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In the immediate aftermath of the massacre of civilians in Tunisia David Cameron, the U.K.'s Prime-minister has once again assured the British public and non-Muslims worldwide that the attack was not carried out “in the name of Islam. Islam is a religion of peace.” The killers, rather, “do it in the name of a twisted, perverted ideology.”

Of course I believe what he says.

It is a great relief to me that I have such an Islamically educated man as the leader of my Country. Perhaps we should call him Mufti sheikh Imam Ayatollah Cameron to reflect his encyclopaedic knowledge of Islam.

You think I'm being sarcastic?



No, listen:

Some little while ago a whole raft of Islamic experts in the U.K. and another in the U.S. issued long letters setting out how ISIS was un-Islamic. Amongst the many things they declared was that in order for anyone to issue a “fatwa” their knowledge of Islam had to be total – you had to know everything about Islam first.


(Victims of Tunisia beach Jihadi terrorist massacre)

And whether he realises it or not Camoron is issuing a fatwa.

The attackers invariably shout “Allahu Akbar”, are certain they are Muhajadeen (Muslim soldiers) and Shahids (Muslim martyrs who witness – the actual meaning of “shahid” - to their Holy Islamic faith by committing mass-murder).

So by Implying that their actions have “nothing to do with Islam” he is making a religious ruling, or fatwa in Islam.

Thus he must have this all-encompassing knowledge of Islam.

And he is not alone.

A whole mess of other politicians, Muslim leaders and others have repeated words to the same effect.

So let's be quite clear:

The actions of ISIS (and it's affiliates) have NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM.



End of.

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So let's assess what is “nothing to do with Islam”.

Islam is based on a Corpus of writings; the Sharia, the Sunnah (Sirat and hadith) and the Quran. It also has it's prophet, Mohammed, as the pinnacle of morality and godly behaviour and it's god, Allah.

I shall now consider each in turn:

Sharia law.

Al-Shabaab have launched attacks on the non-Muslim countries around Somalia.

Boko Haraam and ISIS take sex-slaves.

Both gleefully slaughter non-Muslims.

As we know these things are nothing to do with Islam.

Allah's holy and perfect laws – aka Sharia (see for example “reliance of the traveller”), have sections explaining how Muslims should take sex slaves and raid non-Muslim countries bordering the Islamic state(s), killing those who resist in any way.

Thus these laws have nothing to do with Islam and if one part of Allah's holy and perfect laws have nothing to do with Islam then intrinsically all other Sharia laws have nothing to do with Islam.

The Sunnah.

This is comprised of the Sirat – the biographies of Mohammed and the Hadith – the sayings of Mohammed.

The earliest extant example of Sirat is that of ibn Ishaq/ibn Hisham.

Parts of this work detail the capture of sex-slaves and the killing of non-Muslims.

We know that these things have nothing to do with Islam so it follows that this Sirat – the oldest and most reliable – also has nothing to do with Islam.

The most famous hadith collections amongst the Sunnis are those of Muslim and Bukhari. In fact they are so revered as to be part of the 'canon' of scripture for many Sunnis (but not the “quran only” or “quranite” Muslims to be fair).

According to the organisation “Political Islam” of the verses that refer to Jihad in the Sahih collection 98% (give or take) are devoted to the killing of non-Muslims.

We know that such an attitude to non-Muslims has nothing to do with Islam, thus these hadith have nothing to do with Islam.

Muslim and Bukhari, who both rejected as fabricated or defective something like 99% of all the hadith they collected before writing down their collections use the same criteria to assess the validity of all the hadith they deemed “sahih” - correct.

Thus if a whole tranch of their hadith are shown to have nothing to do with Islam we have to dismiss the lot as having nothing to do with Islam because to do otherwise would be to use double standards.


Mohammed is the “man made perfect” (Al-ihsan al-Kamil) and the perfect example for humanity for all time according to the Koran, Allah's literal word.

Mohammed enslaved, raped, killed and robed non-Muslims. As we know all these actions are nothing to do with Islam therefore we can say that Mohammed has nothing to do with Islam. Again, to do otherwise would be to use double-standards, we would be taking a “pick-n-mix” attitude to Mohammed which, given that he is the “perfect man” would be just so wrong.

The Koran.

The Koran contains some 112 verses relating to violence and many relating to the killing of non-Muslims. We know that these verses have nothing to do with Islam.

The Koran purports to the the literal word of Allah who is also “al-Haqq” - the truth.

Therefore, each and every word of the Quran must be Allah's and must be true. But we know that the “words of violence” have nothing to do with Islam.

If some of the Quran has nothing to do with Islam then it can't be the literal words of Allah or true.

Yet again, unless we use double-standards we are forced to conclude that the Quran has nothing to do with Islam.


Allah is the god 'revealed' in the Quran. (We can discount the earlier Abrahamic scriptures because the Koran tells us they are corrupted.) and in the Koran it is he who is giving the orders to kill, despoil and enslave non-Muslims. We know such actions or commands have nothing to do with Islam, thus it follows that Allah has nothing to do with Islam.


Starting with the premise that Islamic terrorism “has nothing to do with Islam” we can logically deduce that:

The Sharia has nothing to do with Islam.

The Sunnah has nothing to do with Islam.

Mohammed has nothing to do with Islam.

The Quran has nothing to do with Islam.

Allah has nothing to do with Islam.

Thus none of Islam's foundational texts and personalities have anything whatsoever to do with Islam.

To put this in a nutshell we arrive at the conclusion that:

Islam has nothing to do with Islam.

This is an example of “reductio ad absurdam” (reduction to absurdity).

Thus those who pedal this line are either liars or themselves deceived.