How to eliminate Islamic terrorism effectively...
On Monday, January 24, a suicide bomb attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport left 35 people dead with their bodies torn apart, and nearly 150 injured. The blast occurred at 4:37 pm when the international arrivals area of the airport was packed with relatives and friends, waiting to welcome inbound travelers. According to police, the explosive device had a TNT equivalent of over five kilos and was stuffed with pieces of metal to cause maximum human casualties. The bomber was able to enter the airport freely as people, coming to the airport to meet and greet their kin, need not pass through security. The airport authorities suspect that it was a terror attack by the Chechen Islamic extremists. According to an Interior Ministry spokesman, there was no prior warning of any possible terror attack.
![]() The Domodedovo airport just after the explosion |
According to witnesses, the bomber screamed "I will kill you all" just before causing the devastating explosion. Footage filmed by one of the bystanders showed smoke and flames engulfing the airport. Survivors used baggage trolleys to carry the dead and wounded from the smoke-clogged terminal.
The security staff speculate that the culprit, perhaps, arrived by car from Moscow. He crossed the barrier in front of the airport, took a ticket for the parking lot and drove into the public parking area. Once parked, he was free to walk into the international arrival hall.
Major Terror Attacks in Moscow after 2000
According to the Russian authorities, the following are major terror attacks in Moscow since 2000:
- On Aug. 8, 2000, a bomb exploded in an underpass at Pushkinskaya Station in the center of the capital, killing 13 and injuring more than 90.
- On July 5, 2003, several explosions occurred one after another at a rock concert held at Tushino Airport, northwest of Moscow, killing at least 16 and injuring 100.
- On Feb. 6, 2004, a male suicide bomber blew himself up in a running subway train on the Zamoskvoretskaya line in Moscow, killing 41 and leaving over 100 injured.
- On Aug. 31, 2004, a woman blew herself up near Rizhskaya subway station, causing more than 60 casualties.
- On Aug. 21, 2006, a self-made bomb exploded at Moscow's Cherkizovsky Market, killing 11, including two children, and injuring 55.
- On Aug. 13, 2007, a luxury Nevski Express train traveling between Moscow and St. Petersburg was blown up by a self-made bomb planted under the rails. At least 60 people were injured.
- On Nov. 27, 2009, four cars of the same train derailed as a result of a bomb explosion, killing 27 and leaving over 100 wounded.
- On March 29, 2010, two blasts happened in the Moscow subway stations Lubyanka and Park Kultury, killing 40 and injuring over 90.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is convinced and confirmed that it was a terror attack and it was an act of a 'Black Widow' -- women who lost their Islamic militant husbands fighting the Russian forces. He also said that the terror attack at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport happened because of inadequate security measures. The United Nations, U.S. president Barack Obama, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and many other world leaders condemned the attack. President Obama said: "I would like to express a very strong condemnation on today's terrorist attack at the Moscow airport. We stand with the people of Russia in this moment of sorrow and grief and we offer both our condolences and our very strong solidarity as they continue the struggle that so many of us face in combating and eliminating this international terrorist threat."
How to stop such terrorist attacks
The moot question is:
How to stop such brutal and barbaric terrorist attacks?
How to stop the killing of innocent people, including women and children, from these mindless killers?
While speaking at the Cairo University, on 5 June 2009, President Barrack Hussain Obama said, “And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”
But in practice, no such 'religious tolerance, mutual respect and racial equality' were ever displayed by Muslims. The major aspect of Islamic history has been massive slavery and the institution of dhimmitude, under which non-Muslims are treated as horribly degraded and exploited subjects. But most unfortunately, the kafir leaders believe in these invented lies and hence fail to take proper steps against the Muslim brutes.
Instead of believing these lies, what is needed is to understand the inspiration of suicide bombers for killing the kafir infidels. A youtube video shows, when an interviewer asked a suicide bomber, “Why are you killing innocent people, including children?”, the suicide bomber replied:
“No infidel kafir believes in Allah and the reveled book Koran. Due to this disbelieve, they are enemies of Islam and hence fit to be killed. From this Islamic viewpoint, even kafir children are also enemies of Islam and hence deserve annihilation… Killing kafirs is jihad.”
But, due to poor understanding of Islam and Muslim psyche, the kafir leaders take such suicide bombings or other Islamic terrorist attacks as simple criminal acts and fail to comprehend the jihadi or kafir-killing motives of such attacks. So, they start investigation for finding out clues, reach to the handful of culprits involved, catch them and prosecute them in the court of law.
So, as usual, Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case under the articles “terrorist act,” “illegal trafficking in explosives” and “murder”. President Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting in the immediate aftermath of the attack. He instructed law enforcement agencies to investigate and to boost security on public transport, while Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told his staff to ensure the victims were given all necessary assistance. No personnel changes are planned as yet, said Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov. “So far, all efforts are focused on helping the victims.” But the outlook to tackle this kind of crime should be completely different and deserve a completely different procedure.
