M. A. Khan
M. A. Khan
Inflammatory NY Post Cartoon on Muslim Islamophobia Campaign against NYPD
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9721
The cartoon portrays Muslims as terrorists, and suggests the NYPD spying project necessary.
Write comment (140 Comments)Citizen Times Interviews Ali Sina on “Muhammad the Movie”
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9767
Dr. Ali Sina’s proposed film on the "true life of Muhammad" has already attracted attention of the media. Felix Strüning, Editor in Chief of the "Citizen Times", a European Union based online journal, spoke to Dr. Sina about: 1) Why he wants to make such a movie, 2) What are the dangers to cast and producers engaged in the movie, and 3) How to market such a film? Dr. Sina seems to have everything well planned. Read the complete interview here: Interview with ex-Muslim Ali Sina about his planned Muhammad biopic.
Write comment (90 Comments)Pennsylvania Judge: ‘Muslims Have Right to Attack Defamers of Prophet Muhammad’
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8039
A Muslim’s right to attack those, who insult Prophet Muhammad, trumps the constitutional First Amendment Rights of American citizens, ruled a judge in Pennsylvania.
Write comment (103 Comments)Apostate and Critics of Islam, Beware of Stepping into Moderate Islamic Malaysia!
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8834
Malaysia may take pride in its being a moderate, multiracial, and democratic Muslim state, but for the apostate and critics of Islam, it’s a place they should be worried of. Next time you step into their airport, you may be detained and sent back to your Islamic homeland for possible execution.
Write comment (38 Comments)Anti-Semitic Fever Rages in Moderate Islamic Malaysia
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 6379
Raging condemnation of Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim for suggesting that there should a just two-state solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict that ensures lasting regional peace as well as security and stability of both sides.
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