A Critical Assessment of Muhammad by the Bangladeshi Apostates, Part 1
07 Mar, 2009
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
False Portrayal of Islam and Muhammad by Hindu Monks
- The UDBODHAN, a monthly Bengali publication of the Belur-based Ramakrishna Math & Mission, a Hindu organization, ran an editorial a few month ago, titled “Jagat jurey udaar surey aanandagaan baajey” (The song of bliss, in generous tune, is ringing across the globe). At beginning of the article, editor Swami Mumukshanandaji Maharaj, a monk of the Ramakrishna Order, wrote:
- “Every religion, in its real
sense, is eternally generous and great. And its inherent purity,
spiritualism and universal ideals are capable of establishing
oneness among the scattered human race. On the other hand, when
man, in the name of religion, starts to practice superstitions,
meanness and narrow-mindedness, he brings divisions between man
and man through dispute and quarrel and hence gets misguided.
Why such things happen? According to the author, man behaves
like that when he gets deviated from the principal ideals of
On Prophet Muhammad, the author wrote:
“The life of the Prophet, the originator of Islam, and the day to day conduct of the Caliphs is a clear mirror that reflects, irrespective of time, the universally acceptable ever bright and ever pure image of Islam. We have experienced the Prophet’s unlimited patience and endurance from his poverty-stricken life in an extremely unfavourable environment in Mecca. On the other hand, what we have learned from his life and deeds in Medina is an example of kindness and forgiveness, though he was then the undeclared king of the city. As a matter of fact, the personal and religious conducts of his great life has been acknowledged as his priceless teachings. And hence Islam is a religion of patience and endurance, and a religion of kindness and forgiveness – or in a nutshell, a religion of love and compassion.”
He continued,
“The eternal truth, that Islam preaches, is written in the seminal book, the holy Koran, of Islam. It (the contents of the Koran) has not given pre-eminence to any country, any nation or any particular religion. On the contrary, it has dignified honest people of any faith irrespective of country, nation and time. In the after life, only the loving and pure people have been recognized as successful people by the Creator (Allah). The reward assigned for them by the Creator is calld ‘Jannah’. And this aspect has been declared many times in a thunderous voice in the Koran”.
After reading the above paragraphs, one has to conclude that the
author has written all these things neither as an honest academic
discussion of Islam, nor out of his ignorance about the faith. He
has written it with a dubious motive to deceive the kafirs, its
Hindu readers. One, having even a slightest of knowledge about the
Prophet of Islam and its first four caliphs, cannot write that their
day-to-day life reflects a such a noble image. It is well known
that, except the first caliph Abu-bakr, later three caliphs—namely
Omar, Usman and Ali—fell to assassins’
knives. The first caliph Abu-bakr would have had a similar tragic
fate, had he not relinquished power voluntarily. These facts do not
suggest that Islam is a religion of love and compassion and it
propagates ever pure and bright eternal message. On the contrary, it
propagates a message of hate and bloodshed. Many great thinkers
expressed the same view about Islam through their writings and many
of them held the notion that this world would have been a better
place for human living, had the bloody message of the Koran not been
reveled to Prophet Muhammad.
While commenting on Islam, the Nobel Laureate poet Rabindranath Tagore once said, “Two or three different religions claim that only their own religions are true and all other religions are false and their religions are only ways to Heaven. Hence conflict with them cannot be avoided. Such, fundamentalism tries to abolish all other religions. This is called Bolshevism in religion.” [Essay “Atma Parichay”]. Had Islam been a religion of peace and compassion, Rabindranath never would have commented like this.
In another occasion, Tagore said [In a letter to Sri Kalidas Nag, in Complete Works of Rabindranath (Bengali), Viswabharati University, 1982, 24:375, tr. author]:
“There are two religions on the
earth, which have distinct enmity against all other religions. These
two are Christianity and Islam. They are not satisfied with just
observing their own religions, but are determined to destroy all
other religions. That’s why the only way to make peace with them is
to embrace their religion.”
