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Only Islam has liberated women and given them their rights. A recent Canadian convert to Islam and street-preacher shows how Islam can protect Canadian women, aka "uncovered meats", from sexual assaults.

Al-Haashim Kamena Atangana, a recent convert to Islam, is a street preacher. He isn’t fortunate enough to have a mosque or a soapbox of any kind, not yet—he’s just getting started in the business. He has no regular audience to hang on his every word. It’s tough getting the recognition he expects. Maybe the Saudis could build him a Little Mosque on the Praire or he could ask Justin Elliott, the great Canadian Liberal blogger, to take up a collection, buy him a tent or something so he wouldn’t have to stand out in the hot sun all day. Old Sol can do strange things to a man’s mind when it is stuffed full of Islam.

And watching all those women go by in their short skirts and low-cut blouses; it can be debilitating. Just look at all those bare arms—and those bare legs! Is there no end to them?

It isn’t something a good Muslim should have to face day after day. It could harden his arteries; set fire to his Qur’an; turn him into a slack-jawed ectomorph, a pre-Kuffar pig; make him forget whom he was.

If this terrific sexual assault on his senses should continue for an extended period, the shock could drain him of his manhood. It might even cause him to faint! He could collapse on the street like a common vagrant! Oh, would that have been a scene!

Christ suffered less in the garden at Gethsemane than Al-Haashim has suffered on the streets of Toronto.

What was Al-Haashim to do? How was he to survive the temptations of Toronto’s mean streets? The naked bodies—the painted ladies…

Well, he did what any good Muslim would have done—he sought solace in the Qur’an. All he would ever need to know about life, about women, about uncovered meat was written in the Muslim Holy Book.

Qur’an 24:31 “Say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty except what (must) appear; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display them except to their husbands…

Yes, that was it! It was so simple! But he could not keep the words of Allah as told to the Prophet to himself. He was surrounded by a forest of Bs and Bs, of Ts and As. Even the bag ladies seemed threatening. He must strike a blow for the freedom of all women.

So he sent an Email to the Toronto Sun and he went from being a mere street preacher to an incendiary—a Jihadist. Suddenly he was somebody.

"If [women] want to prevent being sexually assaulted, they should cover themselves", he wrote, adding "You (Canadians) should take your example from the way Muslim women dress. Why do Muslim women who wear long dress and covers her head aren’t targeted for sex attacks?

It was too much freedom that caused sexual assaults he said.

The Toronto Sun was outraged. Woman’s groups took great umbrage. Moderate Muslims said Al-Haashim represented only a tiny portion of all Muslims.

Yes, those residing in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, most of sub-Saharan Africa plus the millions of Muslim immigrants populating the welfare rolls in England, Holland, Belgium, Scandinavia, the Balkans, Dearborn, Michigan and the Twin Cities in Minnesota.

Lock up your dogs and prepare to go on a bacon-free diet. There is nothing moderate about Moderate Islam.

Barack Obama said a woman has a right to wear a burqa. He did not say a woman has a right not to wear a burqa.

Many non-Muslim women wear a burqa to protect themselves from being raped by Muslim men. Not that wearing a burqa has protected Muslim women from being raped, beaten and murdered by their husbands.

And there is that thing called honor killings. UK police reported 2,823 so-called honor killings and attacks in 2010. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. There were numerous honor killings in Sweden, in Norway, in Finland. Muslim men slay their wives, their daughters, their cousins and their nieces. And there are countless honor beatings.

Ramzan Kadyrow, the Muslim President of Chechnya, said his goal is to make his country “more Islamic than the Islamists.” Dozens of young Chechen women have been found dumped in alleys, woods and along deserted roads in Grozny, the capitol of Chechnya. It is worse in the hinterlands.

If a woman runs around and a man runs around with her,” Kadyrov said, “both of them should be shot.” So far it is only the women that have been turning up dead. Why is this?

In order to gain recruits for the establishment of his Grand Caliph, the Prophet said Allah had given Muslim men domain over women, non-Muslims and animals. They could do with them what they wished subject to a few minor constraints in the Qur’an.

Tabari IX:113: “Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in the Qur’an.

Qur’an 24:34 “Force not your slave-girls to whoredom (prostitution) if they desire chastity, that you may seek enjoyment of this life. But if anyone forces them, then after such compulsion, Allah is oft-forgiving.

Lawful and oft-forgiving…All non-Muslims will suffer a painful doom.

Qur’an 5:14 “From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We made a covenant but they forgot and abandoned a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, stirred up enmity and hatred among them to the Day of Doom. Soon will Allah show them the handiwork they have done.


And the poor animals…pity the poor animals.

The Ayatollah Khomeini wrote extensively in his Green Book on how to dispose of an animal after having had sex with it. Sex with animals was necessary in the mature Muslim state because of the shortage of Muslim women. When Habib and Adbul came of age there was nothing for them. The women were hidden away and the non-Muslims slave-girls were the property of wealthy Sheikhs, Mullahs, and Imams. Of course, the young Muslim male could emigrate to the dar al-Harb and feast at the sexual altar of the dhimmi capitalists. (The Ayatollah was writing for the stay-at-homes and before the advent of Internet pornography)

This is not as ridiculous as it seems. A few weeks ago in Spain, an illegal Muslim immigrant turned up at hospital in Almeria for emergency treatment. He had been kicked in the face by a horse. He was covered with bruises and had a few broken bones. He had been attempting to mount the horse for a ride that would have appalled the Cisco Kid and have had George Gabby Hayes reaching for his six-shooter.

A farmer in El Ejido had caught the man twice before sneaking onto his farm for immoral purposes with Old Paint. The farmer hadn’t bothered to file charges, so Old Paint took justice into his own hands—make that hooves—when the rascal tried a third time. After receiving proper medical treatment, the rapist was identified by the police and deported. Rape of a horse is a very serious matter. In the UK, the gendarmerie has been unable to deport illegal aliens convicted of raping English women.

Moderate Muslims insist that Al-Haashim is in no way representative of the Muslim community. The Toronto Sun Times said that in justifying his beliefs the street preacher was not only immoral but was completely distorting Islam. Yet when Muslims gain control of a community, it is the Al-Haashims that have the last word. There is no moderate Muslim community anywhere in the world. They can only be moderate when they make up a very tiny portion of the population.

The Qur’an says what it says.