Islamic Fencing
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 8411
This is adapted from “CATCHING WILD PIGS”, which applies to all religions, even to socialism, and particularly to Islam:
Write comment (177 Comments)Cartoon Mania Again
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 7607
Daily Mail is reporting that A row has erupted over an atheist society at a top London University posting a cartoon sketch featuring the prophet Muhammad having a drink with Jesus on its Facebook page. A row has erupted over an atheist society at a top London University posting a cartoon sketch featuring the prophet Muhammad having a drink with Jesus on its Facebook page.
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Allah O’ Akbar – For The Qur’an Says, Part 2
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 6941
(Ahadith: 491) Muhammad: “He who recites the holy Qur’an well and clearly is equal in rank to the angels, who record creation’s deeds. These Angels are honorable and lofty in rank. He who finds no difficulty in reciting the noble Qur’an will obtain a double reward.” [Bukhari, Muslim]
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Allah O’ Akbar – For The Qur’an Says, Part 1
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 9362
Quran 2:40-41: "O children of Israel! Call to mind the special favor which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill your Covenant with Me and I shall fulfill My Covenant with you, and fear none but Me. And believe in what I reveal, Confirming the revelation which is with you, and be not the first to reject Faith therein, nor sell My Signs for a small price; and fear Me, and Me alone. And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when you know what it is."
Write comment (12 Comments)“Islamic Smart Phones” in Town!
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 7299
An Islamic ‘Smartphone’ has been launched, with a compass pointing permanently towards Mecca and the Holy Quran already downloaded… Whilst, an optional IED Apps also available. This Smartphone comes in several colors for Muslim men as well as the standard black model for the oppressed Muslim women! So, for all those Muslim brethrens –hey thou art also in these Seasons shopping…
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