Tagore also observed [Interview of Rabindranath, Times of India, April 18, 1924]:
“A very important factor which is making it almost impossible for Hindu-Muslim unity to become an accomplished fact is that the Muslim can not confine their patriotism to any one country. I had frankly asked the Muslims whether in the event of any Mohammedan power invading India, would they (Muslims) stand side by side with their Hindu neighbors to defend their common land or join the invaders. I was not satisfied with the reply I have obtained from them….. Even such a man as Mr. Mohammed Ali (one of the famous Ali brothers, the leaders of the Khilafat Movement) has declared that under no circumstances it is permissible for any Mohammedan, whatever be his country, to stand against any Mohammedan”.
Undoubtedly a great patriot and honest intellectual, Tagore did not hesitated to make an accurate assessment of Islam. But the deceptive monks of R K Mission are obviously trying to sell a hyena as an innocent lamb. They are trying hard to hide the bloody sword of Islam and projecting it as a religion of love and compassion. Their treacherous portrayal of Islam will undoubtedly make the Hindu nation pay a heavy price sooner or later.
Islam has nothing that may be called spiritualism. In this
context, Bertrand Russel observed, “Among religions, Bolshevism is
to be reckoned with Mohammedanism rather than with Christianity and
Buddhism; Christianity and Buddhism are primarily personal
religions, with mystical doctrines and a love of contemplation.
Mohammedanism and Bolshevism are practical, social, unspiritual
(doctrines), concerned to win the empire of this world.”
[Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, Allen & Unwin, London, 1921,
p. 5]. But Swami Mumukshanandaji Maharaj asserts that Islam has a
spiritual faculty, and that it prescribes five stages of spiritual
practice, namely Iman, Shariat, Tarikkat, Marefath, and Hakkikkat.
It has been mentioned that Islam prescribes entering Allah’s
brothel called jannah (paradise) as the ultimate goal of
human beings, for which no spiritual practice is required.
Surrendering to Allah’s Koran and Prophet is sufficient for entering
the Islamic paradise. Islam provides six Kalemas or sentences of
oath. By believing in the first Kalema—Kalema
Taib—that reads “La ilaha illalla
mahammadur rasullulah” (or Allah is the only God to be
worshipped and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah), a Muslim
earns sufficient merit for entering the jannah. Therefore,
Islam has no headache for spiritualism.
In this context, one should recall Islam was founded by a
illiterate and pastoral people of the deserts of Arabia, who did not
know anything beyond hunger and sex. Undoubtedly for this reason,
Islamic paradise is a place filled with ample food and profuse
sensuality. So, only a fool will go for searching spiritualism in
It should be mentioned here that, according to Islam, jihad or
waging war against the non-believers is the best form of worship. So
long the Prophet lived in Mecca, jihad or fighting was commanded to
Muslims by Allah. But after his migration (hijrat) to Medina, when
Muslims had become powerful and secure, Allah gave them permission
to fight and made fighting obligatory for every able Muslim (Quran
2.190, 22:39). So Allah said, “Hence when you meet them who
disbelieve, smite them on their necks till when you have killed or
wounded many of them” (47.4). Allah also made spoils or loot,
acquired in jihad wars, lawful for the Muslims.
It becomes evident that the believers in Allah’s Koran and
Prophet should aspire for acquiring spoils in this world by
launching jihad against the kafirs. Or in other words, their aim in
this world is to kill the kafirs, to loot their property, to rape
their women, to set their houses on fire and so on and so forth.
Their business in this world is murder, theft, robbery, loot and
arson etc., which will earn them hereafter an entry to Allah’s
sensual Paradise, the ultimate goal of the Muslim life. Allah
never says in the Koran that, "O believers, you lead an honest,
moral, ethical and a decent life, be educated by receiving education
and raise your moral character." On the contrary, Allah gives them
clean chit to commit crimes, foul deeds and to break any law through
His promise that He would pardon every crime and every misdeed of
the believers for the merit of their accepting Islam. So, only a
stupid can say that Islam is a religion of love and compassion and
the Koran carries the message universal brotherhood.