The Islamic view of this world
In an earlier article, Three Decrees of Islam, this author has tried to explain the Islamic worldview and it is necessary to repeat a few salient points of that article. According to the first decree Millat and Kufr, Islam divides the entire humanity into two camps without any grey area. The real meaning of Islam is, not peace but complete surrender to the commands of the Allah’s Koran and his Prophet. Those who surrender to Koran and Prophet Muhammad are imandar Mussalmans or Momens and those who do not are a despicable species, called kafir. So, every non-Muslim is a kafir in Islamic theology.
The second decree of Islam is ‘dar-ul-Islam and dar-ul-harb’: Dar-ul-Islam (House of Islam) means lands that are under Islamic domination and rule. At present, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lybia etc. are the examples of dar-ul-Islam. The Dar-ul-harb, literally meaning the Land of warfare, refers to lands, not yet been conquered by Islam, and where Muslims must be engaged in relentless war with the kafirs (thus turning them into living 'battle fields') so as to bring them under the rule of Islam. The ultimate aim of Islam is thus to turn the entire world into dar-ul-Islam. And it is the sword of Islamic Jihad, the third decree of Islam, that would be unleashed to commit indiscriminate and large-scale violence and homicide to subjugate the non-Muslims to Islam.
So said Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Islamic Revolution in Iran:
“Jihad means the conquest of all non-Muslim territories. Such a war may well be declared after the formation of an Islamic government worth of that name …It will then be the duty of every able-bodied adult male Moslem to volunteer for this war of conquest, the final aim of which is to put Koranic law in power from one end of the earth to the other. …We have no recourse other than to overthrow all governments that do not rest on pure Islamic principles. …That is not only our duty in Iran, but it is also the duty of all Moslem in the world, in all Muslim countries to carry the Islamic political revolution to its final victory.”
Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Hassan Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas similarly said:
Islam says: Kill them [the non-Muslims], put them to the sword and scatter [their armies]. Does this mean sitting back until [non-Muslims] overcome us? …People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! The sword is the key to Paradise, which can be opened only for the Holy Warriors! Sons of Islam everywhere, the jihad is a duty – to establish the rule of Allah on earth and to liberate your countries and yourselves from America’s domination and its Zionist allies, it is your battle – either victory or martyrdom.
So, the terrorist attack that happened on Jan 24 at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport was not a simple crime, but jihad offensive on the kafir camp by the Muslim camp.
How to contain Islamic terrorism?
But whenever an incident of terrorist attack occurs in a civilized society, the kafir leaders, due to their inadequate understanding of Islam and the Muslim psyche, take it to be a simple crime. The law enforcing authorities become convinced that it has been done by a terrorist organization like al-Qaeda, or Laskar-e-Taiba, or Hizb-ul-mujahideen etc. and the culprits are a negligible few Muslims, associated with those organizations. In other word, a few misguided young Muslim men associated with the said terrorist organizations are alone guilty.
So, they start to find clues to ascertain which organization is associated with the attack and after that tries to arrest those people to start a legal procedure against them, but keeping the breeding ground of the terrorists untouched. After 9/11, the security people of USA could ascertain that the terrorists of al-Qaeda were involved. So, the US armed forces attacked base camps of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, bombed the al-Qaeda hide-outs. In a similar manner, Indian authorities, after any terrorist attack, go for tracing the terrorist organization involved and to capture a few people, who have committed the crime.
But from Islamic viewpoint, any such terrorist attack is an attack on the kafir-camp by the entire Muslim-camp. And that's how the perpetrating Muslim terrorists see it; and by believing in Islamic theology, the entire Muslim community give -- consciously or subconsciously -- support to these barbaric terrorist acts. Or in other words, every individual, who profess to the Islamic theology that supports the kafir-killing Jihad doctrine, are complicit in these heinous crimes. The Koran is the fountainhead of Islamic terrorism, and all Muslims, wittingly or unwittingly, render support and inspiration of Jihadi perpetrators of those crimes.
Hence, capturing a few terrorists and killing them or putting them in jails can not wipe out Islamic terrorism. To put an end to Islamic terrorism, actions should be directed at the Quran, its fountainhead, and the believers, who accept it as their holy book. To end Islamic terrorism, the first step would be to expose the Quran for what it is, a book of unconditional violence and terrorism, and enlighten Muslims for what they actually support, and possibly ban it as a blood-thirsty book of hatred.
Some well-intentioned people maintain that all Muslims are not bad; there are good or moderate Muslims as well. But in reality, there is only one Koran; there is no moderate Koran, and hence, Muslims are simply Muslims. Classification of them as moderate and radical Muslim is not only erroneous but also embarrassing and offensive to them. And still, when moderate Muslims, too, hold the same Quran as their holy book that inspires Islamic terrorism, they still remain complicit to those acts of terrorism.
In sum, Islamic terrorism cannot be eliminated by selectively catching a few perpetrators and prosecuting them. It only by exposing and vilifying the creed, namely Islam, that inspires those acts and dealing firmly not with only the perpetrators, but also with the propagators of hatreds in mosques and streets, that we can decisively heal the world of its Islamic menace that has dogged humanity for the past fourteen centuries.
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