A Critical Assessment of Muhammad by Bangladeshi Apostates, Part 3
11 Mar, 2009
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Muhammad, a Mass Murderer
- In 626 AD, the Prophet suddenly accused the Jewish tribe of Beni Koraiza of Medina that they had entered into a secret intrigue with the Koraish of Mecca against Muslims, and attacked and defeated them. A kangaroo court was formed with Sa’d, a new convert and loyal to Muhammad, as the Judge, who issued a bloody verdict that all the able men would be beheaded, the women and children would be enslaved and the spoils would be divided amongst Muslims. The Jewish community had about 2000 souls: men, women and children. Immediately after the verdict was delivered, the men, about 800 in number, with hands tied behind their backs, were separated from the women and children, and kept under confinement. (Boys with pubic hair were taken as adults). The Prophet selected Rihana, most beautiful among the women for him. Overnight a ditch large enough to contain 800 corpses was dug in the market-place of Medina.
In the morning, Mohammad, himself a spectator of the tragedy, commanded the male captives to be brought forth in companies of five or six at a time. The unfortunates were then asked to sit down on the brink of the ditch facing the ditch, in a row and their heads were chopped off and kicked the decapitated dead bodies into the ditch. Only one woman, whose family had been slaughtered, preferred death over sexual slavery of her kinfolk's murderers and was beheaded along with the men-folk.
To describe the incident Sir W Muir, the celebrated biographer of the Prophet, writes,
“The butchery, begun in the morning, lasted all day, and continued by torchlight till the evening. Having thus drenched the market-place with the blood of seven or eight hundred victims, and having been commanded for the earth to be smoothed over their remains, Mohammad returned from the horrid spectacle to solace himself with the charms of Reihaha, whose husband and all her male relatives had just perished in the massacre. He invited her to be his wife; but she declined, and chose to remain his slave or concubine”. [The Life of Mahomet, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1992].
This present author has never seen a modern Muslim biographer of the Prophet to narrate this cold-blooded massacre of 800 people by Muhammad. A Bengali biographer, Abdul Aziz Al Aman, has only mentioned it in his Kabar Pathe (On the Road to Kaaba), describing the massacre of the Koraiza Jews as a blot in life of the Prophet as well as on the history of Islam. So it is obvious that the apologists, like Asgar Ali Engineer, will always refrain from describing this bloody episode of his Prophet, because it would make it possible for him to portray the Prophet as an "apostle of peace". But the ignorant, or possibly mischievous, monks of the R K Mission would shamelessly portray Muhammad’s life and deeds in Medina as an example of kindness and forgiveness, which even a billy-goat would refuse to accept.
Muhammad lived in Medina for 10 years, during which he organized, as a part of his jihad, 82 raids (ghazwah) on the non-Muslim settlements of Arabia massacring more than a thousand people, who refused to accept Islam and enslaved thousands. Muhammad himself participated in 29 raids.
It has been pointed out above that the Jews of Beni Najir, after being evicted from Medina, settled amongst the existing Jews at Khaibar, nearly 100 miles north of Medina. In August, 628 AD, Muhammad invaded Khaibar with a 1,600-strong army just after the fazr or early morning prayer, taking the inhabitants of Khaibar totally unaware. Bloody war continued throughout the day drenching the land with blood. Kinana was the leader of the Jews. A renegade Jew informed Muhammad that Kinana had concealed his treasure of gold ornaments and utensils that he had received as dowry while marrying Safiya, in a secret place. One would be shocked to know the inhuman torture that Muhammad inflicted on Kinana to get the word out of him. Kinana was forced to lie down on his back and Muhammad placed burning charcoal on his chest and fanned it to glow red hot. Many believe that the torture continued till the burning charcoal penetrated Kinana’s heart and lungs. When a treacherous Jew disclosed the whereabouts of Kinana's treasure, he was beheaded. Muhammad took enslaved Safiya, Kinana’s extremely beautiful and young wife, to bed on the same night.
Shame to the wicked and treacherous Monks of RKM
So the above incidents conclusively prove that Muhammad was a mass-murderer as alleged by the Bangladeshi apostates; and his raping of Rihana and Safiya substantiate their other allegation that Muhammad was a rapist. It is, therefore, not difficult for the reader to gauge the depth of lies and deception, which the RK Mission author of the article, “Jagat jure udaar sure aananda gaan baaje”, propagates in saying:
“We experienced the Prophet’s unlimited patience and endurance from his poverty-stricken life in an extremely unfavourable environment in Mecca. On the other hand, what we have learned from his life and deeds Medina is an example of kindness and forgiveness, though he was then the undeclared king of the city. As a matter of fact, the personal and religious conducts of his great life has been acknowledged as his priceless teachings. And hence Islam is a religion of patience and endurance, and a religion of kindness and forgiveness – or in a nutshell, a religion of love and compassion.”