Islam is gradually gobbling up India by demographic aggressions or increasing their population. They are increasing their number through (1) polygamy, (2) deliberate rejection of the family-planning measures, (3) illegal infiltration of Muslims from Bangladesh and (4) conversion of Hindus to Islam. At this juncture, the Ramakrishna Mission is duty-bound to make the Hindus alert about this imminent danger by projecting the real face of Islam and its Prophet. Unfortunately, they are misguiding the Hindus by their false portrayal of Islam, and by propagating the groundless notion that all religions are the same and should be respected. This kind of propaganda is inaccurate and deceptive, but also criminal.
The ignorant R. K. Mission monks should take note that, when the
Muslims would wage their jihad, they would become the first victim.
They should know that, by wearing saffron garbs, they incur greater
wrath and hatred of Muslims than ordinary Hindus. According to
Islamic scriptures, saffron (even yellow) is the colour of the
kafirs and strictly forbidden for Muslims. During the destruction of
Nalanda by Bakhtiar Khilji, all the Buddhist monks of Nalanda were
slain, because they were in saffron garb. In this context, one may
recall that a RKM monk, called Punylokananda was severely beaten up
by Muslims nearly 6 months ago in the village of Gorerhat in West
Bengal. They also are not aware that all their Maths would be
converted into masjids and the educational institutions run by them
turned into madrassas.
(to be continued)
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Name: Excesayces
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 06:17:29 -0500
Muslims are like rats. they growing in numbers like rats and live without quality life.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 06:23:09 -0500
The 'monks' of Ramakrishna Mission are well fatted ,greasy bastards leading a life of indolence , drifting meaninglessly in the shallowness of their minds ,oblivious of the realities around them. These fucked up bastards wont mind selling their country to any foreign invader to save their skins. It is a shame that this organisation still exists living off misdirected 'chariatble' contributions, ill-gotten wealth which enables these monks to lead a life of comfort denied to most of their fellow- countrymen and sheer indolence! Such organisations should be wound up. So also other fraudulent organisations such as 'The Art of Living' of Ravi Shankar, Sai Baba run Institutions, and scores of socalled 'religious' orders and institutions, be it Hindu,Christian or Muslim. These are poisonous weeds eating the innards of the society and hob-nobbing with politicians, rich businessmen who stash illgotten wealth in such institutions, and the rich of the society who are the real beneficiaries. To top it all they get tax-free incomes to indulge in their profligacies unhindered with all the powers thatbe. They are a curse of modern society. I detest these self-appointed 'godmen', monks,priests,mullahs,evangelicals, padres, etc. all frauds and oily criminals!
Name: Ashwani
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 10:41:12 -0500
This rascal duffer monk must have atleast studied the thoughts of his guru swami vivekananda on Islam and Mohammad. Actually cunning islamists have purchased many cheap monks and then have infiltrared them in varoius Hindu organisations so as to hit them below the belt. So the agents of islam have panetrated in R.K.Mission as Swami Mumukshanand and in Arya Samaj as Swami Agnivesh and RamSinghRahim in Sachasauda etc etc. It is a big fault of congress and gandhi who spread the propaganda that all religions are equal and lead to God. xtianity and islam abuse hindus and commands thier followers to hate, kill,and convert hindus.And these duffer hindus lick thier feet and spread the biggest lie that ALL RELIGIONS ARE EQUAL. It was Maharishi Dayanand who exposed first the the illogic irrationality and evilness of islam and muhammad in writing in his wonderfull book 'LIGHT OF TRUTH'. Muslims tried to get it baned for the last 125 yrs repeatedly many times. But every time the judges told that Maharishi Dayanand didnt write anything from his own but he only cited the verses given in Koran and the interpreting by the recognised muslim scholars. Muslims always lost the case.They cannot deny the verses of Koran. Muslims do not understand that Koran itself is sufficient to expose the evil of ISLAM. Life of Mo. is a clear proof of how dirty is Islam.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 11:13:02 -0500
