Hits: 7815 that horrible teachings of the Quran and hadiths are responsible for the disproportionately highly level of violence, rape and criminality amongst them and causes backwardness in their communities.....

Islam is a doctrine of crime and violence

It has been mentioned in the previous article that Islam is a cult of criminality, which promotes criminal and violent behavior amongst its followers in the name of Jihad. From childhood days, Muslim children are instructed not to defy tradition laid down by Allah and Prophet through the Koran and Hadith, but must unconditionally submit to them. Truth should be sought in the text of the Koran and Hadith, not through experience. Muslims should employ their mind only to explain and transmit what has been ordained in the Koran and Hadith without ever questioning those religious dogmas. Since the texts of the Koran and Hadiths are replete with incitement to hatred and violence, especially toward non-Muslim, and also towards deviant Muslims -- the Muslim mind is imbued with propensity toward violence and criminality from the tender age.

In the case of Muslims of India, it has been mentioned in the previous article that the representation of the Muslims in the areas of higher education, in government and non-government jobs, in the police and armed forces and in legal professions, is negligible. But Muslim representation is exceptionally high among prison inmates. The same is not true for other minorities, such as Sikhs and Christians. For example, in the state of Maharastra, Muslims make up 10.6% the population, but 40.6% of the prison inmates; in Delhi, Muslims constitute only 11.7% of the population, but 29.1% of the convicts in jails; in Kerala, Muslims are 24.7% of the total population, but 38.3% of prison inmates are Muslims.

The picture is similar in other parts of the world as well. For example, in the UK, the Muslim population is put at around 2.5 million or 2.7% of the total population. But according to a statement issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in England, 87% among the terrorism-related prisoners in Britain identified themselves as Muslim in 2010. In fact, “Britain faces a serious threat from domestic and international terrorism. Since 2001, 237 people have been convicted for terrorism-related offences, a further 48 individuals have been placed under control orders and 228 individuals have been referred to intervention programmes for those who are deemed to be at risk of violent radicalisation. Government figures indicate that at least 2,000 individuals are of concern to security services.”[Islamic Voice, July, 2011]

In this context, the reader may recall the massacre of Hazara Muslims by the Taliban in Bamyan, Afghanistan. On 13 September 1998, the Taliban entered the Bamyan city after a brief battle on the Aghrubut pass, and search the Bamyan villages to find out suspect people. They captured male members of the Hazara community, aged above 13, who were taken to the desert and then assassinated. Sar Asyabb, Haider Abad and Syed Abad villages were among the villages suffered the worst. The captives were slaughtered like herd and some of the bodies were cut to pieces and the dead bodies were left scattered everywhere. Houses of Hazaras were set ablaze and destroyed.

It becomes obvious that Muslims as a religious group are more prone to committing crime and violence. And its not at all surprising, given the creed of Islam preaches robbing and plundering, killing and raping and so on, as divinely sanctified doctrine in the name of jihad, which is deemed the best form of worship for Allah, and such horrible acts open for them the doors to Allah’s super-luxury paradise (jannah), which is nothing but brothel. What better, then, can be expected of them.

Raping kafir women

A central aspect of the doctrine of jihad is its provision for Jihadis to rape the kafir women. In the eye of merciful Allah, kafir women are simply spoils of war, and He allows Muslims to capture them for raping. So, the Koran says:

  1. “Marry of the women, who seem good to you, two, three or four of them. But if you fear that you cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hands, possess” (4.3)
  1. “You are forbidden (to have sex with) married women, except those (captives) whom your right hands possess” (4.24)
  2. “The believers truly believe in the Day of Judgement and dread the punishment of their Lord, and restrain their carnal disire, save with their wives and these (captives) whom they possess by their right hands, for these are lawful unto them,” (70. 26-30) and so on.
  1. “Enjoy, therefore, all things that you have gained in war (including women), as lawful and good.” (8.69)

To put these commands of Allah into action, Prophet Muhammad and his disciples used to capture the young women of defeated tribes in Jihad raids, and used them as sex-slave. Prophet Muhammad himself had taken Juweeiriya, Rihana and Safiya, the young women of exceptional beauty of their tribes, as his own sex-slaves. In Bangladesh, Hindu and other minority girls are frequently raped, even gang-raped (the same is true for Pakistan, Egypt and other Islamic countries).

According to an investigative report issued by the Banglaldesh Minority Watch (BDMW) and GHRD-Dhaka, Tithi Rani Sarkar (19), a Hindu college girl, was raped by her College Vice-Principal ABM Faruk Siddique, of Shahid Abul Kashem College in Lalmonirhat District. When the victim disclosed the names of the perpetrators of the rape, the perpetrator along with 10-12 hoodlums attacked her house, dragged her out, and abducted her on June 24, 2010 (possibly for forcible conversion). But Tithi Rani jumped off the speeding motor cycle and was rescued with serious injuries. Criminal cases were lodged with Lalmonirhat police station on June 25, 2010: one for rape, and another for attack on the victim’s house, her abduction and attempt for forcible conversion to Islam.

