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That Islam is their actual nemesis...

Islam is the other name of violence

On Friday, August 19, 2011, a Muslim young teen boy, indoctrinated in a Taliban-run madrasa, exploded a bomb in the midst of Jama Masjid, during Jumma prayers, killing 55 and injuring another 80 or more, in Pakistan. On August 24, 2011, another blast occurred in Pakistan as reported Statesman:“Ten people were killed and eight injured when a bomb attached to a bicycle exploded near a hotel in Pakistan's northwestern city of Nowshehra today, as people gathered after breaking their Ramzan fast, police said. No one has claimed responsibility for the incident as yet.” According to another report appeared in The Statesman on 26 August, Kashmiri Militants, on the previous day, struck twice within a span of three hours in Kashmir lobbing grenades that killed a BSF jawan and a civilian and left 13 others injured. The militants first threw a grenade at BSF personnel stationed at Jhelum Market in Baramulla, 55 kms from Srinagar. Four persons, including two BSF jawans, were injured in the blast. Later, one of the injured civilians, Abdul Gani, succumbed to injuries.

The website keeps a record of all such Islamic violence or jihadi terrorism occurring across the world, and according to its latest tally, 6 such incidents of violence occurred in past few days of the ongoing Islamic holy month of Ramadan, as shown in the Table below:

Date of occurrence


Brief description


Yala, Thailand

A 3-year-old girl and her father are shot to death by Holy Warriors.


Avdesh, India

Two brothers are abducted and murdered by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen


Ramadi, Iraq

A suicide car bomber takes out a half dozen Iraqis.


Diyala, Iraq

A woman and child are among five innocents exterminated by Jihadi bombers.


Paktia, Afghanistan

Islamists send rockets into a market, taking out at least three patrons, including a child


Pattani, Thailand

Buddhist monks are among the casualties of two bombings that claim two lives.

So, B Kisan, in his article “Why Taliban blow up a Jama Masjid full of Muslim worshippers?” writes: “Such attacks are so commonplace and seemingly mundane that they don't make top stories of the BBC News website nor even the top 10 read stories. People just shrug their shoulders and repeat ad-infinitum the familiar chorus that “he couldn't have been a Muslim” to do this.” In this context, the reader may recall that B Kisan, in another article “Taliban Genocide of Hazara Muslims”, posted in on August 1, 2010, has described how Taliban terrorists gunned down more than 100 unarmed Ahmadiyya Muslims while they were offering namaz in their mosque.

So, it becomes evident that the Taliban does not commit atrocities against the infidels alone, but also against non-Sunni Muslim sects, whom they consider heretics. The Hazara Shiite Muslims of Afghanistan are one of their major victims. “Taliban recently grabbed headlines by machine gunning 100 unarmed Ahmadiyya Muslims to death while they were offering namaz in their mosque”, adds Kisan. It may be mentioned here that the Ahmadiyya Muslims are not considered Muslims in Pakistan. By a constitutional amendment in 1974, the minority Ahmadiyyas were declared non-Muslim by the government, thus, turning all members of the sect into kafirs. Since then, the Pakistani Government is stamping their passports with "non-Muslim" tag, so that they may not enter either Mecca or Medina for pilgrimage. Talibans and the extremist Sunni Islamic fanatics of Pakistan and Afghanistan have a long history of committing genocide against minorities e.g. Hazaras (Shias) and the Ahmadiyya Muslims, and consider them as heretics. (see this video)

Shockingly Nobel Laureate scientist like Dr Abdus Salam, the first Muslim to be honored with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979, was a victim of intense religious persecution and insult in Pakistan for his belonging to the Ahmadiyya sect. In 2006, the year of his 10th death anniversary, there were no observances of the occasion in Pakistan, as Ahmadiyyas are no longer considered Muslims.

According to another report by BBC on August 26, Pakistani Jihadis kidnapped Shahbaz Taseer, son of the governor Salman Taseer, who was assassinated by his bodyguard Mumtaz Qadri in January this year for opposing Pakistan’s blasphemy law. Shahbaz Taseer's car was intercepted by four men in Lahore city's upscale Gulberg area on Friday. It is not known who seized Mr Taseer but his family said they had received "threats from extremist groups".

These incidents of Muslims killing Muslims for religious reasons deserve special attention, when killing of kafirs by Muslims have become so commonplace. This evidently shows that there will not be peace on earth, even if the entire world is turned into a land of Islam (dar-ul-Islam). Even then, radical Muslims will continue killing deviant or less religious Muslims, and members of the supposedly deviant Muslim sects. Jihad or bloodshed against those munafiqoons (fake Muslims) would not stop.

What makes Muslims so prone to violence?

It has been mentioned in some earlier articles that, Islam, which Muslim consider as the complete way of life, does not have anything like human resource development program. In the Koran, Allah does not encourage Muslims to receive modern education and become law-abiding and creative citizens. Instead, Allah says that jihad -- which means indiscriminate killing of the kafirs (or non-Muslims), plundering their riches and wealth, occupying their land and other properties by sword, fire and rape -- is the best form to worship. Such teachings form the foundation of the curricula in Islamic schools or madrasas. In other words, criminality is the basic teachings of Islam.

