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imran-firasatIt appears that in certain western democracies, criticism of Islam has become a "capital offence". And despite the abolition of death penalty, Spain is determined to implement the same by deporting Imran Firasat, an apostate and critic of Islam, to Pakistan, where he faces definite death penalty.

We have reported earlier that Imran's refugee status in Spain was revoked after his rather innocuous movie, The Innocent Prophet, was released by the US pastor Terry Jones, taking out his name. Imran was given one month to defend himself in court, which he is working on. But the Spanish authority now seems not willing to give him that chance, and has seized his Identity Card, apparently in preparation for his quick deportation to Pakistan.

Here is Imran’s letter on the latest development:

As you all know that my refugee status was revoked by the Spanish ministry of interior for the reasons that my activities surrounding Islam are a national security risk for Spain. I was given a month for filing an appeal, which I am in process of doing. But the persecution doesn't end here. All that the Spanish authorities have already done against me for making the Muslim world happy is not enough.

This evening, I got a call from the police station. I was ordered to come to the police station and surrender my Residence Card. I told them that look, I am in the process of filing an appeal and you can’t do that to me. I need to have my identity card, until the high court gives the final word on my status. I refused to go to the police station.

But the Spanish authorities are in such a hurry to deport me to Pakistan that they by themselves came to my home at 21:00 pm and ordered me to return my Residence Card. I was also told that from now on, I am not a legal resident of this country any more, and that I am an illegal immigrant, who can be caught or deported any time.

Losing my Residence Card means, I am a stateless person now without any identity. Police can put me behind bars any time for being an illegal immigrant. I can’t even work any more as my work permit has also been revoked by the Spanish authorities. They have made me completely handicapped. They didn't even wait for the judgement from the court on my appeal.

Why this all is happening to me should be clear to every body? For criticizing Islam! My refugee status in Spain has been revoked, not because I have committed a crime according to the Spanish law; instead, I am being persecuted because of my opinions on Islam. Now expressing one’s opinion on Islam in western countries has been declared a crime officially.

Spain is fearful of its Muslim population and of the Islamic world at large. The Spanish authorities have given a message to the Muslim world that Spain has lost its dignity and that Spain is going to behave like how the Muslim world wants.

Does the Spanish government think that the Islamic terrorism and injustices can be stopped in this cowardly manner? Of course not! This encourages Muslims more to continue in the path they have been and not change.


I am sad and shocked. Where is my right of freedom of expression? Why I am being persecuted by the Spanish authorities for exercising a right enshrined in the Spanish Constitution? Is it a crime now to speak the truth about Islam? Must I have to die because of my opinions on Islam?

The citizens of the West must speak up against the cowardly behavior of their government and the government’s violation of its citizen’s right to freedom of expression. If I get deported to Pakistan (highly probable now), then never will anyone dare to speak against Islam’s violent ideology, and the world will have to submit to Islam. You have to raise your voice now for protecting your right of freedom of expression as well as of mine.

Thank you very much.