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Mosab Hassan Yousef, author of the recently released memoir ‘Son of Hamas’ has recently written an article saying that the US Department of Homeland Security is attempting to deport him on the grounds that he is a threat to US national security. 

Yousef is the son of one of the founders of Hamas. In his book, he spoke in detail about his work as a secret gent for the Israeli internal security service, the Shin Bet. One of the reasons for his change of heart and sympathizing and helping Israel was the fact that he left Islam and became a Christian in secret while still living in the West Bank. Now he lives in America and had applied for asylum. 

Yousef also states that the FBI on the other hand, has a much better understanding of terrorism and recognizes him as a valuable asset and not a threat and recommended to the DHS that they drop the case against Yousef, but that was met with rejection.

If anyone deserves asylum, it is Mosab Yousef who put his life on the line to stop the terror against Israel. He is now one of the most wanted former Muslims with a death sentence on his head not only for leaving Islam, but even worse for betraying Hamas. If Yousef is deported back to the West Bank, he will be shred to pieces as soon as he lands. 

After I read this story I was discussing it with a fellow former Muslim who told me that he does not trust today’s administration that is bending over backwards to hire committed Muslims to work in the White House and the department of Homeland Security. It is common knowledge that some of those working in the administration are Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers.  

Having grown up in Gaza myself and having lost my father to the jihad there, I do not doubt Mr. Yousef’s honesty, integrity and commitment to the welfare of America. I have watched Yousef speaking on Arabic as well as English TV shows and I was amazed at his honesty and understanding of issues. I think that he is the kind of immigrant America should welcome, but instead we often bring in jihadists and Islamist sympathizers. And now some of them might even be making decisions as to who should come in or leave America.  

The DHS has become so inept under secretary Napolitano and our no-fly list is not properly enforced when the Nigerian diaper-bomber Farouk Muttallab who was training in Yemen with Al Qaeda was allowed to fly to America. Instead of stopping the likes of Muttallab from ever getting on an airplane headed to this country, we are harassing Youssef, a great asset to America. We are now also welcoming shady characters such as Tarik Ramadan who should never have been removed from the no-fly list. Ramadan, while in America, is spreading the same old propaganda, misinformation and excuses for Islam. To this day, Ramadan refuses to condemn Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim brotherhood as terror organizations. Something is wrong with this picture.  

I am not trying to accuse any specific person of any wrongdoing, but I am worried that the current administration has been catering to Islamic sympathizers and to those who do not want to face the true danger to American security. I also fear that those of us, like Youssef, who openly speak out against jihadists and radical Islam in general are no longer protected in America. American officials now are declaring off-limits the use of the words jihadist, Islamist or terrorist which we consider total denial of what is coming to America if we do not face the true challenge.

The outrageous news about possible deportation of Yousef by he US government has both national and international consequences which sends a message that there is a major shift in US policy towards radical Islam, Israel and against those who are fighting the jihadists. This is the end of America’s stand for freedom. The American people should worry as to who is securing America today. Our values and actions to protect this country are upside down.  

Nonie Darwish is the author of ‘"ruel And Usual Punishment" and “Now They Call Me Infidel”.