Forced Marriages in Muslim Societies!
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 9125
“My father gave maulvi sahib (cleric) money in front of me and he then asked the police officer to beat me.”
“The police officer took me into a room, he made me lie down on a bench….and thrashed me.”
Write comment (14 Comments)The Malaaikahs, aka Angels, of Allah, Part 1
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 9364
A good article on the nature, functions and nonsense of Allah's angels...
Write comment (108 Comments)The Majestic Allah, Part 8
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 8100
The story of a dead Israelite and Allah’s Sacrificial Cow...
Write comment (102 Comments)The Majestic Allah. Part 7
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 5979
Majestic Allah's sanctification of sex-slavery and rape of kuffar women for the Muslim Jihadis, plus the subjugation of women and polygamy, temporary marriage --- that all these enable Islam to become a majestic, grand religion that it is today...
Write comment (14 Comments)The Majestic Allah, Part 6
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 11259
Who was Allah? A Pagan deity, the Moon God of the Arabs.
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