Ali Sina
Ali Sina
Bangladeshi Ex-Muslim and Wife Detained and Persecuted in the U.K.
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 14156
Guess who are the most persecuted people in the world today? It is the apostates of Islam. Not only they face certain death in Islamic countries, they are often ignored in western countries.
Write comment (278 Comments)Horrors of Islam: 90-100 Teenagers Stoned to Death for "Emo" Hairdos in Iraq
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 17975
Islamic barbarism knows no bounds. I'm stunned to read this story of how Iraqi teenagers are being stoned to death by moral police for wearing strange hairdos. Shockingly barbaric. (M. A. Khan)
Write comment (157 Comments)A Movie about Muhammad: An Idea Whose Time Has Come.
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 10368
Years ago, Ali Sina had floated the idea of making a movie on the true life of Muhammad. He is now in the planning to do it... If he succeed in making the film, Islam's eradication would be faster than ever.
Write comment (136 Comments)Courageous Australian Political Advisor Sacked for Speaking the Truth about Islam
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 16539
All he did is posted violent Quranic verses and duly called Muhammad "the first terrorist in the name of Islam" on his Facebook page.
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Did Muhammad rape Safiyah?
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 12935
This question was asked by a Muslim in the process of leaving Islam. Here is my response.
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