Given the Trinamool Congress party's past record of Muslim appeasement and unjustified support to Muslim demands, and their connivance of Muslim violence and atrocities, things may get worse for the Hindus of West Bengal, already under distress in Muslim-dominated areas, as Trinamool Congress prepares to form the next government displacing the 34-year Marxist rule.
The 2011 Assembly election in the State of West Bengal in India ended the 34-year-old Marxist rule. The Leftist coalition, led by the Communist Party of India (Marxist, CPIM), came to power in 1977 by defeating the incumbent Indian National Congress (INC). In recent years, Miss Mamata Banerjee led All India Trinamool Congress (Trinamool Congress), a breakaway faction of the INC, has emerged as the main rival of the Left Front (LF). In the 2006 Election, the LF won 233 seats, with 30 going to AITMC. But this year, AITMC grabbed 227 seats with Left Front retaining only 62.
In the 2006 Assembly Election, the LF bagged 50.18% of votes while AITMC and INC could acquire 42.05%. But public sympathy for the LF began to decline from this time and, as a result the LF got 43.30% and TMC+INC alliance got 45.96% of votes.
Role played by Muslim votes
The well-known Islamist-Leftist unholy alliance is no stranger to India. Even during the Independence of India, the Communist Party of India (CPI), then the only Leftist party, supported the Muslim demand of dividing the country to create the Muslim homeland of Pakistan. Communist leaders, including Jyoti Basu, the most prominent Communist leader in India, joined the leaders of the Muslim League and raised slogans like: “India will obtain freedom only when the demand for Pakistan is met.”
The Indian National Congress (INC), the Center-Left political giant in India, has also engaged in the politics of Muslim appeasement. For example, the Gandhi-Nehru led INC supported the Muslim Khilaphet Movement, which aimed at making India a part of Turkish Sultan-headed Islamic Caliphate. INC's Muslim appeasement has continued in various forms ever since. In Bengal, the Congress party could woo the Muslim votes until mid-1970s, but acute problems in the state tilted the Muslim voters toward the greater appeasers, the Communists, in the 1977 election. But in 2011, the left coalition lost to even greater appeaser of Muslims, Ms Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress.
The Nandigram incident, Left's political nemesis
The Nandigram controversy started when the government of West Bengal decided that the Salim Group of Indonesia would set up a chemical hub under the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy at Nandigram, a rural area in the district of East Medinipur -- a fertile agricultural zone. The Leftist government planned to expropriate 10,000 acres (40 km2) of land for developing the said SEZ. But the farmers were vehemently opposed to give away their land. And on 14 March 2007, the Left Front government ordered to stamp out the protest, in which more than 4,000 heavily armed police stormed the area and opened fire on the protesters killing 14 people and injuring over 100.
As the Nandigram area is inhabited by both Hindus and Muslims, many of the victims of the police firing were Muslims. And local Muslim leader Siddiqullah agitated Muslims against the Left Front government-ordered police action. And Ms Mamata Banerjee took advantage of blunder of the government by siding with the farmers. By playing up the Nandigram trump card, Ms. Banerjee could sway the Muslim voters toward her party, while farmers also abandoned the Communists. So is outcome as seen in the latest election. Indeed, the result was obvious even in the 2009 national parliamentary election, when the LF could secure 43.30% of votes with the AITC bagging 45.95%. As a result, the AITC and INC alliance won 25 seats, while the Left won only 15.
Mamata's wooing the Muslim Voters
With Muslims constituting about 26% of the population and growing faster than the Hindus, the state of West Bengal has turned to be a hot-bed of Muslim appeasement with all three main players -- namely the INC, Left and AITC -- in fierce competition to woo the Muslim votes. In its tenure, the Left Front government turned blind eye to infiltration of the state by Bangladeshi Muslims; they even encouraged it as cadres of left parties rushed to provide shelter and food for illegal infiltrators. They also have a long list of facilities for infiltrated Muslims to earn their support and turn them into voters for the Left Front.
