Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims
Articles: Jan 2007 – Jun 2007


Europeans Must Act, Not talk, as Politicians Silences Anti-Jihad Voices  - Fjordman [30 June, 2007]

Why be Good if there is no Afterlife?  - Ali Sina [30 June, 2007]

Women Under Islam  - Adrian Morgan [29 June, 2007]

Invasion From Another GalaxyProf. Gunther Von Kamph [29 Jun, 2007]

Rushdie Knighthood and the Insatiable Islam Rage-Boy - Christopher Hitchens [28 Jun, 2007]

Terrorism: Put the Charge Where It Belongs  - Denis Schulz [28 Jun, 2007]

Mutilation, Honor Killing by Muslims: Fruits of Multiculturalism (parts 1-3) - Adrian Morgan [27 June, 2007]

Rushdie Knighthood Outrage: A Letter of Support for Rushdie and UK Government  [27 Jun, 2007]

Rushdie Knighthood: An Honor Worth Defending  - Ayaan Hirsi Ali [27 Jun, 2007]

The Islamists' Nuclear Terrorist Threat to America  - Adrian Morgan [26 June, 2007]

A Religion Of Equality  - Swadhin [26 June, 2007]

Preventing Islamization of Europe: Policy Area 12: Foreign Policy, Part B  - No Sharia [25 June, 2007]

Reminiscing the Days and Nights of the Talibans – the True Islam, Part 1 - Sohail [25 Jun, 2007]

Debunking the Quran - Mohammad Asghar [25 Jun, 2007]

Tashbih Sayyed ― A Fearless Muslim Zionist Rachel Neuwirth [24 Jun, 2007]

Let Hamas Uphold Allah’s Words  - Mumin Salih [23 Jun, 2007]

Mutilation, Honor Killing by Muslims: Fruits of Multiculturalism, Part 1  - Adrian Morgan [23 June, 2007]

If Invented Today, Would Islam Have a Chance?  - Eduord T. Nelosni [22 Jun, 2007]

Dialogue with Fatima: On Cowardly & Ignorant Islam-watch, Shiites as non-Muslims & Illegal Zionist Occupation  - MA Khan [20 Jun, 2007]

The Role of Journalism Today: Speech at National Press Club, NY - Ayaan Hirsi Ali [20 Jun, 2007]

Launch of the Council of ex-Muslims of Britain - Maryam Namazie [19 Jun, 2007]

Michigan Uni's 'Lovely Touch of Appreciation for Prayer Rituals' of Muslims Only  - Denis Schulz [19 Jun, 2007]

Play Islam  - Abul Kasem [18 Jun, 2007]

The Spectre of Islam - Stefcho [17 Jun, 2007]

The Use of Vulgar Language by Mohammed and his Companions  - Mumin Salih [16 Jun, 2007]

"There is No Compulsion in Religion" - Analyzing One of the Biggest Lies Told to the World - Swadhin [15 June, 2007]

Terrorists' Bill of Rights  - Amil Imani [14 Jun, 2007]

Can Blair's Million £ Bill on Islam Save England?  - Denis Schulz [14 Jun, 2007]

France: America’s New Best Friend?  - Susan MacAllen [12 Jun, 2007]

Blood and organs of Pig-Eating Kafirs - Damitiry [11 Jun, 2007]

Israel: It’s Payback Time  - Amil Imani [10 Jun, 2007]

Saudi/CAIR's Muslim-to-be Night in Amherst & How About a Kaffir-to-be Night in Riyadh!  - Denis Schulz [10 Jun, 2007]

Muslim Brotherhood's Long-Standing War On The West - Adrian Morgan [09 June, 2007]

My Testimony of Leaving Islam  - Shara [09 June, 2007]

Dissecting the British Academic Boycott of Israeli Academics  - Michael Horesh [09 June, 2007]

An Ode to Islamophobia - Mark Steyn [08 June, 2007]

