A Critical Assessment of Muhammad by the Bangladeshi Apostates, Part 2
07 Mar, 2009
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Hindus respect monks more than kings; they are called Maharaj
(great king), because of their honesty and integrity, and love for
truth and justice. They honour their utterances as God’s word. Swami
Vivekananda, an ideal monk of our times and founder of the he
Ramakrishna Mission (RKM), said, “Everything may be given up for the
sake of truth, but truth cannot be given up for anything.” It is
amazing that the present breed of RKM monks have forsaken truth
today and are telling blatant lies.
- Swami Mumukshanandaji Maharaj in his Udbodhan editorial wrote:
- “We experienced the Prophet’s
unlimited patience and endurance from his poverty-stricken life
in an extremely unfavourable environment in Mecca. On the other
hand, what we have learned from his life and deeds Medina is an
example of kindness and forgiveness, though he was then the
undeclared king of the city. As a matter of fact, the personal
and religious conducts of his great life has been acknowledged
as his priceless teachings. And hence Islam is a religion of
patience and endurance, and a religion of kindness and
forgiveness – or in a nutshell, a religion of love and
A reader, having even most insignificant knowledge about the life
and deeds of Prophet Muhammad, would be shocked by these lies,
particularly when written by a monk of R K Mission, founded by Swami
Vivekananda. It shows how low the monks of the R K Mission have
fallen for whatever reasons.
According to Ali Sina, an Iranian scholar and the founder of the
Faith Freedom International, “Islam is complete darkness and hence
vulnerable to light”. Presently, young Muslims in Africa, the
Middle-East and the West—enlightened by
modern education—have started realizing
that Islam is an unscientific creed loaded with lies, hate,
violence, sex and bloodshed. They are deserting Islam in droves.
According to a recent report, about 200,000 young Muslims in the UK
have deserted Islam in past one year. And 20 percent of the new
converts in the US are leaving Islam. Another report says that
nearly 6 million Muslims are leaving Islam every year in Africa. In
Islam, these deserters are called apostates or murtads, who deserve
death. A group of Bangladeshi apostates living in the U.K. has
recently issued a statement explaining the reason why they have
abandoned Islam. A few months ago, the said declaration was aired by
the BBC.
In that statement they explained why they do not consider Muhammad a prophet. It reads,
“One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a saintly life. He must not be given to lust, he must not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a war criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin. One who claims to be a messenger of God must have a superior character. He must stand above the vices of the people of his time. Yet Muhammad’s life is that of a gangster godfather. He raided merchant caravans, looted innocent people, massacred entire male populations and enslaved the women and children. He raped the women captured in war after killing their husbands and told his followers that it is okay to have sex with their captives (Quran 33:50). He assassinated those who criticized him and executed them when he came to power and became de facto despot of Arabia. Muhammad was bereft of human compassion. He was an obsessed man with his dreams of grandiosity and could not forgive those who stood in his way.”
The statement continues,
“Muhammad was a narcissist, like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin. He was astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional intelligence was less evolved than that of a 6-year-old child. He simply could not feel the pain of others. He brutally massacred thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth. His ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is entitled to do as he pleased and commit all sorts of crimes and his evil deeds are justified.”
It is shocking that, these young Muslims can understood Muhammad so easily, but our learned RKM monks fail to comprehend the same.
At the age of 52, Muhammad migrated with all his converts from Mecca and arrived at Medina on Monday, 28th June, 622 AD. At that time Muslim population at Medina was insignificant. But soon Medina pagans joined his mission in large numbers, making Muhammad a powerful chief. He became the chief administrator, chief of army, chief lawmaker and chief of judiciary of Medina. In other words, he became the uncrowned king of Medina. Now, with power behind, the idea of spreading Islam by sword came to his mind and he invented the doctrine of jihad. He formed a gang of hooligans that started to oppress the non-Muslim natives of Medina in the name of jihad for their rejection of Islam.