vbv, it seems that you're always angry. Why don't you tell us why you hate? vbv, have you been living in a cave all these years? I don't know about Hindu or Muslim monks or what few institutions they might own. However, Catholic monks raise their own, honey bees, crops and/or farm animals. They're not waiting for handouts. I know because I have visited their places. Very often these Catholic monks have excess goods that they sell to the public when they go and visit. In case you're wondering, these Catholic monks are not armed. They are totally harmless. Some are writers and preachers. I see more good coming from them than evil. It's unfortunate that you see nothing but evil. I hope you don't condemn money. Money is a symbol of our works, and is good when used for licet things. Yes, the Catholic Church is very "rich." It owns 350,000 hospitals, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities, clinics, orphanages, homes for the aged, burn centers. The Catholic Church owns more institutions than any other religion for the good of humanity. Psst, hey, vbv, if ever you need to go to a hospital, Catholics will take care of you even while you're cursing them. Why don't you cast your hatred away? Believe or not, I don't think I know how to hate. P.S. vbv, do you think atheists will ever build a hospital for the good of humanity? So far, atheists haven't done a damn thing in my country to help humanity. But like you the atheists spew curses and condemn the Catholic Church. That's all they do. Atheists don't do a damn thing to help others.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 11:18:57 -0500
Ashwani...xtianity and islam abuse hindus and commands thier followers to hate, kill,and convert hindus........ Interesting...Can you give examples of Christians abusing Hindu's and commanding other Christians to kill and convert Hindu's...Can you show where this is 'commanded' in Christian scripture?
Name: duh_swami
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 11:28:28 -0500
Phillip: Atheists don't do a damn thing to help others.... How many atheists do you personally know? That's a statement painted with a very broad brush...An atheist simply does not believe in God...That does not mean they automatically turn a blind eye to human suffering and forgo charity...
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 16:29:35 -0500
duh_swami, in my country about ten percent are atheists. Only yesterday I met an atheist. duh_swami, where is your atheist hospital? Clinic? Orphanage? Home for the aged? Et cetera. I chanllenge atheists to unite and build a hospital for everyone, regardless of race, color or creed. Thanks.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 23:39:24 -0500
Mr. Saenz, I don't know about Catholic churches in your country; but in India they own a lot of properties handed down to them on a platter during the colonial rule. As for non-discrimination , you are absolutely wrong so far as India is concerned. They take huge donations from hindus to admit their children in their institutions, while a christian is highly subsidised and even given free education. This is blatant discrimination on the basis of 'religion',while a hindu institution does not practice this kind of discrimination.Further they induce students with "become a christian and Jesus will save you or else you will go to Hell" ! Now , not only they siphon off money from hindus but also fraudulently coax them to change their "religion" , showing hidu religion in poor light and denigrating local culture! The protestants and evangelicals are worse. They even foment sedition from India like they have done to the Nagas and Mizos in the North East part of our country. I,for one, am not for any public and organised religion. If religion is personal and a form of spiritual inquiry into Nature or any metaphysical question , I have nothing against it. You are wrong to say that atheists don't do anything for the wellbeing of humanity. Ateists don't crave publicity like religious organisations , they do good works silently. Organised 'religions' make a lot of noise to capture public attention to grow rich through misdirected public donations which also get tax exemptions. Atheists do without claiming any tax exemptions.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 23:50:45 -0500
Phillip...How do you know wealthy atheists don't fund hospitals etc? I don't know either because I never gave it a thought, but then I'm not the one claiming unprovable claims. Your contention seems to be that atheists are selfish by virtue of their atheism...I don't see why selfishness and atheism are are necessarily related...There are selfish people in every religion...Usually it's not the religion itself, it's greedy people. So I would agree that some atheists fit your description, but as I said before, you have a tendency to paint with a very wide brush...