South & North American Muslim Converts Association: Islam-watch is Hoax; Run by Jewish & Catholic Sick Losers?  - MA Khan [08 Jun, 2007]

How I Almost Became a Muslim?  - Denis Schulz [08 Jun, 2007]

My Proud Departure from Islam..  - Yarkii Svet [07 June, 2007]

Stop Labeling us Muslims!  - Mina Ahadi [06 June, 2007]

West's Islam Threat - Hooper [06 June, 2007]

Lies, Damned Lies, and CAIR's Statistics - Patrick Poole  [06 June, 2007]

Trip to Emerging Islamist Terror-Hub of Kosovo and Bosnia  - Jesse Petrilla [05 June, 2007]

I Missed a Prayer but Was Not Turned into Stone - Espahani [05 June, 2007]

Islamization of Europe and Policies to Prevent It: Foreign Policy, Part A - No Sharia [05 June, 2007]

Understanding Muhammad: The Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet  - Ali Sina [04 June, 2007]

Devout Muslim Leaves Islam in Weeks - Mr. I  [04 June, 2007]

Is Islam compatible with Democracy, Part 1-2  - Fjordman [04 June, 2007]

The Golden Rule - Humanity First [03 June, 2007]

Stop the God Delusion; Work for the Humanity - See Lian Chan [02 June, 2007]

How About Abolishing Islam? - Swadhin [02 June, 2007]

Peace is the Enemy of Hamas - Pete Fisher [01 June, 2007]

American Muslims Survey and their Support for Suicide Bombing - Kamal Nawash [01 June, 2007]

Moderate Malaysia's Religious Freedom: Lina Joy, Thou Shan't Leave Islam  - Adrian Morgan [31 May, 2007]

Dinesh D’Souza: Choosing the Burqa  - Denis Schulz [31 May, 2007]

Islamist Threats in the U.S.  - Amil Imani [30 May, 2007]

Pakistan: An Ally's Crisis Deepens, Part 1  - Adrian Morgan [30 May, 2007]

Tainted Islam's Diabolical Expression in Bangladesh  A Case Study  - Jamal Hasan [30 May, 2007]

Islam: Where are The Voices of Sanity and Reform? - Giraldus Cambrensis [29 May, 2007]

Muslim Understanding and Confronting Islamization - Europe Chapter (pdf) -  Sam Solomon [29 May, 2007]

Mollycoddling Islam and Dawah in Buena Vista University  - Denis Schulz [28 May, 2007]

Fight Intolerance, Not Faith  - Ali Sina [28 May, 2007]

Would-be Ex-Muslim: What's the Meaning of 'Alif Laam Raa' and Sufism the Right Way?  - MA Khan [27 May, 2007]

Breast-Feeding a Man in Islam  - Mumin Salih [26 May, 2007]

Islam, the Exceptional Ideology - Showan Khurshid [26 May, 2007]

Hamas: Palestine's Mickey Mouse Murder Club  - James Lewis [25 May 2007]

Islam and the Liberation of Women in the Middle East - Azam Kamguian [25 May 2007]

Karen Armstrong’s Balancing of the Prophet of Islam  - Mahfuzur Rahman [25 May, 2007]

Islam and SecularizationIbn Warraq [24 May, 2007]

Islamic “Democide” in Iran  - Amil Imani [24 May, 2007]

Why Critical Scrutiny of Islam is an Utmost Necessity!  - Syed Kamran Mirza [23 May, 2007]

Do we want an Islamic Reformation? - Fjordman [23 May, 2007]

Bitter and Frustrating Experience with Islam  - Hamida [23 May, 2007]

Shifting Faith & Mutated Belief  A Case for Humanizing Islam - Jamal Hasan [22 May, 2007]

Islamic Propaganda: Sorting the Mindless from the Real Ones - Denis Schulz [22 May, 2007]

Is Islam Secularizable? - Sadik J. al-Azm [21 May, 2007]

Allah's Vulgar Language in the Quran  - Mumin Salih [21 May, 2007]