Muhammad’s Lust and Sexual Perversion
His wealthy first wife Khadija, died prior to his emigration to Medina, provided him the opportunity to marry other women. At first, he married an elderly widow, named Sauda. Then, he married Aisha, the daughter of his closest friend Abu-bakr, when Aisha was a child of 6. Then onwards he started marrying women one after another. In 3rd AH, at the age of 56, he married Hafsa bint Omar and Zeinab bint Khozaima. Next year, he married Umme Salama in 5 AH, followed by Zeinab bint Ash (the wife of his adopted son Zeid) and Zaeria bint Habis. In 7 AH, he married four wives namely Umme Habiba, Safia bint Hujaya, Maimuna bint Habis and Maria, the Coptic slave-girl. In this way, he created a harem of 11 wives. The above narration reflects that Muhammad married 12 wives, but according to Shia scholars, Muhammad married 22 wives in his declining years.
In his article “Muhammad had Violated the Quran”, Bangladeshi apostate Abul Kasem has provided the names of ten other wives of the Prophet and they are Sana bt. Asma, al-Shama bt. Amr al-Ghifariyaah, Ghaziyyah bt. Jabir or Umm Sharik, Amrah bt. Yazid or Umm Sharik Osme, Asma bt. Al-Numan, Al-Aliyaah bt. Zabyan, Qutaylah bt. Qays, Fatimah bt. Shurayh (Sara), Kawlah bt. Hudhayl and Layla bt. Al-Khatim. So, the Bangladesh apostates are correct in painting Muhammad as a lustful and sexually pervert person and not a man of superior character. And they justifiably refuse to accept Muhammad as a messenger of God.
Muhammad was a Highway Robber
The Muslims who migrated to Medina from Mecca were called muhajirs (refugees). These muhajirs were very poor. Muhammad also bribed many poor people of Medina to convert them to Islam. He also converted some slaves by paying ransom to their owners. The major financial burden of all such activities was borne by his rich friend Abu-bakr. But that was not adequate. To assuage the economic hardships, Muhammad devised the means of robbing trade-caravans and raiding of non-Muslim communities. Firstly, evict the rich Jewish community from Medina and acquire their riches and wealth. Secondly, attack and loot the caravans of the Koreish of Mecca. Thirdly, extort money from rich non-Muslim inhabitants of Medina. And fourthly, impose sadqa (a portion of the income, later on called zaqat) on the well off Muslims.
In the month of Ramadhan, 622 AD, Muhammad sent a team of 30 muhajirs, under the leadership of his uncle Hamja, to loot a Koreish trade caravan that was returning from Syria. But the expedition failed. Then he sent another team, in January, 623 AD, to loot a caravan, led by abu-Sufyan, but failed. Later on, he sent two expeditions to loot a caravan led by Umaiya-bin-Khalaf and Abu-Sufyan, but failed. In the same year, He sent another team to Nakhla, in the month of Rajab and his men killed one, made two other captive and returned to Medina with a large treasure of spoils. Out of 12 months in a year, 4 of them, namely Rajab, Muharram, Jilqad and Jilhajj, were considered holy in the entire Arab peninsula and bloodshed was prohibited in those months from time immemorial. But Muhammad’s men committed bloodshed with his tacit support. These incidents give testimony in favour of the allegation by the said Bangladeshi apostates that Muhammad was a highway robber.
Muhammad was an assassin
When the Muslim population in Medina swelled to a considerable extent, Muslims, with approval Muhammad, started oppressing the non-Muslims of Medina. There were a few popular poets in Medina, who started criticizing Muhammad’s acts of violence. Naturally displeased by it, Muhammad decided to assassinate them in the darkness of night. At first, he assassinated the poetess Ashma and then the poet Abu-Afaq. Then he assassinated the poet Kaab-bin-Ashraf. These incidents substantiate the allegation of the Bangladeshi apostates that Muhammad was an assassin.