Name: salma
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 04:59:18 -0500
I am a good muslim lady. Please can some one tellme after dying will I get 72 never tiring studs? because I dont have lesbian leanigs . worried aboyut my after life.
Name: re: philip sanez from ibrahim
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 05:34:40 -0500
philip sanez, you seem to be extremely ignorant judging by the quality of you posts. There is nothing like a Muslim monk. Islam as a belief system is totally opposed to the monk culture. As for Hindu monks, there are good men too, as the RK mission works free of cost for the TB patients, there are also thousands of Jain and Hindu religious hostpitals who treat people for free. The good part is that you don't need to convert to these faiths inorder to get yourself treated, quite unlike a particular denomination which just can't treat heathen folks, oops! did I say heathen, I just hope that you wont launch a crusade on me dear Sanez.
Name: Wagamama to Ibrahim
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 06:35:18 -0500
Ibrahim, your reply to Sanez is really good. I really don't understand why Christians have to convert someone for providing medical benefits. Once a person converts to Xnity, he/she starts hating the very own culture he was brought up with. He doesn't respect his ancestors. Overnight, his religious icon will be in Vatican or Jerusalem. The offerings to Jesus will be from heathen menu. The prayers I have heard are similar to the heathen ones. When Christians say those not saved by Jesus for not believing in him will persish in heaven-- I feel astonished. Isn't it very similar to what Muslims say, albeit in a mild manner? It is not in the genes of Christianity or Islam to respect other religions. All they do is hurl tantrums on other religions, bring in the concept of everlasting hell, and push people to accept their religion.
Name: Concerned
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 07:03:10 -0500
This website is wasting precious resources by letting some fenatics rail about christianity. All those charges about having to convert to christianity to get treatment in christian hospitals, charging nonchristians more for school admissions are just hogwash. In India, in spite of their small numbers the christian community are running innumerable humanitarian and educational institutions which do not discriminate between religionists. Anybody who has anything to do with christian institutions knows this. It is a pity that so much hatred is spewed here and totally baseless charges made.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 07:47:53 -0500
Dear Concerned, thank you for coming to my defense. Personally, I believe all those Yo-yos, saying that people must become Catholics in order to get relief, are lying. I've traveled in the world a good bit, and I have never heard of such a thing, certainly not in my country. IT CERTAINLY ISN'T CATHOLIC TO DO THAT. IT IS CHRISTIAN. It would be interesting to find out if all these Yo-yos have actually heard any Catholic saying that, but would they be telling the truth? And that Yo-yo atheist who said that they do things "in secret," hey, Guy, just how do you build a hospital in secret? And you funny guys say that Catholics do all their charity to "show off." I chuckle at your antics. Just how are Catholics "showing off" when they are helping penniless, 90 year old ladies in wheel chairs, or helpless orphans, or helpless castaways thrown into Indian gutters? The chanllenge still stands, I chanllenge you atheists to build a hospital for everyone except for Muslims who are wearing a bomb belt, or a male Muslim wearing a Burqa. Those SOBs (Sons Of the Beast) wearing Burqas can't be trusted either. This Catholic still loves you crazies, believe it or not. Down deep, I believe that you are good people, except for Muslim suicide bombers, and SOB Male Muslims wearing Burqas.
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 08:30:27 -0500
if islam is true why god didnt make the people less smart and intelligent so everyone can easly accept it ? because i see many people more merciful than mohamed and more wise than pagan deity of islam .
