In my previous article, Why a Hindu (or a non-Muslim) Girl Must not Marry a Muslim, I have explained why it is not wise for Hindu girls to convert to Islam and marry Muslims. In this article, I outline a few unfortunate-to-tragic incidents of Hindu girls, who converted to Islam to marry their Muslim lovers, which will warrant thinking thrice for Hindu girls before converting and marrying Muslims...
The Story of Sabra (or Chhabera) Begum
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Saraswati (21), daughter of Nageswar Das of the village Hatiara, under the police station Rajarhat in North 24-Parganas, converted to Islam by a court affidavit on 1 April 1997, took the Muslim name Sabra Begum, and married Muhammad Mirajuddin, a Muslim. Hardly after 6 years, on December 2, 2003, Mirajuddin divorced her by oral talaq (i.e. by uttering the word ‘talaq’ thrice). On the same day, his advocate Jafar Nawab of Calcutta High Court sent the copy of the court papers regarding the decree of divorce (No. 786/475/2003 dt. 2.12.03) to Sabra Begum. In the mean time, she has become mother of four children.
The reader should try to comprehend the helplessness of Sabra Begum. It was not possible for her to return to her father’s house with 4 children born out of a Muslim father. Had she been in her youth, she could have taken shelter in a brothel to survive or to marry another Muslim. In most of the cases, it becomes impossible to find out such a new husband, who is ready to take up the responsibility of children of the divorced woman. It is needless to say that, in such cases, the children are destined to become criminals.
(This is one of the major reasons that makes the Muslim community populated by criminals. It has been mentioned in an earlier article that, according to the Sachar Committee Report, Indian jails are mostly populated by the Muslims. According to the 2001 Census Report, Muslims comprise 13% (many believe that now it has risen to more than 15%) of the population, but 60% of the convicts in jails are Muslims. The renowned Congress leader Barqat Gani Khan, a Muslim, asked his Muslim audience in during a public meeting: “Why 7 out of 10 inmates of jails are Muslims?” The audience failed to give a reply.)
The story of Dr Kamala Das
Dr Kamala Das, previously Madhavi Kutty, is a renowned author in Malayalam literature. Her father V M Nayar is the editor of a Malayali periodical ‘Matribhumi’ (The Motherland) and her mother Palapad Balamanni Amma is a famous Malayali poet. While staying in Calcutta, Kamala Das became inclined to Islam and converted to the faith. Later on, she wrote many articles praising Islam that appeared in various Islamic periodicals. But within a short period, her sweet-dreams with Islam came to an end. Various kinds of Islamic dos and don’ts turned her life into a hell. She became disgusted with hijab, which she must wear while going out. But it was not possible for her to desert Islam for fear of being assassinated.
In this context, the tragic end of a Bangladeshi family for deserting Islam may be narrated. Nine members of a Muslim family in the district of Mymensingh left Islam and converted to Christianity. But local Muslims began to oppress them so mercilessly that they decided to commit suicide en masse. The nine members of the family tied themselves with a rope and all of them jumped before an approaching train.
The Story of Samira Begum
(This episode appeared as a Letter to the Editor in the April 3, 2006 edition of the ‘Ananda Bazar Patrika’, the Calcutta based Bengali daily of largest circulation and compiled by R N Datta in his book ‘The Silent Terror’, in Bengali). In her letter, Samira Begum wrote:
“While studying in the college, I got acquainted with a Muslim boy of our college and within a year, this acquaintance turned into an intense love. The love was so intense that it practically turned me blind. As a result, I turned down every advice of my parents and other well-wishers, threw their earnest requests into the garbage, converted myself to Samira Begum and married my Muslim lover. But all my dreams were broken into pieces after living a few months in my husband’s house. There, I received oppression at every moment, firstly for dowry and secondly for giving birth to 2 daughters and not a son. Scolding, reproach and blames were showered upon me at every moment. Recently, such scoldings and cursings have become extremely intense as I have supported the Bangladeshi authoress Taslima Nasrin and praised her for her writings. I am now just somehow passing my days for the sake of my daughters, but I do not know how many days I shall be able to endure this. Now I have been able to understand that, perhaps I could have enjoyed a happy and peaceful married life, had I listened to and honoured the advice of my parents and other well-wishers of my family. Now I feel that parents always look for the good of their children.