Alcohol & Pork: The Minnesota Muslims' dilemma - Vel Nirtist  [20 May, 2007]

Islam and the European Bureaucracy, Liberty & Rule of Law - Fjordman [19 May, 2007]

Can Muslims Watch Porn, Do Sex with Toys & Do Masturbation?  - MA Khan [18 May, 2007]

Thailand: Islamist Insurgency with No End  - Adrian Morgan [18 May, 2007]

Why Unique Western Arts Threatened by Muslim Immigration?  - Fjordman [16 May, 2007]

Pakistani Muslim: How Do I Apostatize from Islam?  - Ali Sina [16 May, 2007]

UN Support For Blogger Kareem's Jailing in Egypt  - Kareem Amer [15 May, 2007]

History of Jihad against the Italians in Rome & Sicily (812 -1571)  - History of Jihad [15 May, 2007]

Springtime in Islamberg, Upstate New York  - Dr Paul Williams [14 May, 2007]

Golden Rule of Islam  - Ayesha Ahmed [14 May, 2007]

The Silent Holocaust: Why Humanity Must Achieve Victory over Islam - Azam Kamguian [13 May 2007]

Islam - the Grand Delusion  - Amil Imani [12 May, 2007]

Science in Quran: Ambiguity of Human Embryology  - Syed Kamran Mirza [12 May, 2007]

Karen Armstrong's Islamic Apologetics  - Raymond Ibrahim [10 May, 2007]

The Population Bomb ― Why Islam World's Fastest-growing Religion - Swadhin [09 May, 2007]

Umar Khayyam: The Poet of Doubt - Ibn Warraq [08 May, 2007]

How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism  - Adrian Morgan [08 May, 2007]

Turkey: At The Crossroads of Islamofascism’s Rise in the West  - Susan MacAllen [07 May, 2007]

Anti-Semitism in Islam: Israel Didn’t Start the Fire - Timothy R. Furnish [07 May, 2007]

The Quranic Concept of War  - Joseph C. Myers [06 May, 2007]

Cool, Hip, Avant-garde ― The Modern Islam at al-Maghrib Institute in USA!  - Denis Schulz [05 May, 2007]

Sexual Perversion in Islam - IE Blog [05 May, 2007]

What Islam Wants: Let's Hear From Pakistan Jamat-e-Islami Leader, Maulana Nabiullah Khan [04 May, 2007]

Putting the 'Islam Shoe' on the Infidels' Foot  - Warner MacKenzie [03 May, 2007]

No One is Naturally Evil  - Ali Sina [02 May, 2007]

Paganism in Islam: Our Prophet’s Great Attachment to His Religion of Birth  - Ayesha Ahmed [01 May, 2007]

Towards an Islamist Totalitarian Europe  - Fjordman [01 May, 2007]

Death Fatwa on Ayaan Hirsi: Weird Silence of the Progressive and Liberals - Denis Schulz [30 April, 2007]

Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah  - Warner MacKenzie [30 Apr, 2007]

Muhammad the Borrower  - Peace Forever [29 April, 2007]

Albania and the Perils of the 21st Century  - Patrick Poole [27 April, 2007]

The Sheikh Petersburg Declaration: Reformation of Islam - Sher Khan [26 April, 2007]

What is God? - Ali Sina  [25 April, 2007]

Islamist Outrages and Our Dangerous Silence  - Adrian Morgan [25 April, 2007]

For Fanatical Muslims, Migration Is Part Of "Third Wave" Attack On Europe - Bernard Lewis [24 April, 2007]

Pacifism against radical Islam invites Doomsday  - Amil Imani [23 April, 2007]

The Myths and Truths of IslamSusan MacAllen  [23 Apr, 2007]

An Apology for Koranic Antisemitism? - Andrew Bostom [21 April, 2007]

Jefferson Versus the Muslim Pirates  - Christopher Hitchens [21 April, 2007]

Malaysia: Totalitarian Aspects of a "Moderate" Muslim Regime  - Adrian Morgan [20 April, 2007]

Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model  - Fjordman [20 Apr, 2007]

Strangers on my flight - Frank Sinatra [20 April, 2007]

Conversation with an ex-Muslim: Islam cannot be reformed – it must disappearMA Khan & Naeem Ahmed [19 April, 2007]

The Phony War On Terror - Ted Belman [19 April, 2007]

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640-655)  - History of Jihad [18 April, 2007]

Islamic Antisemitism - Ibn Warraq [17 April, 2007]

Interview with Jailed Egyptian Blogger by Free Copts  - Kareem Amer [16 April, 2007]

Reforming Islam: Dialogue with a Convert Islamist, Part 3  - Abul Kasem
[Part 1 - Part 2]

Why Muslims Poor - 'They Don't Work While Zionists Turn Desert into Oasis': Qaradhawi  - MEMRI [15 April, 2007]

Jailed Egyptian Blogger : A Letter from Behind Bars  - Kareem Amer [15 April, 2007]

Al-Azhar: The University of Terrorism  - Kareem Amer [12 April, 2007]

Humiliation of Muslims and the coming Siege of Vienna  - Blake Gartner [11 April, 2007]

That Golden Age of Islam  - Mumin Salih [11 April, 2007]

Winston Churchill On Islamism  - Adrian Morgan [10 April, 2007]

Liberal Arabs and Muslims, Please Wake Up - Valentina Colombo [08 April, 2007]

A Call to Moderate Muslims  - Amil Imani [08 April, 2007]

Homeland Security and The British Terrorist Threat  - Adrian Morgan [17 Mar, 2007]

Letter from a Muslim Convert: “Islam made me aware of others rights” - MA Khan [07 April, 2007]

Women in Islam: Bitter Laments of a Bengali Muslim Woman - Jahanara Begum [06 Apr, 2007]

Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims? - Fjordman [03 Apr, 2007]

Should The Islamic World Apologize For Slavery? - Adrian Morgan [31 Mar, 2007]

Beware of Mullahs Bearing Gifts - Amil Imani [30 Mar, 2007]

The Language Miracle of the Quran - Mumin Salih [28 Mar, 2007]

Defending the inexcusable: Saddam and Muhammad - Nathan D. Weise [27 Mar, 2007]

The Origins of Islam - Ibn Warraq [26 Mar, 2007]

Jihad, the Arab Conquests and the Position of Non-Muslim Subjects - Ibn Warraq [25 Mar, 2007]

The Creative Selfish Gene and Teleology  - Showan Khurshid [23 Mar, 2007]

History of Jihad against the Franks (France) [732-740]  - History of Jihad [22 Mar, 2007]

Veiling and Sexual Apartheid - Maryam Namazie [22 Mar, 2007]

Save Taslima Nasrin From Islamic Death Fatwa in India  [21 Mar, 2007]

Preventing Islamization of Europe: The Policy Of Assimilation or Integration?  - No Sharia [21 Mar, 2007]

Are Islamist Leaders Winning Over American Muslims? - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [21 Mar, 2007]

Journey Through Islam: Testimony of Leaving Islam of a Former Convert - Abdul Quddus Shaikh [20 Mar, 2007]

Utah killings by Kosovo Muslim Youth Was Jihad - Serbianna  [19 Mar 2007]

Islam’s Lolita  - The Apostate [18 Mar, 2007]

Are Women Equal to Men as a Witness in Islam? - A Rebuttal to Dr Zakir Naik - Peace Forever [18 Mar, 2007]

Understanding the Death Fatwa on Taslima Nasreen  - B Kisan [18 Mar, 2007]

Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence  - Fjordman [17 Mar, 2007]

The Tragedy of Islamic Indoctrination In British Schools  - Adrian Morgan [17 Mar, 2007]

Will the Third Rome Fall to Islam?  - Fjordman [16 Mar, 2007]

From Islam to Humanism - A New Birth for Me - Raza Pehlavi [16 Mar, 2007]

