foundation of religion.”

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You are a good moderate Muslim living in the land of the kafirs. One day you entered a busy shopping mall. As you are browsing around, suddenly the air is filled with thunderous explosions followed by booms of gunshots. For a moment you don't know what to make of all this. You would perhaps think it is some kind of sinful kafir celebration, or maybe the mall is celebrating its 20th year of operation.

Suddenly the sound of gunshots comes closer and you see hundreds of kafirs are scurrying for cover like the cockroaches – yelling and screaming in fear and terror. You see some of the kafirs get hit by bullets and fall on the floor with blood pouring out of their wounds. For some, heads are blown off, stomachs are torn open.

You wonder maybe a gun-trotting crazy kafir gone berserk again and you start running, risking yourself of being shot by the murderer on rampage.

Then suddenly you hear the screams of “Allahu Akbar” as the murderers unleash their bullets.

Just stop.

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