Name: To Salma
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 08:50:47 -0500
Believe Jesus is GOD you will be save from hell. Even you a very good muslim can go to hell after your dead because of your sins. God must born as a man and offer as a sacrifice or die on the cross only that GOD can take away sins from sinners for those who ask him. That person was Jesus. There no other way your sins can taken away. Only Jesus can take away sins.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 11:39:11 -0500
To"concerned": You are a hogwash yourself! I am telling you from my personal experience in a christian missionery school, where hindus are charged exorbitant fees, while christian students not only get free or subsidised education but are also given preferential treatment on all matters. I remember that I was asked to say christian prayers and the nuns and padres denigrating Indian culture calling them heathens,pagans,etc. You ,concerned, sitting in Western countries cannot pass judgements on what is happening in India, and the seditious activities of evangelicals in various parts of the country.They have succeeded in alienating certain tribes in the North Eastern Part of India,such as the Mizos and Nagas who are using terror tactics similar to the islamists secede from India at the instigation of these worthy evangelicals who are nothing but agents of the american CIA.So much for the nobility of 'christian' faith which serves as a tool for american and certain european foreign policy to foment trouble where they want in the name of 'religion' and "holy christ"!
Name: duh_swami
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 13:02:30 -0500
vbv...I don't doubt your report about whats going on. But there is a difference between a real Christian and one who only claims Christianity for personal gain. To put it simply, 'when a Christian acts up, it's in spite of Christianity, not because of it'...'When a Muslim acts up it is because of Islam, not in spite of it'...When a Hindu acts up, it is not because of Yana Yoga, it is because of the lack of it...
Name: balamReferring to V.B.V
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 18:21:18 -0500
You seem to be a paranoid sick person.You condemn the Christian school,you attended.Why did you join the Christian school in the first place?Why did you not go to a Hindu or Muslim school.If the Christian school helped some Christian students,what to you.Dont the Hindu or Muslim schools help their own.Your name represents VERBAL VOMIT.Think before you judge others.In life you would always find a Muslim prejudiced,a Hindu selfish and a true Christian,SELFLESS and COMPASSIONATE.
Name: Concerned to vbv
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 22:59:27 -0500
Friend It is possible that you might have been the subject of discrimination. Please understand that this is most likely an aberration,. Even if I concede that Christians are given preference over others it is not a criminal act. Why dont others do the same and try to uplift their communities? That would benefit the whole world. You trivialize the great amount of service done by Christians. You just have no idea what cristianity stands for.
Name: concerned
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 00:53:45 -0500
I studied in a missionary school (Basel Mission) in India. The teachers would object anything to do with Hinduism. For example, they would questions children wearing lockets of Ganesh, OM, Krishna etc. However, they would ask to sing prayers on Jesus. In our town, there were government schools and we had no alternative. However, in few years time, three Hindu schools came up and the quality of education there was much better than in the missionary school. They promoted yoga, pranayama, meditation and other techniques. As a result 90% of the Hindu families shifted their children to those Hindu schools. The christian school was then forced to adopt secular education. Either you don't teach anything that is religious or accept religious concepts from all religions. This has happened in many cities in India.
Name: Dharam Sharma
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 03:02:21 -0500
Name: vbv
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 05:06:05 -0500
balam you are a paranoid IDIOT. I went to christian run school because it was in INDIA and I am an INdian. If the christian school feels so badly about us hindus why don't they "fuck" off to some christian country. India is my country and not some bullshit banana republic under the eyes of the USA or some Europen country! Agter all Jesus was not a whiteman,or european , but a jew, a miserable failure in his life , hanging pathetically on a wooden cross, you corpse worshipper! Here is a man who gets killed by the romans , plaintively cries "O Father, why did you foresake me"! And yet he is called a son of 'God' , some 'God' and some 'son of God' indeed! This jewish corpse becomes a symbol the white man uses to subjugate the rest of humanity! The jews were themselves severely persecuted till the II world warby the same whitemen, who have now suddenly developed 'love' for them. Why? Because these jews have produced many great scientists , economists, doctors ,thinkers ,philosophers, and the whiteman is milking them , as usual with his selfishness and deceit. If muslims were to produce some great scientists, they would go after them with their tongues hanging. So balam you super idiot and christian fanatic , there you are!
Name: Fruitless
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 06:02:34 -0500
To debate with an incorrigible idiot is fruitless.