South America – The Last Stand - Saudi Apostate [15 Mar, 2007]

Shocking Islamic Indoctrination in American Classrooms, Part 1  - Adrian Morgan [15 Mar, 2007]

Caliph Omar's Ultimatum to Persian King, Yazdgird III and the King's Response  [14 Mar, 2007]

Secular Islam Summit: A Platform for Dissidents of Islam  - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [14 Mar, 2007]

Challenging Islam: Is Islam Sexist?  - Abul Kasem [13 Mar, 2007]

Why Europeans Should Support Israel  - Fjordman [12 Mar, 2007]

Confronting Radical Islam: Will America Be the Last Chance? - Susan MacAllen [12 Mar, 2007]

Samples of Quranic Contradictions and Flaws - Syed Kamran Mirza [12 March, 2007]

How to Debate and Frustrate Infidels - Ayesha Ahmed [12 Mar, 2007]

Seventh Pillar of Islam - Shabnam Ali [12 Mar, 2007]

Taqiyya and kitman: Role of Deception in Islamic terrorism  - American Congress for truth [12 Mar, 2007]

History of Jihad against the Serbs, Croats, and Albanians [1389 to 1920]  - History of Jihad [05 Mar, 2007]

Islam on Trial: The Prosecution’s Case against Islam  - Amber Pawlik [02 Mar, 2007]

Not Possible to Modernize Islam - Ex-Muslim Mina Ahadi [02 Mar, 2007]

Why Confront Islamism?  - Amil Imani [01 Mar, 2007]

Israel’s Arab Citizens And The Jewish State  - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [28 Feb, 2007]

'Know thy Enemy'  Center for the Study of Political Islam Director Warns  - Jamie Glazov
[27 Feb, 2007]

Debate: Malaysian Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin vs. Ali Sina  [25 Feb, 2007]

Poem: 'The Muslim Eskimo!' - St George [24 Feb, 2007]

Bismi Allah: The Capricious Mind of Allah, Part I  - Abul Kasem [24 Feb, 2007]

Landmark Resolutions on Rights of Jews Kicked out from Arab Countries [23 Feb, 2007]

Islam: Pluralism and Interfaith Dialogue – A Debate, Part 1 - Syed Kamran Mirza [23 Feb, 2007]

Hamas-Fatah Mecca Accord and Middle East Peace  - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [23 Feb, 2007]

Faith and State: Getting the Balance Right - Maryam Namazie [22 Feb, 2007]

Muhammad's Profession: Booty Ahoy!  - Sher Khan [21 Feb, 2007]

Europe's Islamist-Leftist Alliance, Part 1  - Adrian Morgan [10 Feb, 2007]

Political Correctness — The Revenge of Marxism  - Fjordman [21 Feb, 2007]

Infallible Allah Learns Through Trials and Errors  - Mumin Salih [20 Feb, 2007]

Albanian Muslims' Role in the Holocaust - Carl Savich [19 Feb 2007]

Hurting and Misunderstanding People in a Cross Culture - Sujan Mointawla [18 Feb, 2007]

Bismi Allah: Muhammad is Allah, Part III  - Abul Kasem [17 Feb, 2007]

Modern Feminism: A Burka of My Own  - Fjordman [16 Feb, 2007]

History of Jihad against the Mongols (1050-1258)  - History of Jihad [15 Feb, 2007]

Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism  - Amil Imani [14 Feb, 2007]

Presentation of 'True Face' of Islam in Slides  - Shabana Muhammad [14 Feb, 2007]

Iran: Time is Running Out  - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [14 Feb, 2007]

How to talk to your family about your apostasy - Ali Sina [13 Feb, 2007]

How Radical Islam Threatens Your Child’s Health  - Susan MacAllen [13 Feb, 2007]

Fighting Islamofascism: How Much Progress Have We Made? - MA Khan/Shabana [12 Feb, 2007]

Women and the Price of Honor in Pakistan  - Paolo Bassi [11 February, 2007]