Muslim believes that Muhammad was the best man ever born on the earth and every Muslim should emulate him. Like Allah, Muhammad never tried to build up an educated and creative force out of his followers in Medina. Instead, he simply executed Allah’s command of Jihad, particularly during his 10-year stay in Medina, for making a living. Looting and plundering the wealth of the kafirs in the name of jihad was his sole means of livelihood and becoming rich. He drove the Jews of Beni Kanuika and Beni Nadir (who were wealthy people) out of Medina and massacred the men of Beni Quraiza on his way to grabbing their riches and wealth, and agricultural lands and houses. He also organized violent attacks on other non-Muslim communities of Arabia to plunder their wealth and turn the captured women into sex-slaves, or sold them as slaves. He also organized attacks on the business caravans of the Quoresh of Mecca to plunder their wealth. During his last 10-year in Medina, he organized some 82 such bloody raids and accumulated huge wealth and other properties.

As concerns Jihad under the Prophet, Allah revealed the commands of jihad for massacring, looting and plundering the kafers, and Muhammad and his followers simply implemented the command. Muslims at all times and places are supposed to execute Allah’s command and emulate their Prophet. So, in the Islamic schools (madrasas), they are taught how to kill people, how to make bombs and explosives, how to operate weapons, and finally, how to apply those teachings upon the kafirs to slaughter, loot and plunder. In addition, they learn how to seduce and rape the kafir women. There is no need to receive modern education, acquire skills for earning livelihood via legal means and become decent and peace-loving citizens. This is how madrasas confine their education within the teachings of the Koran and Hadiths, and turn its students into violent jihadis.

In the modern world, not many Muslims go to madrasas for education; most of them are relatively moderate. But they refuse to try to understand that such jihadi training in madrasas and mosques is mandated by their religion and holding them back in the race of civilization, that they are being forced to stick to a civilization that prevailed in Arabia 1400 years ago.

Muslims fanatically believe that the Koran was revealed by Allah and hence immutable, and Muhammad was the last Prophet; hence, no other Prophet will be born on earth to amend or update the Koran to make it fit for the modern world. Muslims are thus, stuck in ruts of the 7th-century Arab civilization.

Amidst this grim scenario, they are now invigorating their campaign for occupying and Islamizing the entire world through fast breeding and/or Jihadi violence. In this way, they are also increasing the number of brainless, violent jihadis. So, there is no way for them to advance and cope with the modern civilization. For this obvious reason, Muslims around the world are seen to be falling behind non-Muslims in every sphere of life and society. In fact, Islam is not a religion but a political creed, upon which Muhammad had founded his empire and polity. More pointedly, Islam is a creed of Arab religious imperialism that aspires to turn everyone in this world into a slave of that Arab religious imperialism. But Muslims around the world, except those of Arabia, fail to understand that through accepting Islam, they have turned themselves into slaves of Arab imperialism. One would be able to grasp the aspect of economic exploitation of the Arab-Islamic imperialism by counting the money non-Arab Muslims spend during the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

Backwardness of Muslims across the world

Muslims claim that Islam is the best religion on earth. So, the question naturally arises: If Islam is so good, then why Muslims fails to be good? Why Muslim countries are so backward and ignorant? Why they dominate in producing terrorists, pirates and criminals of all hues? Why are Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Libya, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Syria etc. relatively backward, violence-prone, oppressive, regressive, devoid of human values, lacking in democracy and human rights? The Koran says that Muslims are the best people on earth, and the Jews are no better than apes and pigs. Then why the Jews are so advanced and Muslims are so backward?

A study by a committee of Arab intellectuals and scholars, appointed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 2001, may help us understand these questions. The committee carried out a year-long investigation and thorough analysis of the reasons of backwardness of the Arab world. The findings of the study were published in 2002, entitled as “Arab Human Development Report 2002”. The report mainly blamed Islam for the Arab world’s backwardness.

There are two main reasons that make Muslims backward. First, Muslim communities are guided by the social laws ordained by Allah, through the Koran and Muhammad, nearly 1400 years ago. Meanwhile, human societies have advanced tremendously over past 1400 years, but Muslims have to discard these advancements, because they are based on lowly manmade laws and human endeavors, not by divine guidance and laws. So, it can be said that Muslims physically live in the modern world, but mentally in a world that existed in Arabia 1400 years ago.

Secondly, the Koranic law that guides Muslims cannot be updated. According to the Kalema Tamjid, the fourth Kalema of Islam, Muhammad was the foremost and the ultimate amongst all the Prophets Allah sent to guide the people of this planet. It is, thus, easy to comprehend that in the Quarn, Allah had engraved His laws in gold, and there is no scope to amend them, since He won’t send any further Prophets to guide humankind. This aspect of the Islamic doctrine obviates the fact that it is Allah’s shortness of wisdom and commonsense that holds back Muslim societies. The kafirs use human wisdom and commonsense to continually to update their laws through constitutional amendments, but the finality of the Islamic law, cast by Allah in gold, preempt any amendments to the law and polity of Islamic societies. Therefore, Allah’s obvious fallacy of sending Muhammad as his ultimate Prophet has turned to be the Islamic world everlasting Achilles hill.

