After initially approving a giant mosque-building plan next to Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, officials were forced to scrape the permit, thanks to overwhelming opposition from local residents and fear of security-threats from army officers..
Mosque at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS), commonly known simply as Sandhurst, nearly 50 Km south west of London, is the initial training centre for British Army officer. The Academy is the British Army equivalent of the Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth, Royal Air Force College Cranwell and the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines.
Opened on the site of the former Royal Military College (RMC in 1947), the Academy's aim is to be "the national centre of excellence for leadership". All British Army officers, including late entry officers who were previously Warrant Officers, as well as many from elsewhere in the world, are trained at Sandhurst.
A couple of years ago, a group of Bangladeshi Muslims, called Bengali Welfare Association, planned to construct a mega-mosque at Sandhurst, fitted with a two 100ft minarets, spending £3 million. British military Generals are trying to block mosque-building plan. They say that giant mosque, just 400 yards from its parade ground, would have a clear view over the military academy. Senior officers oppose the project saying it could pose a security threat to cadets. They are concerned that if this thing gets built then soldiers could be put at risk.[i]
The local Britons are also scared of the proposed mosque-plan and are opposing the project. They have submitted a mass petition, signed by 7,000 residents, to the Ministry of Defense to stop the building of the mosque. An Army source said: 'This has gone right to the top of the chain of command; and safety of the soldiers is the first priority.'
![]() Queen Ellzabeth at Sandhurst to observe a parade |
Each year, hundreds of newly-commissioned Army officers take to the parade ground for the academy's passing out ceremony. The event attracts senior members of the Royal Family, including the Queen when her grandson Prince Harry was commissioned in 2006. Security threat is also there as The Queen and other senior members of the royal family are regular visitors to Sandhurst.
The group behind the mosque, Bengali Welfare Association, wants to demolish a listed Victorian school building, already in use as a mosque, to build the giant mosque at its place. Planning papers reveal that the massive structure, a Saudi Arabian-style building, would tower over the local buildings. The mosque will have five domes, as well as the two minarets. It would have a large central dome, five smaller ones around the central larger dome. The complex would have a morgue, a library and a separate worship area for women.
Locals oppose the Project:
The local dominantly Christian residents are against construction of the proposed mosque. As the first attempt to block the project, they submitted a petition, signed by 1,000 people, to the office of Local Council. Planning officers were also opposed to the project, but the Muslim-appeasing Conservative councilor, Surrey Heath, gave the mosque 'go-ahead' signal in June this year. However, a procedural error means the application now needs to go to a full council meeting for approval.
And the Ministry of Defence, which initially had no objections, has its mind to insist that the minarets are not built.
Local MEP (Member of the European Parliament) Nigel Farage of UKIP (UK Independence Party), who is in favour of the mosque, said: 'I am appalled that a local council can totally ignore the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the electorate of Camberley and overturn the recommendations of planning officers.”
![]() Elegant Plan of the proposed giant mosque |
When interviewed with a few local people, one of them said, “This building is quite simply inappropriate and gives rise to genuine security concerns.” Another man said, “I know that senior military officers are extremely concerned about this. It simply cannot be allowed to go ahead.” Alan Kirkland, a local, said, “Local people are simply flabbergasted that 100ft-high minarets can be built right next to the Royal Military Academy.”
Kirkland added: “There is obviously a security risk and there is no way that it should be built.” A spokesman of Ministry of Defense said: 'Defence Estates has objected to the plans as such a tall building would give oversight into Defence property which could prove a security risk.'
Sandhurst Mosque refused Planning Permission
On Thursday, 11 March 2010, Surrey Heath Borough Council have finally bowed to the inevitable and refused planning permission for a Mosque in Camberley despite initially approving it. Opponents of the Mosque claim they have nothing against Islam or Muslims, but oppose the plans on architectural and historic grounds due to the building being listed, which is utter nonsense.
The giant mosque plan next to Sandhurst has, thus, been scrapped to the jubilation of thousands of residents. The giant £3-million building, just 400 yards from its parade ground, would have had a towering view over the military academy; it also prompted fear of security threats. Also it was to be built by demolishing a listed Victorian school to replace it with a huge Saudi-style mosque.
Muslim Reaction
To describe the reaction of the Muslims, The London Muslim wrote: “Virtually the entire White establishment from Generals, the Police and Journalists have joined together in a racist campaign to prevent a Mosque being built next to the Royal Millitary Sandhurst Acadamy”.
Given widespread resentment of the military and Islamic militants ceaseless efforts to blow up important landmarks, the army oppose the construction, because the mosque, overlooking the Academy, could have been used by radical Muslims to plot how to blow up Sandhurst academy or perhaps lining up as snipers when Queen Elizabeth turns up for a parade inspection.
“London Muslim wonders what all the dictators from the Arab world like King Abdullah of Jordan think of this interesting conversation from an academy he and others trained at. Nice to know what Sandhurst really thinks of we British Muslims, but then given Prince Harry's description of a fellow officer as his "Paki" friend, it's no surprise that elements of the British Army are still deeply racist”, the report added.
It would, however, be interesting to wait and watch if the Muslim-appeasing political parties and their leaders, for winning the Muslim votes, would eventually surrender to their demand and give a green signal for the project before the next General Election.
[i] Big Allah is Watching - Huge Mega Mosque to Overlook Sandhurst, by Dan Newling February 21, 2010