Arab Women: Victims of Islamic Gender Apartheid, Part II
09 Feb, 2009
Part 1 – Part 2
Egypt was once the pioneer in the liberation of women in the Arab world. “The Liberation of Women”, the first Arab feminist manifesto was published in Cairo as early as in 1899. And by 1920s, women were dropping veils; by 1960, the country had more female doctors than many in the West. They won the right to vote and entered politics in 1956 and even secured a ban on the horrible practice of female circumcision. At that time, a new bill called the “Personal Status Bill”, that sought to establish absolute equality between men and women was in the pipeline. Unfortunately, then came the war with Israel and the move died.
- In those days of political turmoil, a conservative tide,
spearheaded by Islamic fundamentalists, snatched away most of the
rights women had won so far. Under a constitutional amendment in
1980, Islamic law was enshrined. As a result, women were reduced
to the status no better than that of pet animals of males. For
example, the practice of female circumcision was reintroduced. In
medical term, it is nothing but a surgical operation that removes
a part called clitoris of the female genital. At present, hundreds
of Egyptian girls die every year due to excessive bleeding from
the traumatic operation. In 1994, CNN telecast such an operation
worldwide and sparked a heated debate in the Egyptian parliament.
Egyptian Mufti, topmost religious authority in the country,
appealed to members of the parliament for banning the practice.
But the fanatic Islamist leader of the Al-Azhar University, Gad
al-Haq Ali Gad al-Haq, promulgated a fatwa directing the Egyptians
to continue the practice and the parliament also honoured his
As a result of these discouraging developments, women’s rights
movement in Egypt has lost steam. With the Quran and Sunnah on their
side, Egyptian men now divorce their wives with simple oath or the
"triple talaq", while women have to seek a divorce in the court of
law, a cumbersome process that generally takes several years. At
present, a third of the Egyptian women are reported to be beaten by
their husbands. In such a state of affairs, delay in getting a
decree of divorce from a cruel husband amounts to nothing but
punitive torture. Furthermore, a divorced mother, according to
Islamic law, enjoys the right of custody up to the age of 12 years
for the girls and 10 years for boys, after which the child must be
surrendered to their father, even if he is a brute and a sadist.
Muslims widely publicize that the Koranic law protects women’s right to property. But, in fact, it is also discriminatory, and allots them only half of the share of what a male relation gets in inheritance. They are victims of discrimination even in the court of law, where their testimony weighs only half of men’s.
Islamic criminal law is also discriminatory towards women. For
example, a man who catches his wife in an act of adultery and
murders her can expect a maximum jail term for 3 years, while his
wife would face a life sentence for the same crime. Furthermore,
according to the Islamic law in Egypt, a woman does not have the
right to pass on her nationality; only the men can. As a result,
nearly 80,000 Egyptian children, mostly products of temporary or
mutah marriage to Arabs from the oil-rich Gulf countries, have
no nationality. In fact, according to W. Muir, the most renowned
Western biographer of Prophet Muhammad, this mutah or
temporary marriage—sanctioned by the Koran
and Sunnah—is nothing but prostitution. It
may be mentioned here that in India, especially in Hyderabad in
Andhra Pradesh, aged rich Arab Shaikhs come to marry (mutah) young
Muslim girls by paying lucrative mehr (a kind of dowry paid
by grooms) to their guardians or parents. Last year, Andra police
arrested a 73-year-old Arab, Mohammad Jafer Yaqub Hassan al Jorani,
for marrying three teenage Muslim girls within 7th to 24th May,
Yet, the picture is not all bleak. More and more Egyptian girls are now receiving education. Between 1970 and 1998, the number of girls attending primary schools rose from 50 to 72 percent. In Oman, the number of school-going girls has more than quadrupled since 1970. In Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirate, more women than men are now attending universities. Especially, in Kuwait and Qatar, women make up about 70 per cent of the students. Female education has been dramatically improved in the Arab countries with women literacy rate at 80% in Tunisia and 100% in Jordan today. In Yemen, the illiteracy rate among young women is 54%, which is three times that of men. Still, only in 3 out of 22 Arab countries, women have the right to vote. While Arab women are working as ambassadors, Government ministers, top business executives and even army officers (in Bahrain), barely 6% of total workforce in Saudi Arabia is female. While a fifth of Algeria’s Supreme Court judges are women, they hold 15% of the top judicial posts in Tunisia.
