Abul Kasem

Prophet Muhammad's incestuous marriage to his daughter-in-law Zaynab in well known. But not many people know that Quranic verses also leave scope for marriage with one's biological daughter and Shafii Islam, indeed, allows it...


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A tribute to islam-watch.org on its fifth anniversary...

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International Journal of Cardiology, a reputable medical science journal published by Elsevier publishing group, a leading name in scientific publication, is publishing a paper entitled, "The heart and cardiovascular system in the Qur'an and Hadeeth". One is left to wonder where this world is heading to...

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The Islamic aspect of Major Nidal Hasan's mind is what the media, academia, and experts have carefully and wilfully kept out of the discourse about his motivation to commit the carnage at Texas army base. This article fills the void, but would we large a lesson???

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Final installment on Muhammad's violation of the inviolable Quran (see more violation added at the bottom).