Though several other expositions in this article deserve criticism, we shall consider the most important of them, namely the darkest lie that Sri Ramakrishna practiced Islam. This is the most notorious and despicable effort on the part of the R K Mission monks to paint Sri Ramakrishna as a secularist with the help of the most irresponsible story fabricated by Mahendra Gupta, the author of "Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita" (Sweetness of Ramakrishna's Words). It reality Sri Ramakrishna, the embodiment of mercy, came to this earth to save Hinduism, the Sanatana Dharma, and the Hindus from the onslaught of Islam and Christianity (Rules and Regulations of Ramakrishna Math). The deceptive R K Mission has also stopped reprinting the most popular portrait of Swamiji carrying the sentence “Swami Vivekananda, the Hindu monk of India”.
Let us turn attention to the fabricated story of Sri Ramakrishna’s practice of Islam. Those, who are propagating the lie, say that Sri Ramakrishna had converted himself into a Muslim, used to perform Namaz and expressed his desire to eat beef.
It is well known that, Sri Ramakrishna did not care to follow Islamic rituals, whilst he worshipped the idol of Mother Kali at the temple of Dakshineswar and firmly believed that only pure devotion (bhakti) would being the grace of God. Would the RKM propagators of lies tell us when Sri Ramkrishna memorized the Quran and engaged in Islamic rituals like namaaz, Ramadan fasting etc?
The Islamic prayer, called namaz, has some other important rituals and if these are not strictly observed by the namazis, Allah would refuse to accept his prayer. Firstly, it is a must for every Muslim to perform oju (ablution) before namaz and Allah does not accept one’s namaz if he does it without ablution. Secondly, there is the concept of Rakah or section of the Muhammadan prayer, that needs a bit more elaboration. It is obligatory for every Muslim to perform namaz five times a day and they are called fazar (early morning prayer, before the sunrise) , johar (mid-day prayer), aasar (afternoon prayer), magrib (prayer in the dusk) and esha (prayer after dusk). There are strict laws for how many Rakahs of namaz are to be performed at a particular prayer time.
Two other rituals are yet to be mentioned and those are ruku and sijdah. Ruku is a special posture when the namaji inclines his head, resting the palms on the knees and sijdah is the posture of prostration by touching the forehead on the ground. During every rakah of namaz, ruku and sijdah are to be performed at particular instants of time.
May I ask those liars of the RK Mission: When did Sri Ramakrishna performed all these obligatory rituals of Islamic prayers?
Sri Ramkrishna's desire for taking beef is another lie. One should notice that eating beef is not a compulsory ritual for Muslims. And in Arabia, where the creed called Islam originated, had no cows. Muslims in India adopted themselves to beef-eating only to hurt the sentiments of the Hindus. On the contrary, jihad and sex with kafir women are the integral part of Islam. May we advise the liars of RK Mission to propagate the story that, “While Sri Ramakrishna practiced Islam, he waged Jihad against the Hindu kafirs and rape their women.” This would prove beyond doubt that Sri Ramakrishna once practiced Islam and turned himself into a Muslim.
From this discussion, it would become transparent to readers that the RKM author’s portrayal of Islam and its Prophet is full of lies and deceit. The monks of Ramakrishna Mission, by writing and publishing such a stockpile of ignorance and stupidity in its reputed magazine, Udbodhan, are axing their own legs. This practice, if continues, they will soon lose credibility to their readers. The monks of R K Mission today are doing the opposite to what Swami Vivekananda had founded the Mission for. They are thus turning themselves into enemies of the Hindus; they will have to pay a heavy price for this in future.
May I advise the R K Mission monks to learn from the Bangladeshi apostates of Islam and project the face of Islam and its Prophet as it is. This will do a great service not only to the Hindus but also to entire humanity.
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Name: Muslim
Subject: More of the same
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 23:48:43 -0500
MA Khan still insist on publishing all the garbage he can gets his hands on even after the humiliating defeat he suffered at the hands of the young educated British muslimah.
Name: Philip Saenz
Subject: Hypocrisy Of Muslims
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 00:14:40 -0500
Fanatical Muslims are very much like the Pharisees of Jesus Christ's time. The Pharisees would tie small phylacteries on their hair filled with bits of scriptures, stand on the street corners, to show people how "holy" they were. Jesus condemned the Pharisees and called them hypocrits among other things. Nowadays, the hypocritical, fanatical Muslims stick their arses up in the sky, and bang their heads on the ground, in public five times a day, to show the people how "holy" they are. I'm sure that if Jesus were on earth today, He would also condemn the fanatical Muslims and call them "hypocrites" among other things. In some of the backward Muslim countries, the Muslim males are forced to stick their arses up in the sky, and bang their heads on the ground five times daily. Jesus said that the best way to pray is to go to your room, close the door behind you and "there pray to your Heavenly Father in secret." Can anyone imagine the arrogant, ostentatious Muslim males doing that?
