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There are way too many reason to nullify Muhammad's claim of being a prophet of God. Here are 10 reasons:

  1. No extraordinary natural signs before birth of Muhammad, or predictions from past religious characters about arrival of Muhammad to save the world.
  2. Islam did not exist at the time Muhammad was born. He was born to an idolater family and that’s what he followed all his childhood and teenage. That means, Muhammad, born as a Qafir (Infidel), spent 70% of his life as a proud infidel before he invented Islam.
  3. His first marriage was with a Jewish woman and not with any Muslimah. So, which religious rites were followed at his marriage ceremony with a Jewish woman if Islam wasn’t yet born? Certainly, a Jewish style marriage ceremony! Even the Quran doesn’t mention anything about the Islamic ceremony of Prophet Muhammad’s first marriage. That simply shows that even Muhammad didn’t have any idea of the existence of Islam or his prophecy.
  4. If Muhammad was an adorable prophet sent by Allah, then why didn't he reveal the truth about Islam, when he was a child or when he got young? Why did he waste 40 years of his life as a non-Muslim idolater? If his purpose of coming in this world was only to reveal Islam and preach it to people, then why he had to wait until more than half of his life, living like a common man and practicing idol-worship?
  5. Almost all the rituals and rules of Islam mentioned in the Quran are copied from Judaism, which shows how deeply Muhammad was inspired by Judaism and attracted towards the Torah. So, he found copying and pasting from the Torah into his Quran was the easiest way to invent a new religion.
  6. Muhammad spread Islam on the point of the sword and not with love and preaching. His strategy was to rule at any price.
  7. Muhammad killed poor, innocent and helpless people, which can’t be justified in any sense as act of a holy prophet.
  8. How to call Muhammad a holy prophet, when he sexually abused uncountable number of women, including sometimes ridiculously shamefully, like his marriage with minor Aisha and his own daughter-in-law Zainab. That proves that Muhammad was just another powerful dictator, who knew very well how to take advantage of his power and abuse everyone, anywhere and in any way.
  9. Muhammad never performed any miracle, which is expected of a prophet. Instead of helping the suffering people, he used to destroy well-settled, peaceful communities, capturing their lands and making the captured children and women slave.
  10. In his life, Muhammad did immense harm to humanity but that was not enough for his satanic mind. So, before dying, he left the messages of Jihad to his followers for conquering the whole world, all of humanity, in the name of Islam, which continues causing great sufferings to our lives to this day. Wouldn't a true prophet sacrifice his own life for his people, instead of destroying lives on every flimsy excuses? It shows that Muhammad was not a prophet – neither in life nor in death.

It is hard to find a holy personality in other religions, who committed atrocious crimes like those of Muhammad. Let’s have a look at some other famous religious characters from history:

Jesus Christ: He didn’t initiate any war, never killed innocent people, and didn’t abuse women like Muhammad. He has not left any question mark on his character before leaving this world.

Budha: A man who left his home, luxury life and all the advantages he could have because of his rich background, just because he was really looking for truth and peace and make them reach to the humanity, which he did without putting sword on anyone’s neck. That’s like a truly holy personality.

Ram: Even in Hinduism, Rama, the god of the idol-worshipping Hindus was a much better example than Muhammad, who spent many years of his life in jungles, leaving behind his entire luxurious kingdom. He engaged in some war, but on valid excuses. He never killed or tortured poor people on flimsy excuses as did Muhammad. He never forced someone to embrace Hinduism.

I am not justifying that any of the religions mentioned above is true, but all I want to say is that in comparison to Muhammad, those religious personalities stand higher in esteem and cleaner in character.

On the other hand, evil Muhammad did all kinds of things what civilized humanity and laws deem as criminal and barbaric. Wouldn’t you now say that Muhammad was a bloody prophet? Oh, come on! Come out of the illusion, accept the reality and be practical. A man, who cunningly declared himself a prophet, fooled the world by copying and pasting from the Torah to create his own holy book, the “Quran”, can’t be a prophet. A man, who never gave life to someone but snatched lives of innocent people, can’t be holy, can he? A man, who before leaving this world, has left so much pain, turbulence and destruction, can not be a God-sent prophet, can he?

Muhammad by his own actions has left a giant “question mark” on his character because of which he will never ever be accepted as a holy prophet by sane, educated, people, brave enough to call dirty what is dirty.

Muhammad: you are on curse of many widows, orphan children and helpless parents who got their loving children becoming victims of your cunning desires. Shame on you the blood-thirsty self-claimed prophet of no God.