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'The heart and cardiovascular system in the Qur'an and Hadeeth' or pure nonsense?


The Editor of International Journal of Cardiology,

Dear Sir,

I hold a Ph.D. in biological science, and worked many years in the U.S. as researcher on animals, and am quite familiar with the anatomy, physiology and pathology of humans and most research animals.

Recently I came across an amazingly controversial paper, ‘The heart and cardiovascular system in the Qur'an and Hadeeth' (Marios Loukas, Yousuf Saad, R. Shane Tubbs and Mohamadali M. Shojawhich), published in your reputed journal, International Journal of Cardiology. It is surprisingly that this fraudulently-crafted article was accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of your reputed, and claimed to be peer reviewed, journal.

I am astonished as well as appalled to see how your reputed journal could accept and publish this deceptive article, which has been based totally on false claims of science in the Quran or Hadeeths. This article is an absolute nonsense by some cunning Islamists, designed to fool westerners. I can bet a million dollars that, if an impartial scrutiny of the cited Quran and hadiths were conducted, all the claims made in this article would be proven false.

I have thoroughly read Islamic religious books, particularly the Quran and hadeeth, over the last 20 years. I have found them absolutely silly books, loaded with plenty of mumbo-jumbos of utterly superstitious crap. These so-called sacred books are full of contradictions and errors in scientific, historical, ethical, moral, and political matters. Moreover, these books are also filled with utterly hateful verses and commands against non-Muslims. I have written many articles on the Quran and hadiths depicting monumental errors and contradictions in them. You can consult one such article Quranic Erroneous Science and Contradictions!

I am quite positive that the reviewers of your journal never critically examined the Quranic verses and hadeeths, which the authors have used to make their claims. They have simply believed the authors’ utterly deceptive claims, made out of complete distortion of the cited verses or hadeeths.

These deceptive Islamist authors have deceived you by selective (pick & choose) verses, taking only part of them, sometimes by changing the actual words, or adding nonexisting words etc. They have intentionally twisted or manipulated the commonly accepted meanings of verses to prove existence of scientific miracles in the Quran.

Who has ever heard about scientific theory in any religious book? Is any religion compatible with the modern science? History has proven that religion and science are like oil and water, which never mix together! And Islam is no exception. Please read this article here: Erroneous Science and Contradictions in the Quran only to learn that, ancient luminaries of Islamic kingdom did not get their scientific ideas from the Koran or Hadeeths at all; instead they all got it from the ancient Indian, Greek and Chinese sources.

The authors’ claim about miraculous Quranic embryology is a pure joke and full of superstitious crap. Please read this article about Quranic embryology here: Science in Quran: Ambiguity of Human Embryology.

Let me cite some embryological contradictions/errors for your perusal:

Man is created from clotted blood (?)

  Quran-23:14: Then fashioned We the drop a CLOT OF CONGEALED

BLOOD then fashioned We the clot a little lump (fetus), fashioned We the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators.

  Quran-75:38: Then he becomes a CLOT; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned…

  Quran-96:2: Created man, out of a mere clot of congealed blood

There are serious scientific problems here

A blood-clot can not grow into anything. This idea came from the Greeks. Aristotle erroneously believed that humans are originated from the action of male semen upon female menstrual blood, which is absolutely an incorrect assumption. The Quran’s assertion on the clot (alaqa) is completely wrong about human development, since there is absolutely no stage during which the embryo consists of a clot. The only situation in which an embryo might appear like a clot is during a miscarriage, in which case the clotted blood which is seen to emerge (much of which comes from the mother) is solidified and by definition no longer alive. Therefore, if ever an embryo appeared to look like a clot, it would never develop any further into a human; it would be a dead mass of bloody miscarriage. Since Prophet Muhammad had some thirteen wives, it is entirely possible that he would be very familiar with miscarriages.

Modern science tells us that the formation of human embryo is a seamless continuation from conception to the birth; hence there are no hard-and-fast boundaries of stages as the Quran described. The Quran described 4 stages, which match exactly with Galenic description of the development of the human embryo (proven wrong by modern science).