The rape victim Tithi Rani Sarkar

Rape victim Tithi Rani Sarkar

Sexual harassment against minority girls and women in Bangladesh is turning stark: 28 women committed suicide in 2010, and another seven girls attempted it so as to escape frequent sexual harassment, says the Dhaka-based human rights organization, Ain O Salish Kendra. In one such incident, the father of the victim also committed suicide out of social insult and indignity after his daughter was harassed and raped.

In another incident, the rape-act of a Hindu school girl (14) in the Jessore District was filmed and the video pictures were marketed. According to local people and members of the victim family, the said victim was abducted and brought to the house of Monira, where she was repeatedly raped by the culprit Sukkur and his accomplice Md. Rafiqul filmed the rape-scenes in his mobile phone. [Islamic Voice, June 2011]

Kaler Kontho, a Dhaka-based Bengali daily, reported on 10 June 2011that Ms Rupali Rani Das (25), a Hindu woman, wife of Gurupada Das (30), was gang raped on January 5, 2011, at Chandipur within Austagram Upazila Kishoregonj Dist. The names of the perpetrators were: 1) Mohammad Paresh Meah (35), 2) Md. Badal Meah (30), son of Menu Mea, 3) Mohammad Soharab Meah (32), 4) Mohammad Idu Meah (30), 5) Mohammad Alamgir (26), 6) Mohammad Dulal Meah (38), 7) Md. Annowar Meah (40), and 8) Md. Tariqul Meah (28). There are so many instances of such crimes being committed daily in Bangladesh.

During Hindu Genocide in the district of Noakhali in 1946, raping of Hindu women occurred in massive scales, and not a single woman was spared (to read more, see “Great Calcutta Killings and Noakhali Genocide”, by Dinesh Singha and Asoke Dasgupta, Tuhina Prakashan, Kolkata). During the partition of India in 1947, some 75,000 Hindu and Sikh women were raped by Muslims in Pakistan. Many of them got pregnant and after reaching Delhi, they were aborted in Dr Kapoor’s clinic, even though abortion was illegal in India at that time. The expenditure of this mass abortion was borne by the Government of India. Ms Urvashi Butalia has documented all such horrific experiences in her “The Other Side of Silence” (Penguin Books).

The moot question is: Who is responsible for such barbaric and criminal acts? On the surface, responsibility falls on Muslims, who commit the crime. But real culprit is the criminal ideology Islam, or more pointedly, their holy book, the Koran. It is the Koran that imbues the Muslim mind with criminal teachings, and turns them into criminals.

Urvashi Butalia

It should be mentioned here that most of Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, before the arrival of Islam, were either Hindus or Buddhists. These two religions do not preach hatred and encourages their followers commit violence and rape against followers of another faith. It is tragic that a big section of the good, peace-loving people of India have become cruel and criminal, thanks to the influence and teaching of Islam and the Koran. The ultimate aim of Islam is to rob human beings of their humanity, and turn them into merciless killers and rapists. Human beings are primarily a product of their social environment, upbringing and ethical teaching. And Muslims on the whole become what their religious creed as a complete code of life and society represents.

Islam is responsible Muslim backwardness

In an article,Whither Muslim World”, Ottawa (Canada) based author Muhammad Tariq Ghazi writes [Islamic Voice, June 2011]:

“There are around 60 Muslim majority nation-states which are banded together under ‘Muslim World’. They are characterized by traits of poverty, insensitivity, callousness, inefficiency, mutual mistrust and rancour. Their lands are rich repositories of precious metals, liquids that could fuel the veins of industrial world and rare elements, every single of them capable of lending them the leadership of the world. But none of the leaders ruling those states are endowed with the adequate knowledge of the worth of what their land possesses and the wisdom to turn them into power. They merely survive and subsist upon exports of these metals and materials. They are even bereft of talent that goes into identifying these deposits, extracting and refining them for export. Greedy businessmen approach them for the purpose, extract the wealth from their bowels of the lands upon which they live, refine it and lay claim of its ownership.”


“It is not that these owners of the raw material have no colleges and universities or are devoid of educated class. They have these centres of learning in plenty, which disgorge hundreds and thousands of graduates every year. But they are of no use. They only gather rust in these universities”, the author adds.

“…no amount of education would turn them into wise and skilled individuals, nor are they ever able to benefit others from their wisdom and skills. They waste their time and talents in meaningless discussions, disputes and mutual recriminations and by heaping insults and infamies on each other. They effectively prove that they are the worst enemy of their individual progress and collective development. Finally, when all these result into their own decay, decline, and destruction, they start cribbing about others dominating them”, the author laments.