Nonetheless, baby girls are twice as likely to die as baby boys in Egypt. And “honour killing” (killing female relations suspected of tarnishing the family honour) is still a social custom in the Arab world. The UN estimated in 2000 that about 5,000 girls and women become victims of honor-killing in 14 Muslim countries, many of them in the Arab world.
Tunisia is the most advanced and progressive among the Arab countries. Back in 1950, secularist Tunisia granted women the full equality with men; polygamy was banned and women were allowed to vote, contest elections, divorce their husbands, and work in any profession etc.
But the attitude of men has changed little. Many of them marry women from the countryside as additional wives and incidents of wife-beating still remain very high. In 2004, Morocco, by the initiative of the foreign educated King Muhammad VI, adopted a progressive family status code, which grants both sexes equal rights to seek divorce and to argue before a judge for custody of children. It also has placed tight conditions on polygamy, rendering the practice virtually impossible. On the other hand, Algeria’s family status law 1984, gives men the autocratic Koranic right to divorce by oral talaq, with no obligation to the divorced wife. And the Koranic law of inheritance has been enforced. However a survey carried out in 7 Arab countries by US-based Zogby International in 2002 found 50% of the respondents considered the improvements of women’s rights a high priority. Most surprisingly, firmest supports came from Saudi Arabia, famous for its extreme phobia regarding ikhtilat, or mixing of sexes.
So, it appears that the attitude of even Saudi Arabia towards its
womenfolk is changing. In May 2004, Saudi women were granted the
right to hold commercial licenses; as a result, Saudi women now own
a quarter of $100 billions deposited in Saudi banks. In 2001, women
won the right to have their own identity cards and since January
2004, Saudi Arabian state television has started recruiting female
newscasters. The Kingdom’s best known TV personality now is a woman,
named Rania al-Baz, whom her husband once beat almost to death. She,
instead of staying silent, what her mother and grand mother would
have done, invited photographers into her hospital room to tell her
tale and to show her broken face to the world. She has now formed a
group to combat the abuse of women in Saudi Arabia.
Today, some 1.3 billion Muslims, according to a CIA estimate, constitute ~24% of the world population, but they publish less than 1% of world’s scientific research papers. Countries belonging to the “Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC), according to their share of world population, should have 4 million scientists and engineers; in reality, the figure is only 200,000, merely 5% of the expected number. Furthermore, the Muslims have little contribution in the high-tech fields like computer software or information technology. Islamic countries, to be at per with the world’s budget, should spend 4.7 million per year for higher education and research. But they spend as low as $120,000. Many studies have revealed severe dearth of creativity in the Muslim world. The authors of the “Arab Human Development Report 2000” have rightly traced the root cause of backwardness of the Arabs in the oppression of their womankind.
In this context, one may recall that in 1996, Islamist fanatics butchered 300 girl-children in Libya for pursuing the un-Islamic practice of attending schools; in Afghanistan, fanatic Taliban government closed doors of schools and colleges to girls and forced women out of work and to remain indoor. In December last year, Taliban gunmen killed two female teachers for educating girls, along with their mother and their grandmother. A couple of months ago, a girl was brutally killed by fanatic Muslims for attending school and another girl student Kulsooma of class IX was blinded by throwing acid in Kashmir. Schools, educating the women, are frequent targets of intimidation and attacks by Taliban terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
It appears that the condition of Muslim women in India is worse in some respect than their Arab counter parts. For example, the literacy-rate amongst them is only 40.6 percent. The Muslim community, as a whole, also remain backward as compared to rest of the Indian society.
It can be safely said that, as long as Muslims continue oppressing their women, the prospect of their advancement in civilization would also remain bleak. It is worth taking note of what India’s former President, Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, has to say regarding this:
”As we all know, birds have two wings. Unless the both wings grow equally, the bird cannot fly. Similarly, the society has two wings, man and women. Both have to be developed equally. Then the society will fly”.
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Name: Flex
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 02:42:26 -0500
What a source of misery islam has been for humanity. I wish that the crazy Mohammed had been killed before this insanity took root and started growing. We have examples of many cults that died in their infancy, to bad that this one did not. I never see happy people in any pictures of muslims,none. Never any laughing,smiling etc. They must start the brainwashing from birth, I can not imagine that any sane person would choose this way of life,or believe the things they do naturally.