Name: vbv
Subject: barbarism and hypocrisy
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 01:49:49 -0500
RK monks are indolent idiots with no purpose in life that they churn out lies brazenly.They are flushed with funds which the the socalled monks use torun some hospitals and education institutions in West Bengal, while the major portion is left for the indulgence of these 'monks'.All rot ,this institution is decadent and redundant in India today , that's why they write and publish nonsense. Let the govt. take it over and use the huge funds for the betterment of the poor and the downtrodden.It will be good riddance to such useless organisations which are a bane on Indian society.
Name: balam
Subject: R.K.M.Monks
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 09:02:38 -0500
The article by Dr.Brahamchari is very factual,revealing and bold.I would condemn the monkies of R.K.M mission for their dishonesty.It is said that all the snakes are dangerous but one in your sleeve are the most dangerous.The monks are more dangerous because they are deceiving the Hindus and other non-Muslims through their false propaganda about heinous Islam and Evil Mohammad.These monks should be exposed as they are doing a great service to India .
Name: duh_swami
Subject: One mans garbage is another mans garbage..
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 11:15:19 -0500
Yes Mr Muslim...Mr Khan does publish garbage about Islam...That's really all there is...Islam is a large garbage can filled with garbage details. Some of those chunks of Islamic garbage smell better than others, but it's all garbage... Mohammad was the first garbage man on an industrial scale...He collected all the Islamic garbage he could find and recycled it into the Quran...It looks better, and it smells better, but it's still garbage...
Name: balam
Subject: correction
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 11:47:15 -0500
These monks sould be exposed as they are doing a great DIS-SERVICE to INDIA.
Name: Wiscol
Subject: Such a Pity
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 07:07:57 -0500
Vivekananda is a very inspiring personality who minced no words when it came to speaking the truth. These RKM Monks have disgraced their own spiritual master, spreading lies and deception. As a Hindu of the Adviata tradition and a great admirer of the Swami Vivekananda. it is very disappointing to hear this from RKM monks.
Name: seeker
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 11:15:15 -0500
It`s a shame. I have read the complete works of Swami Vivekananda beginning from his speech at Chicago in 1893. The Swami was harsh on the missionaries but he was soft on `Christ`. It is very evident in his writings. Nowhere did he praise Mohammad and his doings. Fact is he was critical of Islam. It is a pity that the monks of RK mission founded by the Swami have stooped so low. It is true that the the master of Swami Vivekananda, RK, turned to Islam for a brief time only to teach his followers that all paths lead to the same truth.
Name: seeker
Subject: mass grave
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 12:55:55 -0500
The author mentions about the massacre of some 600-800 captured men of the Banu Qurazia tribe at Medina by the Prophet and his companions.I want to know if any mass grave with skeletal remains of so many people was discovered at the location or it still has to be discovered? Can MA khan or anyone throw light on this matter.
Name: duh_swami
Subject: Mass graves
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 18:12:18 -0500
Seeker...There must be mass graves all over the place, but lost to time, or composted away long ago, not just Mohammads graveyards, but others from battles and disease...
Name: Leigh
Subject: seeker in the dark about own history
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 23:35:13 -0500
"The author mentions about the massacre of some 600-800 captured men of the Banu Qurazia tribe at Medina by the Prophet and his companions.I want to know if any mass grave with skeletal remains of so many people was discovered at the location or it still has to be discovered? Can MA khan or anyone throw light on this matter." Seeker: your OWN Islamic history mentions this massacre. What Islamic history have you been reading? Karen Armstrong?
Name: KJ
Subject: Arab Imperialism
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 03:03:22 -0500
It is very unfortunate that the majority of the people of asia & the western world do not understand that Islam is nothing but Arab Imperialism.Many biliions are kept under it's bondage thro fear alone.If you are a muslim you hae to accept every thing with out questioning,if you question to clear your mind & doubt death is the reward.Let us hope people of this wold realize Islam's true nature,a facade of truth,a house built by LIES.
Name: RRS
Subject: Bangladeshi apostates
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 03:46:19 -0500
I wonder how many apostates are there in Bangladesh.What are the actions taken to identify and help out potential apostates?
Name: Archpagan
Date: Sunday March 15, 2009
Time: 10:28:06 -0500
It is not the monks but our historians who are to be blamed for propagating lies.In our schools, it is very often the worst performers who choose History as major.So, intelligent people like Dr. Brahmachary, a Physicist and Dr N. S. Rajaram a Mathematician should come forward in larger number to teach us correct history. I am ashamed to think that I received my elementary History lessons through books written by scoundrels like R. S. sharma, K. M. Panikkar and Bipan Chandra.