-- Yours Samira Begum
A Hindu woman, who narrowly escaped Islamic love-trap
In his book, The Silent Terror, R N Datta writes, “Recently I have received a letter from the husband of a Hindu woman, who once fell in the love-trap of a Muslim boy, but fortunately saved.” The content of the letter is presented below:
“Dear Sir, I have gone through your book ‘The Silent Terror’ and have been immensely benefited by it. …I should confess that your book has played an important role to restore my family peace. To cut a long story short, in her childhood, my wife fell a victim of love-trap of one of her Muslim classmates. Her love became so intense that she decided to marry him. But strong opposition by her family members ultimately could refrain her doing so. But she remained mentally inclined to her Muslim lover. By observing her eagerness to get united with him compelled me to think that I should help her to be reunited with that Muslim boy. At such an hour, your book reached my hands and after going through it, I handed over the book to my wife. Meanwhile, she could have been able to learn something about the evils of Islam and barbaric Muslim psyche from the works of Taslima Nasrin, and after going through your book, she could come to her senses. She then confessed that, had she been aware of the vices of Islam and the despicable Muslim psyche, she would have never been able to make love with her Muslim classmate. She also told me that at that time, she was immensely influenced by a poem written by the renowned Bengali Muslim poet Nazrul Islam that says “Hindus and Muslims are simply two flowers on the same stalk” and since blind love does not analyze pros and cons, she fell in love with her classmate Anikul. However, she is now able to get rid of the illusion. So, I express my respect and gratitude to you. I would request you to go on writing and pray to God for wider publicity of your books.
With regards…”
The Story of Indira, Daughter of J L Nehru
When Indira fell in the love-trap of the Muslim young man Feroz Khan, strong opposition came from her father Jawaharlal Nehru and mother Kamala Nehru. But Indira was too stubborn to yield to their advices. But to keep the people of India ignorant of this affair, Indira and Feroz were secretly flown to London where Indira was converted to Islam and married to Feroz according to Islamic rites. Many believe that her name was changed to Farzana Begum. The name of Feroz Khan’s father was Nawab Khan, who was a liquor Dealer and whose ancestral house was in the Junagar area in Gujarat. However, after their return to India, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi intervened to wipe out the Muslim identity of Feroz Khan. Feroz Khan’s mother was a Parsi lady, whom Nawab Khan married after converting her to Islam. The surname of her family was Ghandy. He summoned Nehru urgently and asked him to force Feroz Khan to change his surname from Khan to Gandhi, a slightly changed version of his mother’s maiden surname Ghandy. According to another version, Gandhi took Feroz as his adopted son and thus prepared the basis for turning Feroz Khan into Feroz Gandhi. At the same time, on the basis of Parsi religious identity of Feroz’s Mother, the media started to portray Feroz Khan as Feroz Gandhi, a Parsi and thus a fake Gandhi family came into existence in India. To fool common Indians further, J L Nehru arranged a fake marriage between Indira and Feroz, following Vedic rites.
However, after the birth of Rajib, the eldest son of Indira, lecherous Feroz Khan started a new love-game with another lady, which offended Indira and she returned to her father’s house in tears. Even her illustrious father could do nothing to repair this damage. It should be mentioned here that the Special Muslim Marriage Act of India permits a Muslim of India to keep four wives at a time and compel them to live together under coercion and violence. But Indira declined to live with the second wife of Feroz and left his house. From the above narration, it becomes evident that after the birth of Rajib, Indira and Feroz lived separately, though they were not legally divorced. The question naturally arises – Who was the biological father of Indira’s second son Sanjeev. That fellow was also a Muslim called Muhammad Yunus. So, it becomes evident that both Rajib and Sanjeev were born out of a Muslim mother and two Muslim fathers. Whatever it may be, from the above narration it becomes evident that, Indira or Farzana Begum could not taste a happy married life by marrying Feroz Khan.