![]() Mamata in Muslim attire offering Islamic prayer |
But over the last ten years, and particularly after the Nandigram incident, Ms Mamata Banerjee started offering more lucrative promises to Muslims. Reservation of government jobs for Muslims is the most important allurement: she promised to reserve 15% jobs of the government for Muslims if she forms the government. As the Railway Minister of the national Government, led by the INC, she also promised 500,000 railway jobs for Muslims. All these unfair promises and appeasements played to her advantage resulting in the landslide victory in the assembly election.
To win over Muslims, Ms. Banerjee wears Muslim dress whenever she visits a Muslim-dominated locality. She publicly joined Islamic prayers with Muslims. She supported the violent Muslim campaign for deporting the Bangladeshi authoress Taslima Nasreen from India. And when the Kolkata-based The Statesman daily attracted anger of radical Muslims by publishing an article of Johann Hari from the U.K.-based Independent in February 2009; Ms. Banerjee joined the Muslim protesters, which led to arrest of the newspaper's 2 editors.
In a previous article, Destiny of the Hindus of West Bengal, this author has shown how the Muslim population in West Bengal is rising sharply. Particularly the districts bordering Islamic Bangladesh are turning fast into Muslim-dominated ones due to infiltration by Bangladeshi Muslims. In many localities, Muslims have succeeded in creating mini Pakistans by increasing their numbers. In such pockets, Muslims have already begun jihad against the Hindus. They loot Hindu properties, set their houses on fire, drive away their domestic animals, abduct and rape Hindu women and so on. Their intention is to drive the Hindus out of the locality by intimidation and torture and grab their riches, fertile lands and other properties.
Muslim savagery at Deganga
![]() Deganga violence: A Hindu idol of Goddess Kali vandalized by Muslims |
Deganga is a Muslim-dominated area in the North 24 Parganas district in West Bengal, which has been turned into a mini Pakistan by unchecked influx of Bangladeshi Muslims. In fact, the entire district is fast turning into a Muslim dominated one due to Muslim infiltration from nearby Bangladesh. On September 6-8, 2010, looting and burning of Hindu shops by the Muslims went on in the market places of Deganga and in nearby villages of Kartikpur, Khejuridanga and Beliaghata, scattered over an area of nearly 50 sq km. But the police remained silent onlookers and failed to protect Hindu properties. Muslim mob also desecrated and razed Hindu temples; and broke Hindu idols at many places of the locality (read more: Islamic Barbarism in Deganga). And ironically more than 70% of the affected Hindus in that area had fled the Muslim violence in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) during partition in 1947. And they are facing violence and displacement again from the same Muslims.
The choice of a plot of land by Hindus to celebrate the Durga Puja in the Chattalpalli village under the police station Deganga unraveled the violence. Chattal Samiti, a Hindu organization, has been organizing the Durga Puja celebration for the past 40 years. Last year, the Chattal Samiti as usual started erecting a temporary platform on a spot of land where they usually celebrate the festival. Besides the spot, there lies a Muslim burial ground.
On September 6, just after breaking the Ramadan fast (iftar), more than 2000 Muslim goons attacked Hindu shops at the market places at Deganga, Kartikpur, Khejuridanga and other markets with swords, knives, bombs, grenades, acid-bulbs and firearms. Haji Nurul Islam, the Muslim MP of the area from the Trinamul Congress party came to the spot along with other local Trinamul leaders, but they did nothing to stop the Muslim atrocities. Miss Mamata Banerjee is famous for speaking up against alleged oppression and violence against the ordinary and weak citizens, but in this case, she preferred not to visit Deganga and maintained total silence.
This discussion gives evidence to what extent Miss Mamata Banerjee would go to appease Muslims to capture their votes and how she will connive with Muslim atrocities and violence. With Hindus already under the distress of Muslim fear, atrocities and violence in many parts of West Bengal, it is obvious that the state of affairs is only going to worsen for the Hindus under the incoming government of Ms Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress.
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