Carter's Calling Israel an Apartheid State Absurd : Irshad Manji  - Irshad Manji [11 Feb, 2007]

Eurabia Marches Forward  - Fjordman [11 Feb, 2007]

Miracle and Debacle of Allah  - Isaac Schrödinger [10 Feb, 2007]

Meet Britain's Izzadeen: Sharia Law Will Conquer The Infidels  - Adrian Morgan [10 Feb, 2007]

The Postmodern Interpretation of Religious Terrorism  - Prof Paul Cliteur [09 Feb, 2007]

Bismi Allah: Muhammad is Allah, Part II  - Abul Kasem [09 Feb, 2007]

UK Muslim Soldiers - "Off With Their Heads"  - Adrian Morgan [09 Feb, 2007]

Only a United India Can Become a Developed Nation  - Tanveer Jafri [09 Feb, 2007]

Dividing The Land of Israel  - Pete Fisher [08 Feb, 2007]

Is Kurdistan Spiraling into Islamic Extremism?  - Showan Khurshid [07 Feb, 2007]

Islamic Superstition Endangers Healthcare System in the West  - Susan MacAllen [07 Feb, 2007]

From Islam-lover to Islamophobe-lover - Dee Anna [07 Feb, 2007]

Finally Meeting Bangladesh Journalist Tortured and Jailed for Seeking Peace with Israel  - Dr. Richard  Benkin [07 Feb, 2007]

Iran: No Bombs, No Appeasement  - Amil Imani [06 Feb, 2007]

Hitler and Khamenei : Nazis of Yesterday and Qazis and Ghazis of Today!  - History of Jihad [05 Feb, 2007]

Preventing Islamization of Europe: Human Rights Issues  - No Sharia [05 Feb, 2007]

Transcript of Channel 4's Uncover Mosque Videos [Channel 4]

Islam is a religion of……….WHAT?  - Warner MacKenzie [03 Feb, 2007]

Bismi Allah: Muhammad is Allah, Part I  - Abul Kasem [03 Feb, 2007]

History of Islamic Tolerance: The Truths and Myths  - Billy Rojas [02 Feb, 2007]

How The UK Threatens US Security - Adrian Morgan [01 Feb, 2007]

Holocaust Denial and the Muslims  - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [31 Jan, 2007]

Swedish Pride: Insult, Harassment and Rape of Swedish Girls by Immigrant Muslims  - Fjordman [30 Jan, 2006]

How to Debate with the Muslims  - Ibn Warraq [30 Jan, 2007]

Islamic Sexual Ethics and the problems of the Kurdish Youth - Showan Khurshid [29 Jan, 2007]

When Ibn Warraq met Edward Said  - Adil Farooq  [28 Jan, 2007]

On Fascism and Islamophobia  - Fjordman [28 Jan, 2006]

Daniel Pipes versus Ken Livingstone: Islam-Civilization Clash Debate in London  - Adrian Morgan [27 Jan, 2007]

Ways and Means of Fighting Islamofascism, Part 2  - Shabana Muhammad [27 Jan, 2007]

Hitler’s Legacy: Islamic Antisemitism in the Middle East  - Matthias Küntze [27 Jan, 2007]

Bismi Allah : Allah’s Activities - Abul Kasem [26 Jan, 2007]

Virgins in Paradise:  What virgins?  - Ibn Warraq [26 Jan, 2006]

'The Enemy of My Enemy' - Alliance of Islamists and Extreme-rights (by George Michael) [Book Review] [25 Jan, 2007]

 France and the Iranian Revolution  - Fjordman [25 Jan, 2007]

History of Jihad against the Russians (1444-1918) - History of Jihad [25 Jan 2007]

Photography in Islam and Capturing the Islamic World in Images  - Isaac Schrödinger [24 Jan, 2007]

The Bane of Jihad  - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [24 Jan, 2007]

Iraqi Kurdish Rushdie: Sex, Sharia and Women in the History of Islam (Book Review) [24 Jan, 2007]