Name: ab
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 06:17:24 -0500
vbv, your language is awful. I think you can make your point without using abusive language because some of the stuff you talk about is true though I don't agree with your views on the RK Mutt, Sai Baba or Sri Sri Ravishankar though that subject is beyond the scope of this forum.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 09:00:58 -0500
saenz,what has your stupid ranting post got to do with the article?you won't convert vbv!so no one but catholics build hospitals,you really are thick!mind you anyone saying that they see angels is got to have issues.go and see a shrink,you need help.PS vbv, i hope you tear this fool to bits with a good post!!!
Name: balam ref:dogs and pigs:
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 10:25:57 -0500
Your comments by Jesus are quite true.These Hindu dogs and pigs do not have enough brains to appreciate the pearls of wisdom as contained in the Holy Scriptures.Hindus should thank Great Britain to remove the Scorpian of Islam from the back of Hindus.The Muslims rulede and dominated the Hidus for 800 years,raped their mothers and sisters and daughters.Killed their men in millions and forced the hindu cowards to accept Islam.India has over 170 million Muslims,who despise the Hindus and keep them in the state of permanent fear.British did not force any one to convert.This is one reason,the population of Christians in India is only 2.5% as compared to Muslim population about 20%,who are the main source of terrorism in India.The Christians are basically peaceful because they follow THE PRINCE OF PEACE and His teaching which spirituall blind snakes like V.B.V and G.Ryan can not see.V.B.V is already living in Hell and with no Peace in heart and he will die in the same state.You can never change a SNAKE into a human- being.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 11:59:57 -0500
to balam and his ilk,why don't you and saenz go and fuck yourselves!had enough of fanatical christians and hindus.you would be the former,i only point that out because you seem to be stupid.this site is about islam not your attempt to convert people to your faith.anyone who does'nt like my language,tough,i'm sick of these pricks.call me a snake all you want,rather that than a fucking small minded prick like you and saenz!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 12:05:22 -0500
also your pair of pricks,look at your post's,then look at some muslim one's,see any difference?there aint none,you're as distorted as they are.if we don't agree with you we become snakes or go to hell!piss off and join your islamic mates(same goes for you hindu fanatics)!
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 04:46:13 -0500
To ab: I am only responding to some incorrigible idiots like balam and others who had frequently used foul language against me and unsavoury and vulgar epiteths agianst me without any provocation. These christian fanatics have become very belligerent when I expose unsavoury facts about christianity and use abusive language to put me down. I am a mild man otherwise ,but if provoked with personal insults on me I can be atleast as much abusive as my adversary. I have strong views in many matters ,but I am not imposing them on anyone. You have aright to disagree with me as strongly as you may but not insult me in person, which I will never put up with. Re: Ravishankar,RK math,Sai Baba,etc ,I have strong views which you can disagree. I think of them as charlatans , conmen ,duping the gullble, leading an indolent life and also a luxurious one hob-nobbing with powerful politicians, rich businessmen,etc. I don't see them as someone who would bring any great social change or spiritual awakening. They are just hangers on and deeply conceited crooks who know how to grab the next wad of currencies that various other crooks are ready to fling at them while evading taxes due to the government! I certainly don't believe in god or godmen. But nevertheless ,I still call myself a 'hindu' because 'hinduism' is not a narrow religion but a way of life allowing you to explore the meaning of life without the crutch of a 'religion'. You can be an atheist , an advait, a charvaka,agnostic, budhist,jain,etc all of whom do not profess belief in any "God" the way semetic cults propogate ,but lay emphasis on humane concepts such as non-violence, good moral conduct,yoga for good physical and mental health,etc. I hope you get my drift. I don't mind any 'hindu' criticising a Krishna,Rama,Siva,or any other deity, because such criticism comes from a genuine feeling and emotion to look for Truth; but a fanatic christian or a muslim zealot or jew criticising hinduism comes with an ulterior motive to "convert" the hindu to their amoral and immoral and intolerant cults who are the cause for all the violence, bigotry and turmoil around the world.The semetic cults are destructive, intent on destroying all other cultures and way of life. They use suc derogatory term on others as infidels,kaffirs, heathens,pagans,etc. It is time to put a stop to all this bullshit of christianity or islam,while islam uses terror directly ,christianity plays on human psychology with "Jesus is your saviour ,or else you will go to Hell" ,"Only Jesus can redeem your 'sins'", etc. Both are sick, stifling free thinkers and atheists, both have capital punishments for "blasphemers". You know in Indian religions we do not have such a thing as "blaspheme" and no one is murdered or tortured for being a "heretic". We never had crusades, jihads, inquisitions for holding contrary views. ... I can go on , but I guess you understand my perspective now Thank you for giving me an opportunity to explain why I write what I write.
