Jon MC
Jon MC
Horrible Concepts about Non-Muslims in Islam, Part 2: Fasiqoon, Mujrimoon, Mufsidoon, Musrifoon, Al-Maqbuhoon & Al-Jahiloon
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 7624
In Part 1 of this article, I wrote about the terms “Kaffir”, “Mushrikoon” and “Zalimoon”, and showed how each of them applies to all non-believers in Islam, even though they seem to be distinct 'groups' on first sight.
I shall now consider other words used (primarily) of non-believers, though as we shall see, such words increasingly apply to “bad” Muslims.
Write comment (178 Comments)Horrible Concepts about Non-Muslims in Islam, Part 1: Kaffirs, Mushrikoon and Zalimoon
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 12612
In this article, I intend to “get behind” the translations and consider various derogatory "terms" used in the Koran to describe people, who are not Muslim. In one sense, I will still be using translations to ascertain meanings, but here we will delve deeper, by considering the meanings attached to those "terms" and the linkages between them.
Write comment (126 Comments)Some Islamic Doctrines
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 8766
I write of “Islam” in this article. By Islam I mean the Religious-Social-Political-Legal system of “orthodox traditional (Sunni) Islam” – the Islam of Koran, Sunnah, Tafseer and Sharia.
According to (Sunni) Islam, the only legal government is that of the “Caliphate” and since that does not exist at present, all governments (whether “Islamic” or not) are, ultimately, illegal; irrespective of how closely they hew to Sharia.
Write comment (117 Comments)How Zakat, the Islamic ‘Charity Tax’, is to Be Used According to Islam?
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 7506
In my previous article “Bribery in Islam” I delved into just one aspect of this use: the use of Zakat as a bribe to non-Muslims for conversion or to influence them to act in a manner that benefited Islam in some way.
I was taken to task by the commentator who writes as “....” and whom I call “Dotty” for a number of omissions relating to other uses of Zakat and at the time I conceded that he had a point.
This article is to make good those omissions.
Write comment (44 Comments)The Quranic Basis for Lee Rigby's Murder – According to His Jihadi Killers
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 8175
Below is a hand-written note given by Michael Adebolajo aka “Mujahid Abu Hamza” (translated “Allah’s soldier [and] father of Hamza”) to a passer-by after he and Michael Adebowale aka “Ismail Ibn Abdullah” (translated “Ismail son of the slave of Allah”) had mutilated and murdered Gunner Lee Rigby. It was used as evidence at their trial.
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