Name: hey hindi
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 05:56:30 -0500
Look who is talking. An Indian where women used to get burned a live with their dead husband. hahahah
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 07:34:09 -0500
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 07:35:45 -0500
To above. What is wrong about being Hindi? Yes there were some crazy people who used to burn widows. Do you see that happening now? However the brutalization of Muslim women is for real and is happening as we speak. Two wrongs dont make a right. The hindus are working to remove ills from their society, what about you?
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 08:27:09 -0500
To the person above who said that hindus burn their widows alive, please find a recent article where this is being practiced. In hinduism or in India, the law is different from religion, if you burn anyone alive you go to jail. Hindus don't convert anyone forcefully, rape women to ridicule the victims' faith, burn schools, threaten to take over the world's peace, etc. In Islam, whatever was written in Quran no matter how stupid or inhumane it is, it gets practiced and institutionalized. Of all the religions, Islam is the worst model for humans to follow. Muslims must realize that but sadly, the only part of their bodies that function properly is the penis.
Name: To: Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 09:39:50 -0500
Try not to find mud or dust in others' shoe when you yourself are emerged into shit and dung!
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 09:44:02 -0500
"Muslims must realize that but sadly, the only part of their bodies that function properly is the penis." --- you r probably right to an extent. that's why beautiful hindu girls quite often fall in love with Muslim men!
Name: muzzies love death, we love life.
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 18:06:20 -0500
Muzzies think that since they love death they can win any war with infidels. But modern mind theories find out that you become or realise what you think about you. So the theory is absolutely right in the sense that muzzies die everywhere in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gaza, Chechnia, Thailand the list is expanding. God is helping them to find their jenna very fast. But then they should not complain about Kufrs not helping them. They are given what they want. Death, even the most of natural calamities earth quakes in Indonesia, Pakistan floods in Bangladesh etc., etc.,are happening in Muzzie dominated areas. I think in fact God is helping them to die. Infidels should help them fast in annihilating them fast so that they can join with their Allah, virgins and boys.
Name: To the nameless Muslim
Date: Tuesday February 10, 2009
Time: 02:11:41 -0500
Dust and mud you said. The Islamic society is a pile of garbage right now and its stink is making the enitre world puke right now. As a Muslim you dont have the moral authority to talk about any other religion when your own religion is probably the worst thing that ever happened to mankind. If you are still a muslim, then there is all the more reason to be ashamed of yourself. Rathere than lecture people on the assumed greatness of Islam you should go and clean the pile of stinking corpses that are rotting throught the lands where Islam is present.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Tuesday February 10, 2009
Time: 16:15:02 -0500
"Women are denied their social and economic rights in the name of Islam..." [1] Also "Physical abuse of women in Musim culter is very common and occurs at all levels of the social ladder." [2]-[1]INFIDEL by Ayaan Hirsi Ali p.279 -[2] NOW THEY CALL ME INFIDEL by Nonie Darwish p.74
Name: Men Huh
Date: Tuesday February 10, 2009
Time: 18:28:51 -0500
People use religion as an excuse for bad practices, whether that's Islam, Christianity or the various Indian religions. Fact of the matter is these guys (not all) are ignorant men who don't know how to treat women. Maybe these men shouldn't take all the blame because they know no different, this is what they have grown up to see and all they know. Point is though, treat people how you would want to be treated and the world could be a better place. JUST read this blog by this women who has written various articles else where and i think shes spot on.
Name: Anis Rahman
Date: Friday February 13, 2009
Time: 10:21:09 -0500
Name: Anis Rahman
Date: Friday February 13, 2009
Time: 10:31:35 -0500
First of all we Muslim are victim of Islam with out knowing it, this diesis rooted in the mind and culture in Muslim community so strongly that even education failed to bring most of them in light. Educated Muslim remains in denial stage. Secondly Hindus and Muslim, we all is human being, we must respect each other and seek the common ground. I do not know how I can invite all non Muslim community to help my Muslim community, I am afraid that may back fire. Thank you
Name: Hindu baby killers
Date: Saturday February 14, 2009
Time: 16:23:07 -0500
Indian Hindus murder millions of girl children every year for being female And then want to lecture us on womens rights