Muhammad Tariq Ghazi

On April 14, 2011, the Poona College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized an International Conference on the theme “Emergence of India as Global Economic Superpower: Fiction or Future?” in Pune. While delivering the keynote address, eminent economist Dr. Abusaleh Shariff -- who was Member-Secretary of the Sachar Committee -- said that with present 8 to 8.5 per cent economic growth, India will very soon be the third largest economy of the world. But he described it as ‘immoral growth as it excludes a vast section of the population. “SCs, STs, minorities (i.e. Muslims), farmers, labourers are not being benefited from this growth. (He also said that for many British youth, India has become the dream-destination for internship and career launching.) [Islamic Voice, June 2011]

However, it is only expected that those, who play a vital part in the process of India’s economic growth, namely name the educated and skilled labour force in industries, would get the better share of this growth. The communities that are educationally backward and fall under the category of unskilled labours, such as Muslims, cannot expect equal benefits. Instead of calling this growth immoral, Dr Shariff should inspire Muslims to receive education, so that they can get good jobs and get benefited, which would also help India progress faster.

To add more about the backwardness of Indian Muslims, in the first week of January 2006, the American Federation of Muslims of Indian-origin (AFMI) and the Bangalore-based Muslim NGO, Talent Promotion Trust, jointly organized a panel discussion, entitled “Emerging India and Development of Muslims” in Bangalore. Renowned film star Farooque Shaikh told the gathering of Muslims intellectuals that “Muslims need to introspect as to why their situation has hit the present nadir and should give up blaming others for their dismal educational standard”. He also said that after analyzing the Muslim community, he has come to the conclusion that … …religious discrimination, gender bias and other issues are plaguing Muslims.

Sadaqath Peeran, chairman of the Al-Ameen Education Society, told the gathering that “If Muslims had to be equal partners in emerging India, they had to break the shackle of poverty and illiteracy. English should be introduced in all Urdu schools, if we want to be equipped to face the challenges of this competitive world”.

Speaking on the occasion, Maqbool Ahmed Siraj, secretary of the Talent Promotion Trust, said: “The Muslim situation is very bleak all over the world. There is no encouragement and incentive for innovation and creativity in the Muslim world”. Mr. Siraj lamented over the low level of economic activity of the Muslim world and said, “The entire gross domestic product of the Muslim world is just half of what France produces every year”. [Islamic Voice, Feb 2006]

Based on another survey, Wasim Sajjad, President of the Islamabad based Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (CONSTECH), told a press conference January 1998 that the 56 Islamic states of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), considering their share of world population, should have 4 million scientists and engineers, but in reality they had only 200,000, merely 5% of the expected figure. According a recent Pew survey, there are 1.57 billion Muslims in the world. So, Muslims account for nearly 33% of the world population. But the scientific research papers they publish are negligible, less than 1%. And they have little contribution in the high-tech areas, like computer software and information technology.

In OIC countries, the quality of education is pitiably low, and there is a severe mismatch between the labour market and the education system. Nearly 10 million children have no schooling at all, and “for this poor education system, Arabs are falling further behind in scientific as well as in technological studies and research.” Furthermore, investment in research and development is less than one-seventh of the world average. Only 0.6% Muslims uses the Internet, and 1.2% have personal computers. All these reflect to the severe dearth of creativity in the Islamic word.[i]

Muslim communities are also severely restrained in their freedom of thought and expression, which must be within the guidelines of the Quran and hadiths, and this is another vital reason that makes them backward. Any thought or actions, contrary to the Quran and hadiths, are firmly and even violently repressed. They are only permitted to praise Muhammad for everything he did and what the Koran says or commands, without opportunity of critically evaluation. So, all of Muhammad’s terribly cruelties, like massacring the Jews of Kuraiza, Mustaliq and Khaybar, his indiscriminate attack and killing of the Arab infidels in 82 armed raids and military campaigns during his ten-year stay at Medina, must be praised or concealed by Muslims. Muslims have to discover a divine aura in Muhammad marrying of 12 (or 22) wives in his declining years, including his marrying 6-year-old Ayesha at the age of 52, and his marrying of Zainab, the wife of his adopted son Zeid. What a terrible insult to human intellect! What a colossal intellectual slavery! Can a community, whose thought-process has been so crippled, enslaved, can prosper in a world, where the mind and intellect in the key to progress?

So, undoubtedly Islam or the Koran is the real culprit for the Muslim backwardness globally. It is also well known that the Islamic world does not treat its womenfolk, the half of humanity, as full citizens, and this suppression of women is another vital reason behind the Muslims backward. It would be pertinent to conclude this part of the article quoting eminent scholar of Islam Sir William Muir from his celebrated work, The Life of Mahomet:

The sword of Mohammad, and the Kor’an, are the most stubborn enemies of Civilization, Liberty and Truth which the world has yet known”.

But the good news is that there are some people in the Muslim communities, whom Islamic brain-washing failed to turn into brain-dead nuts and jihadi killers, who will be the focus of the next part of the article.

[i] Muslims: A Shackled People Enslaved by the Koran