Backwardness of the Muslims of India

The Muslims of India, despite living in a kafer land, are spiritually a part of the domain of Allah and His Koran. So, it is natural that they would suffer from Islam-induced backwardness.

The Indian National Congress Party led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government under the Prime Ministership of Dr. Manmohan Singh appointed a high level committee on March 9, 2005, to prepare a report on the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community in India. The committed that included Muslim intellectuals prepared a 403-page report that was tabled in Parliament on 30 November 2006. The report, known as the Sachar Committee Report, found the status of Indian Muslims to be below the Scheduled Castes and Tribes.

According to the Sachar Committee report, one of the causes of backwardness of the Muslims is “Rapid population explosions due to indiscriminant breeding weakens the genetic strain, and allows for the introduction of physical and mental pathologies...Hemophilia, other blood diseases, severe vitamin D deficiencies, and other malady's are overtaking the 'Religion of Peace', and causing it to compost from the inside out...If Islam continues to breed at an alarming rate, eventually it will be an Ummah of sick and mentally stupid, retarded people.” Some people think the Muslims are already at that stage. The Sachar Committee pointed out two more vital reasons for the Muslim backwardness: (1) lack of freedom of speech and (2) atrocities on women.

To describe this dismal state of affairs, the Sachar Committee writes, “In the field of literacy the Committee has found that the rate among Muslims is very much below than the national average. The gap between Muslims and the general average is greater in urban areas where Most of the women and 25 per cent of children of Muslim parents, in the 6-14 year age group, have either never attended school or have dropped out.

The Committee further observes, (Due to this intellectual backwardness), “The participation of Muslims in the professional and managerial cadre is low. The presence of Muslims has been found to be only 3% in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), 1.8% in the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and 4% in the Indian Police Service (IPS). Muslim community has a representation of only 4.5% in Indian Railways while 98.7% of them are positioned at lower levels. Representation of Muslims is very low in the Universities and in Banks. Their share in police constables is only 6%, in health 4.4%, in transport 6.5%. Substantially larger proportion of the Muslim households in urban areas are in the less than Rs.500 expenditure bracket. And therefore, the access to government schools for children of Muslim parents is limited.”

“Indian Muslims today are less educated, poorer and live shorter, less secure and less healthy lives than their Hindu counterparts. Census figures paint a bleak picture of their plight. In rural India, 29% of Muslims earn less than $6 a month, compared with 26% of Hindus; in the cities (where a third of all Muslims live) the gap rises to 40% vs. 22%. Some 13% of India's population is Muslim, yet Muslims account for just 3% of government employees, and an even smaller percentage are employed by private Hindu businesses. Meanwhile, in the cities, 30% of Muslims are illiterate, vs. 19% of Hindus”, writes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., an American journalist (TIME, Aug 4, 2003).[i]

It has been pointed out above that when it comes to education, land holdings and employment, Muslims are well below their share of the population. In contrast, they have a disproportionately high representation amongst prison population. “Muslim percentage of inmates in jails in states is as high as their share in population; in many states, including Gujarat, Maharastra, Jharkhand, Karnataka, it’s even higher”, says the Sachar Report. The Table – III below shows the data forwarded to the Committee by eight states-


Muslim population (%)

Convicted & under trial

In jail for >1 year

In jail for 1-5 years

In jail for >5 years

In jail for <1 year


















































Tamil Nadu







(The summery for the 8 states, 23.4% of prison inmates are Muslims.)

So, the question naturally arises: Why is it so? Muslims differ from other religious groups -- Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians etc. – only in their religion. Given the obscurantist and violent nature of the teachings of the Quran as discussed above, it is easy to understand why Islamic communities fail to produce productive citizens so as to compete with other religious communities in India. And when criminality is the foundation of the Islamic faith, Muslims are expected to have higher representation amongst criminals and prison inmates. Islam, which is a criminal ideology, is the most dreaded enemy as much of non-Muslims as of Muslims themselves. It is the enemy of our global civilization and culture.


Islamic ideology creates an environment of hatred, terror and violence. Such an ideology, when embraced as the complete code of life as Muslims do, it cannot foster a peaceful and conducive atmosphere for education and intellectual development. Islamic schools or madrasas teach the Koran and hadiths, filled with the doctrine of violent jihad. Hence, students come out of these institutions with a well-developed criminal mindset, lacking in creativity and freedom of thought. As a result, Islamic countries and communities lag behind in every sphere of human endeavors. But Muslims, who are brainwashed with this moribund and terrorizing cult from childhood, and never want to rationally examine their faith, fail to understand that Islam is the root cause of their backwardness.

(To be continued)
