A Muslim army psychiatrist burst into a bout of Jihadi fit, shooting at soldiers lined up for signing for deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan, killing 12 and wounding 31. It appears to another perfect case of the familiar "Sudden Jihadi Syndrome" among Muslims...
We have heard too often from Muslim public relations czars in the West that Muslims are peaceful patriotic people. Muslim American citizens would tell you that they are patriotic; they love America; America is their home. President Obama would tell you that America is a Muslim nation, that Muslims have made great contributions to the making of America.
So, when a Jihadi attack occurs or a Jihadi terror plot is busted, the so-called moderate Muslims would go around shrilling that the entire Muslim community should not be maligned for the actions of a few bad apples.
While it is undeniable that most Muslims go about their business on most days like any other peaceful citizen, it also becomes clear that quite often an otherwise-most-peaceful Muslim give in to the teaching and the urge to carry out Jihad, his holy duty to Allah/Muhammad and his faith. This well-established pattern, the ‘Sudden Jihadi Syndrome’, it seems, has struck in America once again.
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, trained as army psychiatrist, had his day on Thursday, Nov. 5. Stricken by a bout of Sudden Jihadi Syndrome, he went on rampage of shooting and massacring his colleagues at the Fort Hood Army Base in Texas, killing 13 and wounding another 30.
While some papers, like Huffington Post, are trying to raise doubts as to whether Major Hasan is a Muslim at all, Hasan’s cousin, told ABC News that he was "a pious lifelong Muslim".
Born in Virginia to Jordanian parents and single with no children, Hasan had worked at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington for 6 years before he was reassigned to Fort Hood July. In 2009, according to ABC News, he completed a fellowship in Disaster and Preventative Psychiatry at the Center for Traumatic Stress there.
One is left to wonder whether Hasan was a marginalized extremist, although some Muslim public relations and media mouthpiece may portray him as one to be so.
It was a perfect moment for Hasan to carry out his pious duty of Jihad, which according to Ghazzali, Muslims should do at least once a year, while Muhammad and his companions did it continuously while in Medina. And the moment was:
Army recruits had lined up to sign up for going to Iraq and Afghanistan; these are infidels readying themselves for defiling the Muslim lands and kill his Muslim brethren; there’s no better way to do Jihad for his faith than taking these infidel murderers down; he took two handguns to work; and as the recruits lined up in columns to sign up, Hasan took his loaded handguns out in his two hands and started shooting into the column to soldiers to take down as many as possible.
The end-result of Jihad effort was astounding: 12 infidel soldiers dead; 30 others wounded. He has outperformed Muhammad’s stellar performance at the famous victory at Badr, where there were 15 Muslim casualties against 49 opponents.
CAIR, the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, the largest Islamic civil rights organization in America with numerous terror links, was quick in its public- diplomacy and damage-control effort, condemning the massacre and reaffirming Muslim patriotism toward America:
“We condemn this cowardly attack in the strongest terms possible… The attack was particularly heinous in that it targeted the all-volunteer army that protects our nation. American Muslims stand with our fellow citizens in offering both prayers for the victims and sincere condolences to the families of those killed or injured.”
This brings me once again to the much-touted Muslims’ love, loyalty and patriotism for kafir countries. In India, the Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Hind (The Board of Islamic Clerics of India) issued on October 30, 2009 as Fatwa (Resolution) in its annual meet prohibiting Muslims from singing the Indian national anthem (Vande Mataram), because it goes against Islam. Maulana Muizuddin of the board said, “We are Indian and will remain so forever without singing Vande Mataram”, while Kamal Farouqi, another leaders of the board said: “We love the nation, but can’t worship it.”
The bottom-line is: even for Indian Muslims, Indian in flesh and blood and known to be moderate, loyalty to Islam must come ahead of any other obligation. So, it should not be difficult to understand the thickness of the loyalty of Muslim immigrants to countries like America and Britain, whose culture and lifestyle Muslims hate to the core of their heart, despite their (moderate’s) vociferous affirmation of the same.
And, how about the obligation for carrying out the sacred command of Jihad, which I have shown in my book, Islamic Jihad, to be the heart of Islam?
Well, it would come at the right moment, when it is practical and winnable. India, 1947 was one such moment, and it was resounding success. Maj. Hasan found his perfect moment here at Fort Hood, and he executed it with spectacular success. Prophet Muhammad, sitting in heaven, might be feeling jealous as well as proud of him.
The good news is that, against initial report of Major Hasan being shot dead, he is in custody and we may look forward to getting into the working of the mind of this Sudden Jihadi.