Muhammad was a Mass Murderer
It has been mentioned earlier that Muhammad was bent on evicting or exterminating the Jewish community of Medina to grab their riches and wealth. There were 3 major Jewish clans, namely Beni Kanuika, Beni Najir and Beni Koreiza. To achieve his goal, Muhammad warned them first that if they did not embrace Islam they should be ready to face grave consequences. At the same time, he empowered the Muslims to kill any Jew at any time and anywhere. Firstly, he scared the Beni Kanuika to such an extent that they agreed to leave Medina, leaving most of their belongings behind.
The Jews of Beni Najir used to live in a suburb of Medina. One
day, Muhammad went to house of Najir leader and suddenly returned in
a rush to Medina without telling anyone the reason for his
departure. Later on, he brought the allegation that the Jews had
planned to crush him by rolling down a stone from the top of the
house. Based on this unsubstantiated accusation, he order them to
evacuate from Medina. However, the Beni Najir Jews declined to leave
Medina and the Muslims put their fortified colony under seize.
Ultimately, the entire population of Najir, except two families who
converted to Islam, had to leave Medina. Some of them settled at
Khaibar, a place nearly 100 miles in the north of Medina and the
rest went to Syria.
(to be continued)
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Name: these present swamys of RK muttt are enjotying comforts
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 01:51:54 -0500
these present swamys of RK muttt are enjotying comforts with out doing their job perfectly. the key jobs like soldier jobs must be done perfectly, partia doing is also crime. These swamies have not read the koran and understood. They just too positive to crititse the facts. suppressing the evil is disasterous.
Name: India's Unwanted Hindu Girls
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 02:02:05 -0500
Editor; Do not post this spam message all over. Same message should be posted more than once.
Name: Q&A for hindutva sex-perverts!
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 05:18:32 -0500
Q: Which God of Hinduism used to possess more than 16,000 wives and young cowherd girls in his harem to play raslila with them? A: Krishna. Q: Which God of Hinduism is believed to be playboy God? A: Krishna. Q: Which God of Hinduism is no longer worshipped by Hindutva devotees as Shiva saw him intending to rape his own daughter? A: Brahma (ref: Hinduism by Govind Das, p.104)
Name: prince1
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 05:30:10 -0500
hetlar and stalin , gankez khan were criminals but there impact was limited in time and numbers of vectims unlike mohamed how have bloody impact since 1400 years and his evil effect will continue for long time in future.
Name: Hinduism vs. Islam
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 14:32:50 -0500
There are over 330 million Gods in Hinduism who came down to earth time-to-time in different human forms to kill the unbelievers and to establish their religion. There are also hundreds of religious scriptures in Hinduism. And yet Hinduism is only confined in a tiny part of the world (i.e., India) in 5000 years and it is shrinking day by day! Good and sensible Hindus do not believe in Hinduism at all. They are just a kind of cultural Hindus. It speaks a volume about this religion. On the other hand, there is only One God in Islam (i.e., Allah) Who never came down to earth in human form to kill the unbelievers and to establish Islam. There is only one Holy Book in Islam (i.e., the Quran) and many human Prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. And yet Islam has already been flourished all over the world in just 1400 years and it is now the fastest growing religion in the West! Good and sensible Muslims believe in Islam and also try to follow the basic tenets of Islam.
Name: Re: Hinduism vs. Islam
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 18:10:26 -0500
Hinduism is becoming fast popular in the west. Heard of yoga, pranayama, meditation, ayurveda etc? They were gifted by Hindus to the mankind. The spices you guys use, the music and dance schools and even the architecture in India is due to Hinduism. For us God is one, and incarnates in different forms. Gods like Indra, Ganesh, Murugan etc are higher forms of existence but not the ultimate. The Highest is denoted by Parabrahman as per Vedas. And certainly Parabhrahman is not Allah. Allah sent a pedophile Profart Muhammad, who took Aisha to bed when she was 9. This fart-head then was 54. Islam has been the enemy of the world since its birth. OTOH Hinduism has no enemies in the world. Islam will vanish very soon. You will all be buried alongside pedophile Mu-HAM-med's deathbed. Ya ila bulbul la, Muhammad Gandu la; Ya ila haramkhor la, chutya rasulallah!! Insha Allah
Name: RE: Q&A for hindutva sex-perverts!