Name: Sati and Dalit
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 05:55:24 -0500
Hindus only burn widows (Sati) and reduce many people to a level worse than animals (the Dalit or the untouchables). This cruel, medieval practice of burning a widow (Sati)on the funeral pyre of the husband amid loud cheering of the villagers is still on in some pockets of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Bihar and Jharkand. More shameful is that under the law the widow is punished if she survives. Dalit refers to people who are socially, religiously, economically and politically oppressed, deprived and exploited in India. The word “Dalit” is often used to describe a person who comes from any lower caste, even though technically authentic Dalits are kept outside the caste system as unworthy to enter the social and religious life of society. They are generally considered to be polluted socially, poor economically and powerless politically. They are not allowed to touch caste Hindus and are therefore treated as “untouchables”. Dalits are found spread throughout the nation of India, South Asia, and among the Indian diaspora around the world.
Name: High Prevalence of Child Marriage in India
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 06:01:51 -0500
A large proportion of women in India were married when they were still children, a study has found, and researchers warned that such unions carried higher risks of unwanted pregnancies and female sterilization. Nearly all the women who were married before they reached the legal age of 18 reported that they used no contraception before they had their first child, according to the study, which was published in The Lancet. UNICEF defines child marriage as marriage before 18 years of age and such a practice has been increasingly viewed as a violation of human rights. Marriage at a very young age carries grave health consequences for both the girl and her children and it is well documented that adolescent mothers are more likely to experience complications such as obstetric fistula. Researchers analyzed data from a national family health survey that was conducted from 2005 to 2006 in India. The survey involved 22,807 Indian women who were aged between 20 and 24 at the time of the survey. Of these, 22.6 percent were married before they were 16, 44.5 percent were married when they were between 16 and 17, and 2.6 percent were married before they turned 13.
Name: Please Buy and Read This Book
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 06:10:45 -0500
Death by Fire: Sati, Dowry Death, and Female Infanticide in Modern India.
Name: Human Rights Issues in India
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 06:12:37 -0500
1. Human rights violations by the security forces 2. Violence against women 3. Violations of the rights of the Dalits Caste-based discrimination: Violence against Dalit women: 4. Violations of the rights of indigenous/tribal peoples
Name: Kinana
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 08:36:53 -0500
People who talk up Islam or Mohammed, like this Swami Mumukshanandaji Maharaj, rarely give examples from the Quran or Hadith. And even if they find one or two (three?) it rarely amounts to a full endorsement of the perspective they are promoting. We are just supposed to believe them, without any evidence. Would many Hindus actually believe this stuff? (I assume that Dr Brahmachari would have given us the evidence if it had existed in the article.) On the other hand, maybe we should not be too harsh on Swami Mumukshanandaji Maharaj. if he had told the truth about Islam and Mohammed how long would his publication and offices stay in business. Still he should have just stayed silent instead of spot nonsense.
Name: To Radhysham Brahmchari
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 16:24:40 -0500
Time To discuss and debate with Islamist is Over.Time to Search for Moderate Islamist is over. It is time to put Islamist and Islam down By force. All Islamist in India need to be given 3 options a- reconvert b- Deport to Islamistan(Dar-e-islam/aman) c-Be Eradicated/terminated from earth(dar-ul-harb)