The Tragic, Heart-Rending Story of a Brahmin Girl, who converted and married a Muslim and ended up in brothel
The story given below has been narrated by the twin brother Ganesh (name changed) of the unfortunate girl through a letter to R N Datta, a great soul and a social activist, who has dedicated his life to make the Hindus aware of the danger of Islam. In his letter, Ganesh writes:
“Dear Sir, I was born in an ancient and devout Brahmin family of the district of Nadia. Our family was so orthodox and strict vegetarian that even onions, garlic and lentil (Masur dal) could not enter our kitchen, not to speak of fish and meat. …Worship of various gods and goddesses, many kinds of penance, fasting and austerity were regular features in our household…
My beloved sister Sita (name changed) and I were twins. I was born a few minutes earlier from my sister and hence I was elder to her. We have grown up by sleeping with my mother and sucking her breasts. In our childhood, if any of us had been infected by a disease, the other also would have fallen sick of the same disease. It was a usual practice for our parents to take one of us to the doctor, but the medicines, prescribed by him, were applied to both of us. Up to the class IV standard, we studied in the same local primary school and we used to score almost similar marks in exams. But up to Higher Secondary, we had to attend different schools, while I studied in a boys’ school and she in a girls’ school. After that, we got admitted into a co-educational college and studied together. From this time on, a disaster began to show its ugly face.
A few Muslim boys, mostly from villages, were also studying in that college and my beloved sister began to mix with one of them very closely. The affair went on for nearly a year and meanwhile my sister decided to marry that Muslim boy. We tried our best but failed to alter her decision. Meanwhile, my parents and other elders of the family could learn about this development, but my sister, ignoring all obstacles, one day left her paternal house and went to the house of that Muslim boy. Fearing public disgrace and social disrepute, we refrained from taking any legal step or sought help of the police to bring her back. The family of the Muslim boy, on the other hand, greeted her gleefully, converted her readily to Islam and married her with the boy.
The incident left me so grief-stricken that I could not attend my classes for nearly a month. After that, I could learn about the miserable married life of my sister from other Muslim boys coming from the same village. It was absolutely difficult for her to adjust with the Muslim food habits. It has been pointed earlier that we were strict vegetarians and even onions and garlic were not allowed to enter our kitchen. But, almost all the preparations of her husband’s household, as usual, contained meat and fish, along with onion and garlic. And hence in most of the days, she had to starve. Moreover, on the occasion when beef was prepared, she had to vomit throughout the day. In addition to that, other strict Islamic practices like performing namaz five times a day and covering the body with burqa while going outdoor etc. became extremely unbearable for her. But all paths had been closed, and there was no chance to undo what she had done except repenting for what she had done. Occasionally, she wrote letters to me that kept me regularly informed about the goings-on in her miserable married life.
In the mean time, acute bitterness between her and her husband began. At every moment, she had to live under the threat of instant oral talaq and being driven out of the house like a worn-out domestic animal. After the marriage, her husband left his studies and returned to the village to look after agriculture, which he took up as his profession. Occasionally, he used to go to some neighbouring places with some other jobs and return home after a few days. Within her 5 years married life, she meanwhile gave birth to four children. But the bitterness between her and her husband continued. A few months later, I received the news that her husband had moved to a far away place with a job and took his wife and children with him. This gave me some relief from my grief and anxiety, and I began to think that this change might give my sister a happy and peaceful married life.
After a long gap, I received a letter from my sister. The letter, though written by my sister, came from a brothel of a town of Madhya Pradesh. From that letter, I could know that her husband had sold my sister to brothel keeper through a middleman, obviously under the exchange of fat cash. She also wrote that she was not bothered about her own life, because her destiny would punish for the mistake she had committed by ignoring the advice of her nearest ones and marrying a Muslim rogue. But she was terribly anxious about the fate of her children and requested me to enquire about her children – where and how they were passing their days. She also wrote that it was very difficult for her to write from that whore-house. It was the kindness of one of her Bengali Hindu clients that provided her with a pen, paper and an envelope.
Sir, there is none to listen to this heart-rending story of my dear sister. You are a great and generous man and trying to save the Hindu girls falling in the love-trap of Muslim boys and this encouraged me to write the sad story of my sister to you with the request that you would propagate this story to make Hindu girls alert about this danger. In reality, it is as dangerous as licking a sharp razor.
With profound regards.”