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 18:14:22 -0500
Q: Which God of Hinduism used to possess more than 16,000 wives and young cowherd girls in his harem to play raslila with them? A: Krishna.>> Dancing with girls doesn't make anyone a sexual pervert; Muhammad screwed gals got as raid booty;;; Q: Which God of Hinduism is believed to be playboy God? A: Krishna.>> Scriptures don't say he is a playboy. When God comes in human form, everyone is attracted to him; Which God of Hinduism is no longer worshipped by Hindutva devotees as Shiva saw him intending to rape his own daughter? A: Brahma >>> Brahma has no daughter! BTW I am not jealous of your God that provides you with 72 whores!!! LOLz
Name: Same Author
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 00:53:57 -0500
Both Islam and Hinduism are inspired by the same author.
Name: MA Khan
Subject: to Same Author
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 03:50:48 -0500
You suggest that Allah/God (same author) first approved idolatry, later changed his mind, and dicided to annihilate His followers through Muhammad.
Name: Same Author
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 05:28:28 -0500
Same author means Satan. He will do everything to deceive or destroy humanity, from false religion (paganism, Islam) to Marxism to Darwinism (atheism).
Name: antimod
Subject: dumbheads who believe in fantasy
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 05:38:28 -0500
This is for dumbheaded muslims who think Krishna had 16000 wives and had cowherd girls in his harem. May I educate you dumbheads that when Krishna left Gokul and reached Mathura he was just 10 years old and when he killed Kansa he was not even 12 years of old. After leaving Gokul he never returned to that place. So, whatever is written about Krisna's personal life was written by his devotees who have exhagerated facts. If you dumbheads think that a 10 year old could be sexually active only your Mohammed or Allah help you.
Name: Wagamama
Subject: to: same author
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 23:29:02 -0500
Well your statements show the kind of hypocrisy and intolerance you practice. Your religion has lost grounds in Europe and America. That is why the missionaries are investing money in Asia and Africa to harvest more souls. Old testament is a ditto copy of Quran!! So the God of both OT and Quran are the same. Agreed?
Name: To Wagamama
Subject: Get the Facts Straight
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 03:33:14 -0500
--"Old testament is a ditto copy of Quran."--Old Testament is a thousand years older than the Koran. How can the Old Testament be a ditto copy of the Koran? Are you out to foment wicked lies to discredit Christianity? Or are you an unwitting agent of Satan, the Destroyer of Truth?
Name: To Wagamama
Subject: Promoter of Lies
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 03:37:45 -0500
"Both Islam and Hinduism are inspired by the same author." Where is the hypocrisy and intolerance in this statement?
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 07:13:17 -0500
"So, whatever is written about Krisna's personal life was written by his devotees who have exhagerated facts." --- so, you dumbhead moron should blame the devotees, not me! yet if you can't, then only your playboy god Krishna can help you!
Name: Archpagan to the jehadi above
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 02:26:05 -0500
Krishna is God himself not a mere messenger. The number of his friends of both sexes denotes His greatness only. Devoted Krishna devotees practice celibacy.
Name: Archpagan
Date: Sunday March 15, 2009
Time: 11:27:43 -0500
Hinduism has no beginning, so it can not have an end. All others having a beginning must end.
Name: everybudy gets wt he pays for!
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 00:37:36 -0500
ASTAGHFIRULLAH. may Allah guide us all to the right path. Islam doesnot allow abusing other religions n so was the prophet mohammad peace be upon him, he never abused nay religion or any human being. instead of pointing out at others, keep an eye on ur own soul, and u will find many torn pieces and empty pores inside , so better fill them up before searching for the same things in others.