Creation of bones and clothing of bones with flesh: According to modern embryologists including Prof. Moore of Canada, the tissue from which bone originates, known as mesoderm, is the same tissue as that from which muscle (flesh) develops. Thus bone and muscles begin to develop simultaneously, rather than sequentially (as the Quran tells us). Moreover, most of the muscle tissue that we human have is laid down before birth, but bones continue to develop and calcify (strengthen with calcium) right into one’s teenage years. So it would be more accurate if the Quran had said that muscles started to develop at the same time as bones, but completed their development earlier. The idea that bones are clothed with flesh is not only scientifically completely wrong/false, but was directly copied from the ancient Greek doctor Galen’s hypothesis.

Also, the idea of saying: “made into bones and clothed the bones with muscle” came from the technique of making animal statues (moorthy) out of rod and cement or mud. People usually make the skeleton (out of rod or stick) first and, then cover it up with cement or mud. This is scarcely a scientific description of embryonic development. It is rather a description of a layman.

What is very interesting about the so-called Quranic science is: The soc-called scientific Quranic verses matches with Aristotle’s and Galen’s theories of embryology and Ptolemic geo-centric theory of Astronomy, which were prevailing almost thousand years before the arrival of Quran. However, modern science has proven all these theories mostly wrong.

The Quran also claimed (in verse 2:222) that menstruation in human is a disease. But, science has proven that it is a normal physiological phenomenon. How you think any sane human can claim that the Quran told about correct science?

HONEY as the medicine: Wishful Islamists demand that the Quran predicted honey as the good medicine. Honey, although not a great medicine by today's context, was used for tens of thousands of years as medicine and food by ancient people. Physicians of Pharaoh used to prescribe honey for diseases. In pre-Islamic Arabia, people widely used HONEY as medicine. In India, Ayurbedic medicine widely used HONEY as the ingredients of medicine thousands of years before the arrival of Qur'an. Honey was known as “Grandma's Medicine” throughout the ancient World for thousands of years before Islam.

Maurice Bucaille was the famous deceiver, who wrote a book on Quranic sciences to make his millions from Saudi King, and this clever man fooled all Muslims with his discovery of fraudulent science in the Koran, which was debunk by William F. Campbell in his well written book: ‘The Quran and the Bible in the light of history & Science’.

The fraudulent article in your journal claims:

“Found within the Qur'an and Hadeeth are accurate descriptions of anatomical structures, surgical procedures, physiological characteristics, and medical remedies. In particular, prophylaxis of general diseases is emphasized by encouraging physical activity, herbal and organic remedies, and spiritual revitalization. Notably, within these two texts, is the emphasis on the heart and blood as both a vehicle for life and as an organ central to affecting emotion and attitude. Furthermore, the lifestyle prescribed by these Islamic traditions promotes longevity of life, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and discourages risk factors associated with such diseases. Therefore, it is evident that the authors of the texts had a good understanding of both the etiology and pathology of many diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.”

All claims made above by the authors are outright false. Where are the anatomy, surgical procedures, medicine and remedies of diseases, etc. in the Quran? You will find no truth in these monumental claims if you do proper investigation. Do Muslims live longer than non-Muslims? In the Indian subcontinent, Hindus have greater longevity than their Muslim neighbors. Europeans, Americans and Japanese live much longer than the Muslim Arabs. Then why these false claims and how your esteem journal takes it?

I urge you to investigate the original source to substantiate the so-called science in the Quran and hadiths, as claimed in this paper, for accuracy. I wonder how your “cutting-edge” journal could accept such a fraudulent article without any proper investigation of the source.

While I understand that accepting or publishing any article in your reputed journal is purely your prerogative, but I urge to do another review of the article with proper scrutiny of cited Quranic verses and hadeeths. Please ask them to submit all the Quranic verses and hadiths (in original), and make an independent investigation by non-Muslim scientists (not by Mullahs) in order substantiate the truth in this article.

Quran is replete with hateful, harsh, and unethical verses against non-Muslims. You can read some samples here: Qur'an is the Primary Manual of Islamic Suicide Terrorism.

Publication of this utterly fraudulent article in your esteemed journal will act huge propaganda-tool in the hands of cunning Islamists. Also, its publication in your reputed journal will embolden the religious zeal of Islamic terrorists, already seeking to destroy modern civilization. And of course, your journal will surely lose its prestige in the international scientific community. Thanks for your understanding.

Sincerely yours,

Syed Kamran Mirza, Ph.D.
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