Tony Blair, Bribes and Saudi Arabia  - Adrian Morgan [23 Jan, 2007]

Cruel Face of Islam: Malak Ghorbany's Tryst with Stoning to Death  - Susan MacAllen [23 Jan, 2007]

Would Iran’s Mullahs Use the Bomb?  - Amil Imani [23 Jan, 2007]

Preventing Islamization of Europe: Religious  Freedom  And  Its  Limits  - No Sharia  [22 Jan, 2007]

Ways and Means of Fighting Islamofascism  - Shabana Muhammad [22 Jan, 2007]

Letter From an Infidel: Can Islam be Reformed?  - MA Khan [21 Jan, 2007]

Bismi Allah: Activities of Allah, Part III  - Abul Kasem  [21 Jan, 2007]

Superstition is Truth: What is often barbaric in the West is normal in Islam  - Isaac Schrödinger [20 Jan, 2007]

Book Review: 'Rethinking Islamism' (by Lord Meghnad Desai)  - Manali Rohinesh [19 Jan, 2007]

Apostasy from Islam: The Barak Obama case - Thomas Lifson  [19 Jan, 2007]

Book Review: Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the US (by Steven Emerson)  - Robert Spencer [19 Jan, 2007]

Saddam Hussein – The Last Nasserist  - Dr. Yochai Sela [17 Jan, 2007]

Saudi Arabia's Export Of Radical Islam  - Adrian Morgan [16 Jan, 2007]

Nothing But the Whole Truth Will Save Us  - Tashbih Sayyed, PhD [16 Jan, 2007]

Islam’s Lost un-Islamic Heritage  - Jahed Ahmed [16 Jan, 2007]

History of Jihad against the Byzantine Christians of Syria, Jordan and Turkey (634-1453)  - History of Jihad [15 Jan 2007]

Letter: A Western Infidel writes from Oman about his experience on Islam  - Abul Kasem [15 Jan, 2007]

Actually, Islam means berserk  - Nathan D. Weise [15 Jan, 2007]

Al-Muhajiroun - Islamists In The United States; Part 2  - Adrian Morgan [14 Jan, 2007]

Insanity and the Mistake Trap - Amil Imani  [14 Jan, 2007]

Bismi Allah : Allah's Activities 9b - Abul Kasem  [14 Jan, 2007]


Islamization of Europe and Policies to Prevent It  - No Sharia [12 Jan, 2007]

An Introduction to Real Islam: Prospects and Conclusion?  - Shabana Muhammad [11 Jan, 2007]

Jefferson's Quran: What the founder really thought about Islam  - Christopher Hitchens [11 Jan, 2007]

Al-Muhajiroun - Islamists In The United States; Part 1  - Adrian Morgan [11 Jan, 2007]

The Marathon of My Life: How Pakistani apostate, Isaac Schrödinger, escaped deportation from Canada  -Isaac Schrödinger  [10 Jan, 2007]

What Thomas Jefferson learned from the Muslim book of jihad  - Ted Sampley  [10 Jan, 2007]

The Arabs’ Suddenly Sensitive Feelings  - Mumin Salih [08 Jan, 2007]

The Falling Towers and Islam  - Muhammad A. Hussain [08 Jan, 2007]

The History of Jihad against the Spanish and the Portuguese (711-1492)  - History of Jihad [08 Jan 2007]

Bangladesh: Stand up for Choudhury Facing Death for Seeking Friendship with Israel - Lyn Payne  [07 Jan, 2007]

A theory of the Islamization process in European countries  - No Sharia [07 Jan, 2007]

Bismi Allah: Activities of Allah, Part I  - Abul Kasem  [06 Jan, 2007]

What to do about Iran?  - Amil Imani [06 Jan, 2007]

History of Jihad against the Buddhist Chinese (650 -751)  - History of Jihad [04 Jan 2007]

Sweden: Politicians Call for Foreign Language Ban in Schools  - Fjordman [04 Jan, 2007]

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