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Imagine a world free of divisions and hatred among us, thanks to religions...

Watch this awesome video:

Just think of this! Imagine what the whole of humanity can do, if a father can do this for his son, a heartfelt love and will to make such heart-rending and enduring efforts of competing in the Iron Man contest.

The inspiring story of Rick & Dick Hoyt, the father and son team, who have competed in triathlons, iron man, marathons and road races for 25 years, overcoming some incredible disabilities.

I cried at the end of this video and I still do, as I watch it again and again. I can relate to this story best, as my only son is handicapped too. I am an unbeliever; but that does not make me cruel or selfish or curse my destined life. I know, like my son, there are countless children, men, and women, who need our love and encouragement to make the best out of their life on earth; and, thus, we can create a better collective life for us all. We all do have our small imagines in us, but we never try to make that effort of eradicating divisions, and even hatred, caused by religions from this wondrous world of ours.

Here is their truly inspiring story will surely move mountains:

I never forget what Ali Sina had said: “goodness is only a breathe away”.Alas! I call this love Godly.