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Asians include people of Asian descent, namely Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and others. And in the UK, where Muslim immigrants, who are mostly from Asia, commit any horrible crime and violence in overwhelmingly higher proportions, but authorities and the media report them as crimes by "Asians".

Muslims engages in violent protests on the streets of London are reported as being committed by Asians.

UK pedophile rape-gang: For UK authority and media, they are "Asians", meaning
potentially Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian. But whodunnit? They all follow Islam.

Muslims organizing vile demonstrations to support the perpetrators of 9/11 terror attacks would be identified as Asians.

Muslims have much higher propensity to commit vandalism, murder, robbery or rapes, but all such crimes would be labeled as crimes by Asians.

The fact is: Asian immigrants of Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist descent commit such horrible crimes much fewer instances than Muslims. Labeling them as “Asian” makes the Hindus, Sikhs or Buddhists equally responsible for those predominantly Muslims-committed crimes.

And the latest controversy in this Asian crime propaganda by the media and authority is the case of Muslim pedophilia rape-gang’s sexual grooming of underage girls from youth centers and raping them.

And media and the authority have duly reported the culprits as Asian rape-gang, which automatically includes the Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists amongst those vile criminals.

And only after this long-running case was completed and members of the pedophile rape-gang were punished and their names came out that people could know that all members were Muslims. In other words, the pedophilia rape-gang was an exclusive Muslim venture. But all throughout the running of the case, Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist immigrants from Asia also have been made a culpable part of it by the media and authority.

It is abhorrent in the least – on part of the media and UK authority – to make the Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist immigrant communities to make culpable of this horrible exclusively Muslim crime venture, but they seems to be adamant on justifying and continuing this vile project of tainting the image of the innocent Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist communities of UK with this predominantly Muslim crimes and violence.

And at long last, on the backdrop of the horrible Muslim pedophile rape-gang case, some Hindu and Sikh groups are opening their mouths against this unjustified campaign of the media and authority in order to extricate their names from the crimes they do not have any part in. According to a BBC report – Complaints over use of 'Asian' label in grooming cases – groups representing Sikh and Hindu communities have complained about the term "Asian" being used to describe the men involved in grooming trials, in which nine men, all Muslims of Pakistani-Afghan descent, were jailed for running a sex-ring that groomed young girls for sex in Rochdale.

In a joint statement by the Network of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK, charged that media and the government is reluctance to discuss the "disproportionate representation of Muslims in such cases".

They also said blanket use of the word "Asian" was "unfair to other communities of Asian origin".

"We believe that in this case the government itself is sanctioning the use of term Asian as a way of clouding responsibility," the groups say, especially when sex-gangs (certainly Muslim) have targeted Hindu and Sikh girls, which the media rarely reports as they seldom go to courts.

The statement said:

"We believe that political correctness stifles debate and will not facilitate a frank and mature discussion or solutions to get to the root of why the above pattern is emerging in these crimes and how to help find a solution to the problem.

"We will not be able to do that if we mask the identity of those involved based on misguided views of 'protecting a vulnerable community' of the perpetrators and not looking at the vulnerable community of victims."

Trevor Phillips, the chair of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, insisting that labeling those predominantly Muslim criminals as “Asian” was appropriate and justified, said, the race of the men involved could not be ignored and it was "fatuous" to deny racial and cultural factors.

To Mr. Phillips, it seems the "religion" factor, which is the real culprit, has no relevance to these crimes. And this is what is "fatuous" thinking in truth.

Police, on the other hand, think race is not relevant here. According to assistant chief constable Steve Heywood of Greater Manchester Police, the pedophile rape-gang case was not about race; it was not "racially motivated" but about "adults preying on vulnerable young children".

Yet, interestingly the police, while disclosing information to media about these criminal activities, identify the perpetrators as “Asians”.

It is a good development that the non-Muslim Asian communities in the UK have started speaking up against taking blames for crimes overwhelmingly committed by Muslims. They should continue this every time an incident of crime by Asians is reported, demanding release of the perpetrator’s identity.