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A Muslim’s right to attack those, who insult Prophet Muhammad, trumps the constitutional First Amendment Rights of American citizens, ruled a judge in Pennsylvania.

The case concerns an attack by Talag Elbayomy on Ernie Perce, an activist atheist, who paraded in a “Zombi Mohammed” costume in Pennsylvania in October 2011.

Perce defended his actions on the ground of the First Amendment Free Speech Rights.

Talag Elbayomy admitted to attacking Perce, but defended his assault on Perce on the ground that as a Muslim*, he had an obligation to attack the defamers of Islam’s prophet.

Magistrate Judge Mark Martin, an Iraq war veteran and convert to Islam, dismissed the assault and harrassment case accepting Elbayomy’s arguments.

The judge also lectured Perce about the principles of Islam and the sensibilities of Muslims, and called him a "dufus", for failure to understand and respect the same (see the video).

So, believe or not, Sharia has started trumping the American Constitution is US courts of law.


* In the video tape, judge Martin said: "They find it very very very offensive. I'm a Muslim, I find it offensive." As a result, he was thought to be a Muslim convert, but he has later clarified that he is not a Muslim but a Lutheran.