Jake Neuman
Jake Neuman
Islam and Its Reformation: Is a New Reformation Possible?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 4109
Ayaan is a very brave woman, who lived through the horrors of Islam. In her famous book, Infidel, she details her life as a Muslim, including the horrifying details of her circumcision. Amidst death-threats from Al-Qaeda, she was forced out of the Netherlands by the government on the flimsy excuse of falsifying her immigration papers.
In Part 1 of this article, Islam and Its Reformation by Muhammad, discussing Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s latest book, Heretic, I wrote about her illusion—that there are actually two different Islams, the Mecca Islam and the Medina:
“What Ayaan Hirsi Ali does not realize is that Muhammad was not only the Founder of Islam, he was also its Reformer, and Muhammad's Reformation of Islam came in the form of his abrogation of the earlier Mecca verses of the Quran by the later Medina verses. This article traces Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina, and the attendant transformation of Islam”
In Part 2, I discuss the difficulty, if not impossibility, of reforming Islam.
Write comment (26 Comments)Islam and Its Reformation by Muhammad
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 7820
Ex-Muslim author Ayaan Hirsi Ali has written an article, “Why Islam Needs a Reformation”, to summarize the message of her new book, “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now”.
Her new book seems to create the illusion that there are actually two different Islams – the Mecca Islam and the Medina.
What Ayaan Hirsi Ali does not realize is that Muhammad was not only the Founder of Islam, he was also its Reformer, and Muhammad's Reformation of Islam came in the form of his abrogation of the earlier Mecca verses of the Quran by the later Medina verses. This article traces Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina, and the attendant transformation of Islam.
Write comment (85 Comments)Jihadi John: Why a Wonderful Muslim Boy Would Become Monstrous Murderer?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 3846
The revelation that SIS beheader Jihadi John was from a wealthy and privileged Kuwaiti family, who attended university in the UK, has thrown the Western media and political leaders into a desperate frenzy to explain how this was possible. (aslo see)
Too much is written about how wonderful and lovable child Jihadi John was and how the UK society failed this wonderful person, and forced him into become a cruel murderer.
Speaking to BBC Two's Newsnight, his unidentified former teacher said the former pupil was a "lovely, lovely boy", who had a "real willingness to try and succeed.”
Indeed the whole world is wondering how such a wonderful boy could become such a monstrous murderer.
Write comment (43 Comments)#MuslimLivesMatter and the Missing HashTag Campaigns
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 3873
The murder of 3 Muslim students in the college town of Chapel Hill in North Carolina is a tragedy.
And the murder has rightly ignited a worldwide hashtag campaign #MuslimLivesMatter. Every person has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. So had those three Muslim victims.
The murderer is an an atheist. And a parking space dispute and noise from the Muslim students' quarter have been reported to have been the motivation of the murder. It is also claimed that he had hatred of Muslims. Whatever the real motivation, this is an incident of horrendous criminal homicide. No grievances justify taking lives. This heinous act stands against everything the American people stand for.
Write comment (79 Comments)Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – The Man of the Year 2014
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 5287
2014 has been a historical year for Islam – a year of the normalization of Islamic evil and disastrous year for freedom.
And the Man of The Year for 2014 is unequivocally the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, although the Time magazine offered it to the Indian Prime Minister Norendra Modi.
Adolf Hitler, who won the Man Of The Year in 1938, declared: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Hitler’s 1000-year Reich lasted only 12 years, during which he conquered 25 countries and murdering some 21 million people. It has since become history.
Baghdadi's ISIS, in a spectacular show of force in 2014, conquered large parts of Syria and Iraq, and in the process has rationalized pure evil as normal and made it an integral part of everyday life certainly in the territory under its control. In reality, Baghdadi's ISIS simply has replicated the barbarism of Muhammad at the founding of Islam in 7th century Arabia – his mass-murders, beheadings, slavery, rapings as recorded in the Sunna – and also sanctioned in the holy Quran.
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